Package exchangelib
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from .account import Account, Identity
from .attachments import FileAttachment, ItemAttachment
from .autodiscover import discover
from .configuration import Configuration, O365InteractiveConfiguration
from .credentials import (
from .ewsdatetime import UTC, UTC_NOW, EWSDate, EWSDateTime, EWSTimeZone
from .extended_properties import ExtendedProperty
from .folders import DEEP, SHALLOW, Folder, FolderCollection, RootOfHierarchy
from .items import (
from .properties import UID, Attendee, Body, DLMailbox, HTMLBody, ItemId, Mailbox, Room, RoomList
from .protocol import BaseProtocol, FailFast, FaultTolerance, NoVerifyHTTPAdapter, TLSClientAuth
from .restriction import Q
from .settings import OofSettings
from .transport import BASIC, CBA, DIGEST, GSSAPI, NTLM, OAUTH2, SSPI
from .version import Build, Version
__version__ = "5.5.0"
__all__ = [
import requests.utils
# Set a default user agent, e.g. "exchangelib/5.4.3 (python-requests/2.31.0)"
BaseProtocol.USERAGENT = f"{__name__}/{__version__} ({requests.utils.default_user_agent()})"
def close_connections():
from .autodiscover import close_connections as close_autodiscover_connections
from .protocol import close_connections as close_protocol_connections
Implements an Exchange user object and access types. Exchange provides two different ways of granting access for a login to a specific account …
Stores errors specific to this package, and mirrors all the possible errors that EWS can return.
A protocol is an endpoint for EWS service connections. It contains all necessary information to make HTTPS connections …
Implement a selection of EWS services (operations) …
A dict to translate from IANA location name to Windows timezone name. Translations taken from CLDR_WINZONE_URL
def UTC_NOW()
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UTC_NOW = lambda: # noqa: E731
def close_connections()
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def close_connections(): from .autodiscover import close_connections as close_autodiscover_connections from .protocol import close_connections as close_protocol_connections close_autodiscover_connections() close_protocol_connections()
def discover(email, credentials=None, auth_type=None, retry_policy=None)
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def discover(email, credentials=None, auth_type=None, retry_policy=None): ad_response, protocol = Autodiscovery(email=email, credentials=credentials).discover() protocol.config.auth_typ = auth_type protocol.config.retry_policy = retry_policy return ad_response, protocol
class AcceptItem (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class AcceptItem(BaseMeetingReplyItem): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "AcceptItem"
Class variables
Inherited members
class Account (primary_smtp_address, fullname=None, access_type=None, autodiscover=False, credentials=None, config=None, locale=None, default_timezone=None)
Models an Exchange server user account.
:param primary_smtp_address: The primary email address associated with the account on the Exchange server :param fullname: The full name of the account. Optional. (Default value = None) :param access_type: The access type granted to 'credentials' for this account. Valid options are 'delegate' and 'impersonation'. 'delegate' is default if 'credentials' is set. Otherwise, 'impersonation' is default. :param autodiscover: Whether to look up the EWS endpoint automatically using the autodiscover protocol. (Default value = False) :param credentials: A Credentials object containing valid credentials for this account. (Default value = None) :param config: A Configuration object containing EWS endpoint information. Required if autodiscover is disabled (Default value = None) :param locale: The locale of the user, e.g. 'en_US'. Defaults to the locale of the host, if available. :param default_timezone: EWS may return some datetime values without timezone information. In this case, we will assume values to be in the provided timezone. Defaults to the timezone of the host. :return:
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class Account: """Models an Exchange server user account.""" def __init__( self, primary_smtp_address, fullname=None, access_type=None, autodiscover=False, credentials=None, config=None, locale=None, default_timezone=None, ): """ :param primary_smtp_address: The primary email address associated with the account on the Exchange server :param fullname: The full name of the account. Optional. (Default value = None) :param access_type: The access type granted to 'credentials' for this account. Valid options are 'delegate' and 'impersonation'. 'delegate' is default if 'credentials' is set. Otherwise, 'impersonation' is default. :param autodiscover: Whether to look up the EWS endpoint automatically using the autodiscover protocol. (Default value = False) :param credentials: A Credentials object containing valid credentials for this account. (Default value = None) :param config: A Configuration object containing EWS endpoint information. Required if autodiscover is disabled (Default value = None) :param locale: The locale of the user, e.g. 'en_US'. Defaults to the locale of the host, if available. :param default_timezone: EWS may return some datetime values without timezone information. In this case, we will assume values to be in the provided timezone. Defaults to the timezone of the host. :return: """ if "@" not in primary_smtp_address: raise ValueError(f"primary_smtp_address {primary_smtp_address!r} is not an email address") self.fullname = fullname # Assume delegate access if individual credentials are provided. Else, assume service user with impersonation self.access_type = access_type or (DELEGATE if credentials else IMPERSONATION) if self.access_type not in ACCESS_TYPES: raise InvalidEnumValue("access_type", self.access_type, ACCESS_TYPES) try: # get_locale() might not be able to determine the locale self.locale = locale or stdlib_locale.getlocale()[0] or None except ValueError as e: # getlocale() may throw ValueError if it fails to parse the system locale log.warning("Failed to get locale (%s)", e) self.locale = None if not isinstance(self.locale, (type(None), str)): raise InvalidTypeError("locale", self.locale, str) if default_timezone: try: self.default_timezone = EWSTimeZone.from_timezone(default_timezone) except TypeError: raise InvalidTypeError("default_timezone", default_timezone, EWSTimeZone) else: try: self.default_timezone = EWSTimeZone.localzone() except (ValueError, UnknownTimeZone) as e: # There is no translation from local timezone name to Windows timezone name, or e failed to find the # local timezone. log.warning("%s. Fallback to UTC", e.args[0]) self.default_timezone = UTC if not isinstance(config, (Configuration, type(None))): raise InvalidTypeError("config", config, Configuration) if autodiscover: if config: auth_type, retry_policy, version, max_connections = ( config.auth_type, config.retry_policy, config.version, config.max_connections, ) if not credentials: credentials = config.credentials else: auth_type, retry_policy, version, max_connections = None, None, None, None self.ad_response, self.protocol = Autodiscovery( email=primary_smtp_address, credentials=credentials ).discover() # Let's not use the auth_package hint from the AD response. It could be incorrect and we can just guess. self.protocol.config.auth_type = auth_type if retry_policy: self.protocol.config.retry_policy = retry_policy if version: self.protocol.config.version = version self.protocol.max_connections = max_connections primary_smtp_address = self.ad_response.autodiscover_smtp_address else: if not config: raise AttributeError("non-autodiscover requires a config") self.ad_response = None self.protocol = Protocol(config=config) # Other ways of identifying the account can be added later self.identity = Identity(primary_smtp_address=primary_smtp_address) # For maintaining affinity in e.g. subscriptions self.affinity_cookie = None # We may need to override the default server version on a per-account basis because Microsoft may report one # server version up-front but delegate account requests to an older backend server. Create a new instance to # avoid changing the protocol version. self.version = self.protocol.version.copy() log.debug("Added account: %s", self) @property def primary_smtp_address(self): return self.identity.primary_smtp_address @threaded_cached_property def admin_audit_logs(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(AdminAuditLogs) @threaded_cached_property def archive_deleted_items(self): return self.archive_root.get_default_folder(ArchiveDeletedItems) @threaded_cached_property def archive_inbox(self): return self.archive_root.get_default_folder(ArchiveInbox) @threaded_cached_property def archive_msg_folder_root(self): return self.archive_root.get_default_folder(ArchiveMsgFolderRoot) @threaded_cached_property def archive_recoverable_items_deletions(self): return self.archive_root.get_default_folder(ArchiveRecoverableItemsDeletions) @threaded_cached_property def archive_recoverable_items_purges(self): return self.archive_root.get_default_folder(ArchiveRecoverableItemsPurges) @threaded_cached_property def archive_recoverable_items_root(self): return self.archive_root.get_default_folder(ArchiveRecoverableItemsRoot) @threaded_cached_property def archive_recoverable_items_versions(self): return self.archive_root.get_default_folder(ArchiveRecoverableItemsVersions) @threaded_cached_property def archive_root(self): return ArchiveRoot.get_distinguished(account=self) @threaded_cached_property def calendar(self): # If the account contains a shared calendar from a different user, that calendar will be in the folder list. # Attempt not to return one of those. An account may not always have a calendar called "Calendar", but a # Calendar folder with a localized name instead. Return that, if it's available, but always prefer any # distinguished folder returned by the server. return self.root.get_default_folder(Calendar) @threaded_cached_property def conflicts(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Conflicts) @threaded_cached_property def contacts(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Contacts) @threaded_cached_property def conversation_history(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(ConversationHistory) @threaded_cached_property def directory(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Directory) @threaded_cached_property def drafts(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Drafts) @threaded_cached_property def favorites(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Favorites) @threaded_cached_property def im_contact_list(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(IMContactList) @threaded_cached_property def inbox(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Inbox) @threaded_cached_property def journal(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Journal) @threaded_cached_property def junk(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(JunkEmail) @threaded_cached_property def local_failures(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(LocalFailures) @threaded_cached_property def msg_folder_root(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(MsgFolderRoot) @threaded_cached_property def my_contacts(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(MyContacts) @threaded_cached_property def notes(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Notes) @threaded_cached_property def outbox(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Outbox) @threaded_cached_property def people_connect(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(PeopleConnect) @threaded_cached_property def public_folders_root(self): return PublicFoldersRoot.get_distinguished(account=self) @threaded_cached_property def quick_contacts(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(QuickContacts) @threaded_cached_property def recipient_cache(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(RecipientCache) @threaded_cached_property def recoverable_items_deletions(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(RecoverableItemsDeletions) @threaded_cached_property def recoverable_items_purges(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(RecoverableItemsPurges) @threaded_cached_property def recoverable_items_root(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(RecoverableItemsRoot) @threaded_cached_property def recoverable_items_versions(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(RecoverableItemsVersions) @threaded_cached_property def root(self): return Root.get_distinguished(account=self) @threaded_cached_property def search_folders(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(SearchFolders) @threaded_cached_property def sent(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(SentItems) @threaded_cached_property def server_failures(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(ServerFailures) @threaded_cached_property def sync_issues(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(SyncIssues) @threaded_cached_property def tasks(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(Tasks) @threaded_cached_property def todo_search(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(ToDoSearch) @threaded_cached_property def trash(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(DeletedItems) @threaded_cached_property def voice_mail(self): return self.root.get_default_folder(VoiceMail) @property def domain(self): return get_domain(self.primary_smtp_address) @property def oof_settings(self): # We don't want to cache this property because then we can't easily get updates. 'threaded_cached_property' # supports the 'del self.oof_settings' syntax to invalidate the cache, but does not support custom setter # methods. Having a non-cached service call here goes against the assumption that properties are cheap, but the # alternative is to create get_oof_settings() and set_oof_settings(), and that's just too Java-ish for my taste. return GetUserOofSettings(account=self).get( mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.primary_smtp_address), ) @oof_settings.setter def oof_settings(self, value): SetUserOofSettings(account=self).get( oof_settings=value, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.primary_smtp_address), ) def _consume_item_service(self, service_cls, items, chunk_size, kwargs): if isinstance(items, QuerySet): # We just want an iterator over the results items = iter(items) is_empty, items = peek(items) if is_empty: # We accept generators, so it's not always convenient for caller to know up-front if 'ids' is empty. Allow # empty 'ids' and return early. return kwargs["items"] = items yield from service_cls(account=self, chunk_size=chunk_size).call(**kwargs) def export(self, items, chunk_size=None): """Return export strings of the given items. :param items: An iterable containing the Items we want to export :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list of strings, the exported representation of the object """ return list(self._consume_item_service(service_cls=ExportItems, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs={})) def upload(self, data, chunk_size=None): """Upload objects retrieved from an export to the given folders. :param data: An iterable of tuples containing the folder we want to upload the data to and the string outputs of exports. If you want to update items instead of create, the data must be a tuple of (ItemId, is_associated, data) values. :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list of tuples with the new ids and changekeys Example: account.upload([ (account.inbox, "AABBCC..."), (account.inbox, (ItemId('AA', 'BB'), False, "XXYYZZ...")), (account.inbox, (('CC', 'DD'), None, "XXYYZZ...")), (account.calendar, "ABCXYZ..."), ]) -> [("idA", "changekey"), ("idB", "changekey"), ("idC", "changekey")] """ items = ((f, (None, False, d) if isinstance(d, str) else d) for f, d in data) return list(self._consume_item_service(service_cls=UploadItems, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs={})) def bulk_create( self, folder, items, message_disposition=SAVE_ONLY, send_meeting_invitations=SEND_TO_NONE, chunk_size=None ): """Create new items in 'folder'. :param folder: the folder to create the items in :param items: an iterable of Item objects :param message_disposition: only applicable to Message items. Possible values are specified in MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CHOICES (Default value = SAVE_ONLY) :param send_meeting_invitations: only applicable to CalendarItem items. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_INVITATIONS_CHOICES (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: a list of either BulkCreateResult or exception instances in the same order as the input. The returned BulkCreateResult objects are normal Item objects except they only contain the 'id' and 'changekey' of the created item, and the 'id' of any attachments that were also created. """ if isinstance(items, QuerySet): # bulk_create() on a queryset does not make sense because it returns items that have already been created raise ValueError("Cannot bulk create items from a QuerySet") log.debug( "Adding items for %s (folder %s, message_disposition: %s, send_meeting_invitations: %s)", self, folder, message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations, ) return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=CreateItem, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( folder=folder, message_disposition=message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ), ) ) def bulk_update( self, items, conflict_resolution=AUTO_RESOLVE, message_disposition=SAVE_ONLY, send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations=SEND_TO_NONE, suppress_read_receipts=True, chunk_size=None, ): """Bulk update existing items. :param items: a list of (Item, fieldnames) tuples, where 'Item' is an Item object, and 'fieldnames' is a list containing the attributes on this Item object that we want to be updated. :param conflict_resolution: Possible values are specified in CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_CHOICES (Default value = AUTO_RESOLVE) :param message_disposition: only applicable to Message items. Possible values are specified in MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CHOICES (Default value = SAVE_ONLY) :param send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations: only applicable to CalendarItem items. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_INVITATIONS_AND_CANCELLATIONS_CHOICES (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param suppress_read_receipts: nly supported from Exchange 2013. True or False (Default value = True) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: a list of either (id, changekey) tuples or exception instances, in the same order as the input """ # bulk_update() on a queryset does not make sense because there would be no opportunity to alter the items. In # fact, it could be dangerous if the queryset contains an '.only()'. This would wipe out certain fields # entirely. if isinstance(items, QuerySet): raise ValueError("Cannot bulk update on a queryset") log.debug( "Updating items for %s (conflict_resolution %s, message_disposition: %s, send_meeting_invitations: %s)", self, conflict_resolution, message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations, ) return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=UpdateItem, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, message_disposition=message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations=send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations, suppress_read_receipts=suppress_read_receipts, ), ) ) def bulk_delete( self, ids, delete_type=HARD_DELETE, send_meeting_cancellations=SEND_TO_NONE, affected_task_occurrences=ALL_OCCURRENCES, suppress_read_receipts=True, chunk_size=None, ): """Bulk delete items. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param delete_type: the type of delete to perform. Possible values are specified in DELETE_TYPE_CHOICES (Default value = HARD_DELETE) :param send_meeting_cancellations: only applicable to CalendarItem. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_CANCELLATIONS_CHOICES. (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param affected_task_occurrences: only applicable for recurring Task items. Possible values are specified in AFFECTED_TASK_OCCURRENCES_CHOICES. (Default value = ALL_OCCURRENCES) :param suppress_read_receipts: only supported from Exchange 2013. True or False. (Default value = True) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: a list of either True or exception instances, in the same order as the input """ log.debug( "Deleting items for %s (delete_type: %s, send_meeting_invitations: %s, affected_task_occurrences: %s)", self, delete_type, send_meeting_cancellations, affected_task_occurrences, ) return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=DeleteItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( delete_type=delete_type, send_meeting_cancellations=send_meeting_cancellations, affected_task_occurrences=affected_task_occurrences, suppress_read_receipts=suppress_read_receipts, ), ) ) def bulk_send(self, ids, save_copy=True, copy_to_folder=None, chunk_size=None): """Send existing draft messages. If requested, save a copy in 'copy_to_folder'. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param save_copy: If true, saves a copy of the message (Default value = True) :param copy_to_folder: If requested, save a copy of the message in this folder. Default is the Sent folder :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: Status for each send operation, in the same order as the input """ if copy_to_folder and not save_copy: raise AttributeError("'save_copy' must be True when 'copy_to_folder' is set") if save_copy and not copy_to_folder: copy_to_folder = self.sent # 'Sent' is default EWS behaviour return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=SendItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( saved_item_folder=copy_to_folder, ), ) ) def bulk_copy(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None): """Copy items to another folder. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the copy operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: Status for each send operation, in the same order as the input """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=CopyItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( to_folder=to_folder, ), ) ) def bulk_move(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None): """Move items to another folder. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the copy operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: The new IDs of the moved items, in the same order as the input. If 'to_folder' is a public folder or a folder in a different mailbox, an empty list is returned. """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=MoveItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( to_folder=to_folder, ), ) ) def bulk_archive(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None): """Archive items to a folder in the archive mailbox. An archive mailbox must be enabled in order for this to work. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the archive operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list containing True or an exception instance in stable order of the requested items """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=ArchiveItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( to_folder=to_folder, ), ) ) def bulk_mark_as_junk(self, ids, is_junk, move_item, chunk_size=None): """Mark or un-mark message items as junk email and add or remove the sender from the blocked sender list. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param is_junk: Whether the messages are junk or not :param move_item: Whether to move the messages to the junk folder or not :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list containing the new IDs of the moved items, if items were moved, or True, or an exception instance, in stable order of the requested items. """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=MarkAsJunk, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( is_junk=is_junk, move_item=move_item, ), ) ) def fetch(self, ids, folder=None, only_fields=None, chunk_size=None): """Fetch items by ID. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param folder: used for validating 'only_fields' (Default value = None) :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A generator of Item objects, in the same order as the input """ validation_folder = folder or Folder(root=self.root) # Default to a folder type that supports all item types # 'ids' could be an unevaluated QuerySet, e.g. if we ended up here via `fetch(ids=some_folder.filter(...))`. In # that case, we want to use its iterator. Otherwise, peek() will start a count() which is wasteful because we # need the item IDs immediately afterwards. iterator() will only do the bare minimum. if only_fields is None: # We didn't restrict list of field paths. Get all fields from the server, including extended properties. additional_fields = { FieldPath(field=f) for f in validation_folder.allowed_item_fields(version=self.version) } else: for field in only_fields: validation_folder.validate_item_field(field=field, version=self.version) # Remove ItemId and ChangeKey. We get them unconditionally additional_fields = { f for f in validation_folder.normalize_fields(fields=only_fields) if not f.field.is_attribute } # Always use IdOnly here, because AllProperties doesn't actually get *all* properties yield from self._consume_item_service( service_cls=GetItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( additional_fields=additional_fields, shape=ID_ONLY, ), ) def fetch_personas(self, ids): """Fetch personas by ID. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Persona objects. :return: A generator of Persona objects, in the same order as the input """ if isinstance(ids, QuerySet): # We just want an iterator over the results ids = iter(ids) is_empty, ids = peek(ids) if is_empty: # We accept generators, so it's not always convenient for caller to know up-front if 'ids' is empty. Allow # empty 'ids' and return early. return yield from GetPersona(account=self).call(personas=ids) @property def mail_tips(self): """See self.oof_settings about caching considerations.""" return GetMailTips(protocol=self.protocol).get( sending_as=SendingAs(email_address=self.primary_smtp_address), recipients=[Mailbox(email_address=self.primary_smtp_address)], mail_tips_requested="All", ) @property def delegates(self): """Return a list of DelegateUser objects representing the delegates that are set on this account.""" return list(GetDelegate(account=self).call(user_ids=None, include_permissions=True)) @property def rules(self): """Return a list of Rule objects representing the rules that are set on this account.""" return list(GetInboxRules(account=self).call()) def create_rule(self, rule: Rule): """Create an Inbox rule. :param rule: The rule to create. Must have at least 'display_name' set. :return: None if success, else raises an error. """ CreateInboxRule(account=self).get(rule=rule, remove_outlook_rule_blob=True) # After creating the rule, query all rules, # find the rule that was just created, and return its ID. try: = {i.display_name: i for i in GetInboxRules(account=self).call()}[rule.display_name].id except KeyError: raise ResponseMessageError(f"Failed to create rule ({rule.display_name})!") def set_rule(self, rule: Rule): """Modify an Inbox rule. :param rule: The rule to set. Must have an ID. :return: None if success, else raises an error. """ SetInboxRule(account=self).get(rule=rule) def delete_rule(self, rule: Rule): """Delete an Inbox rule. :param rule: The rule to delete. Must have an ID. :return: None if success, else raises an error. """ if not raise ValueError("Rule must have an ID") DeleteInboxRule(account=self).get(rule=rule) = None def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60): """Create a pull subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param timeout: Timeout of the subscription, in minutes. Timeout is reset when the server receives a GetEvents request for this subscription. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPull(account=self).get( folders=None, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, timeout=timeout, ) def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1): """Create a push subscription. :param callback_url: A client-defined URL that the server will call :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param status_frequency: The frequency, in minutes, that the callback URL will be called with. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPush(account=self).get( folders=None, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, status_frequency=status_frequency, url=callback_url, ) def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None): """Create a streaming subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :return: The subscription ID """ if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToStreaming.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToStreaming(account=self).get(folders=None, event_types=event_types) def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PullSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) def push_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PushSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs): return StreamingSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id): """Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|streaming]() :return: True This method doesn't need the current collection instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ return Unsubscribe(account=self).get(subscription_id=subscription_id) def __str__(self): if self.fullname: return f"{self.primary_smtp_address} ({self.fullname})" return self.primary_smtp_address
Instance variables
var admin_audit_logs
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_deleted_items
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_inbox
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_msg_folder_root
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_recoverable_items_deletions
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_recoverable_items_purges
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_recoverable_items_root
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_recoverable_items_versions
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var archive_root
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var calendar
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var conflicts
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var contacts
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var conversation_history
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var delegates
Return a list of DelegateUser objects representing the delegates that are set on this account.
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@property def delegates(self): """Return a list of DelegateUser objects representing the delegates that are set on this account.""" return list(GetDelegate(account=self).call(user_ids=None, include_permissions=True))
var directory
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var domain
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@property def domain(self): return get_domain(self.primary_smtp_address)
var drafts
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var favorites
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var im_contact_list
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var inbox
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var journal
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var junk
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var local_failures
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var mail_tips
See self.oof_settings about caching considerations.
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@property def mail_tips(self): """See self.oof_settings about caching considerations.""" return GetMailTips(protocol=self.protocol).get( sending_as=SendingAs(email_address=self.primary_smtp_address), recipients=[Mailbox(email_address=self.primary_smtp_address)], mail_tips_requested="All", )
var msg_folder_root
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var my_contacts
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var notes
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var oof_settings
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@property def oof_settings(self): # We don't want to cache this property because then we can't easily get updates. 'threaded_cached_property' # supports the 'del self.oof_settings' syntax to invalidate the cache, but does not support custom setter # methods. Having a non-cached service call here goes against the assumption that properties are cheap, but the # alternative is to create get_oof_settings() and set_oof_settings(), and that's just too Java-ish for my taste. return GetUserOofSettings(account=self).get( mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.primary_smtp_address), )
var outbox
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var people_connect
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var primary_smtp_address
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@property def primary_smtp_address(self): return self.identity.primary_smtp_address
var public_folders_root
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var quick_contacts
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var recipient_cache
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var recoverable_items_deletions
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var recoverable_items_purges
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var recoverable_items_root
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var recoverable_items_versions
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var root
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var rules
Return a list of Rule objects representing the rules that are set on this account.
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@property def rules(self): """Return a list of Rule objects representing the rules that are set on this account.""" return list(GetInboxRules(account=self).call())
var search_folders
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var sent
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var server_failures
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var sync_issues
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var tasks
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var todo_search
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var trash
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var voice_mail
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
def bulk_archive(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None)
Archive items to a folder in the archive mailbox. An archive mailbox must be enabled in order for this to work.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the archive operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: A list containing True or an exception instance in stable order of the requested items
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def bulk_archive(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None): """Archive items to a folder in the archive mailbox. An archive mailbox must be enabled in order for this to work. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the archive operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list containing True or an exception instance in stable order of the requested items """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=ArchiveItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( to_folder=to_folder, ), ) )
def bulk_copy(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None)
Copy items to another folder.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the copy operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: Status for each send operation, in the same order as the input
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def bulk_copy(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None): """Copy items to another folder. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the copy operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: Status for each send operation, in the same order as the input """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=CopyItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( to_folder=to_folder, ), ) )
def bulk_create(self, folder, items, message_disposition='SaveOnly', send_meeting_invitations='SendToNone', chunk_size=None)
Create new items in 'folder'.
:param folder: the folder to create the items in :param items: an iterable of Item objects :param message_disposition: only applicable to Message items. Possible values are specified in MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CHOICES (Default value = SAVE_ONLY) :param send_meeting_invitations: only applicable to CalendarItem items. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_INVITATIONS_CHOICES (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: a list of either BulkCreateResult or exception instances in the same order as the input. The returned BulkCreateResult objects are normal Item objects except they only contain the 'id' and 'changekey' of the created item, and the 'id' of any attachments that were also created.
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def bulk_create( self, folder, items, message_disposition=SAVE_ONLY, send_meeting_invitations=SEND_TO_NONE, chunk_size=None ): """Create new items in 'folder'. :param folder: the folder to create the items in :param items: an iterable of Item objects :param message_disposition: only applicable to Message items. Possible values are specified in MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CHOICES (Default value = SAVE_ONLY) :param send_meeting_invitations: only applicable to CalendarItem items. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_INVITATIONS_CHOICES (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: a list of either BulkCreateResult or exception instances in the same order as the input. The returned BulkCreateResult objects are normal Item objects except they only contain the 'id' and 'changekey' of the created item, and the 'id' of any attachments that were also created. """ if isinstance(items, QuerySet): # bulk_create() on a queryset does not make sense because it returns items that have already been created raise ValueError("Cannot bulk create items from a QuerySet") log.debug( "Adding items for %s (folder %s, message_disposition: %s, send_meeting_invitations: %s)", self, folder, message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations, ) return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=CreateItem, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( folder=folder, message_disposition=message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ), ) )
def bulk_delete(self, ids, delete_type='HardDelete', send_meeting_cancellations='SendToNone', affected_task_occurrences='AllOccurrences', suppress_read_receipts=True, chunk_size=None)
Bulk delete items.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param delete_type: the type of delete to perform. Possible values are specified in DELETE_TYPE_CHOICES (Default value = HARD_DELETE) :param send_meeting_cancellations: only applicable to CalendarItem. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_CANCELLATIONS_CHOICES. (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param affected_task_occurrences: only applicable for recurring Task items. Possible values are specified in AFFECTED_TASK_OCCURRENCES_CHOICES. (Default value = ALL_OCCURRENCES) :param suppress_read_receipts: only supported from Exchange 2013. True or False. (Default value = True) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: a list of either True or exception instances, in the same order as the input
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def bulk_delete( self, ids, delete_type=HARD_DELETE, send_meeting_cancellations=SEND_TO_NONE, affected_task_occurrences=ALL_OCCURRENCES, suppress_read_receipts=True, chunk_size=None, ): """Bulk delete items. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param delete_type: the type of delete to perform. Possible values are specified in DELETE_TYPE_CHOICES (Default value = HARD_DELETE) :param send_meeting_cancellations: only applicable to CalendarItem. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_CANCELLATIONS_CHOICES. (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param affected_task_occurrences: only applicable for recurring Task items. Possible values are specified in AFFECTED_TASK_OCCURRENCES_CHOICES. (Default value = ALL_OCCURRENCES) :param suppress_read_receipts: only supported from Exchange 2013. True or False. (Default value = True) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: a list of either True or exception instances, in the same order as the input """ log.debug( "Deleting items for %s (delete_type: %s, send_meeting_invitations: %s, affected_task_occurrences: %s)", self, delete_type, send_meeting_cancellations, affected_task_occurrences, ) return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=DeleteItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( delete_type=delete_type, send_meeting_cancellations=send_meeting_cancellations, affected_task_occurrences=affected_task_occurrences, suppress_read_receipts=suppress_read_receipts, ), ) )
def bulk_mark_as_junk(self, ids, is_junk, move_item, chunk_size=None)
Mark or un-mark message items as junk email and add or remove the sender from the blocked sender list.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param is_junk: Whether the messages are junk or not :param move_item: Whether to move the messages to the junk folder or not :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: A list containing the new IDs of the moved items, if items were moved, or True, or an exception instance, in stable order of the requested items.
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def bulk_mark_as_junk(self, ids, is_junk, move_item, chunk_size=None): """Mark or un-mark message items as junk email and add or remove the sender from the blocked sender list. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param is_junk: Whether the messages are junk or not :param move_item: Whether to move the messages to the junk folder or not :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list containing the new IDs of the moved items, if items were moved, or True, or an exception instance, in stable order of the requested items. """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=MarkAsJunk, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( is_junk=is_junk, move_item=move_item, ), ) )
def bulk_move(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None)
Move items to another folder.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the copy operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: The new IDs of the moved items, in the same order as the input. If 'to_folder' is a public folder or a folder in a different mailbox, an empty list is returned.
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def bulk_move(self, ids, to_folder, chunk_size=None): """Move items to another folder. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param to_folder: The destination folder of the copy operation :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: The new IDs of the moved items, in the same order as the input. If 'to_folder' is a public folder or a folder in a different mailbox, an empty list is returned. """ return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=MoveItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( to_folder=to_folder, ), ) )
def bulk_send(self, ids, save_copy=True, copy_to_folder=None, chunk_size=None)
Send existing draft messages. If requested, save a copy in 'copy_to_folder'.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param save_copy: If true, saves a copy of the message (Default value = True) :param copy_to_folder: If requested, save a copy of the message in this folder. Default is the Sent folder :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: Status for each send operation, in the same order as the input
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def bulk_send(self, ids, save_copy=True, copy_to_folder=None, chunk_size=None): """Send existing draft messages. If requested, save a copy in 'copy_to_folder'. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param save_copy: If true, saves a copy of the message (Default value = True) :param copy_to_folder: If requested, save a copy of the message in this folder. Default is the Sent folder :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: Status for each send operation, in the same order as the input """ if copy_to_folder and not save_copy: raise AttributeError("'save_copy' must be True when 'copy_to_folder' is set") if save_copy and not copy_to_folder: copy_to_folder = self.sent # 'Sent' is default EWS behaviour return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=SendItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( saved_item_folder=copy_to_folder, ), ) )
def bulk_update(self, items, conflict_resolution='AutoResolve', message_disposition='SaveOnly', send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations='SendToNone', suppress_read_receipts=True, chunk_size=None)
Bulk update existing items.
:param items: a list of (Item, fieldnames) tuples, where 'Item' is an Item object, and 'fieldnames' is a list containing the attributes on this Item object that we want to be updated. :param conflict_resolution: Possible values are specified in CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_CHOICES (Default value = AUTO_RESOLVE) :param message_disposition: only applicable to Message items. Possible values are specified in MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CHOICES (Default value = SAVE_ONLY) :param send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations: only applicable to CalendarItem items. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_INVITATIONS_AND_CANCELLATIONS_CHOICES (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param suppress_read_receipts: nly supported from Exchange 2013. True or False (Default value = True) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: a list of either (id, changekey) tuples or exception instances, in the same order as the input
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def bulk_update( self, items, conflict_resolution=AUTO_RESOLVE, message_disposition=SAVE_ONLY, send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations=SEND_TO_NONE, suppress_read_receipts=True, chunk_size=None, ): """Bulk update existing items. :param items: a list of (Item, fieldnames) tuples, where 'Item' is an Item object, and 'fieldnames' is a list containing the attributes on this Item object that we want to be updated. :param conflict_resolution: Possible values are specified in CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_CHOICES (Default value = AUTO_RESOLVE) :param message_disposition: only applicable to Message items. Possible values are specified in MESSAGE_DISPOSITION_CHOICES (Default value = SAVE_ONLY) :param send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations: only applicable to CalendarItem items. Possible values are specified in SEND_MEETING_INVITATIONS_AND_CANCELLATIONS_CHOICES (Default value = SEND_TO_NONE) :param suppress_read_receipts: nly supported from Exchange 2013. True or False (Default value = True) :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: a list of either (id, changekey) tuples or exception instances, in the same order as the input """ # bulk_update() on a queryset does not make sense because there would be no opportunity to alter the items. In # fact, it could be dangerous if the queryset contains an '.only()'. This would wipe out certain fields # entirely. if isinstance(items, QuerySet): raise ValueError("Cannot bulk update on a queryset") log.debug( "Updating items for %s (conflict_resolution %s, message_disposition: %s, send_meeting_invitations: %s)", self, conflict_resolution, message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations, ) return list( self._consume_item_service( service_cls=UpdateItem, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, message_disposition=message_disposition, send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations=send_meeting_invitations_or_cancellations, suppress_read_receipts=suppress_read_receipts, ), ) )
def create_rule(self, rule: Rule)
Create an Inbox rule.
:param rule: The rule to create. Must have at least 'display_name' set. :return: None if success, else raises an error.
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def create_rule(self, rule: Rule): """Create an Inbox rule. :param rule: The rule to create. Must have at least 'display_name' set. :return: None if success, else raises an error. """ CreateInboxRule(account=self).get(rule=rule, remove_outlook_rule_blob=True) # After creating the rule, query all rules, # find the rule that was just created, and return its ID. try: = {i.display_name: i for i in GetInboxRules(account=self).call()}[rule.display_name].id except KeyError: raise ResponseMessageError(f"Failed to create rule ({rule.display_name})!")
def delete_rule(self, rule: Rule)
Delete an Inbox rule.
:param rule: The rule to delete. Must have an ID. :return: None if success, else raises an error.
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def delete_rule(self, rule: Rule): """Delete an Inbox rule. :param rule: The rule to delete. Must have an ID. :return: None if success, else raises an error. """ if not raise ValueError("Rule must have an ID") DeleteInboxRule(account=self).get(rule=rule) = None
def export(self, items, chunk_size=None)
Return export strings of the given items.
:param items: An iterable containing the Items we want to export :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: A list of strings, the exported representation of the object
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def export(self, items, chunk_size=None): """Return export strings of the given items. :param items: An iterable containing the Items we want to export :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list of strings, the exported representation of the object """ return list(self._consume_item_service(service_cls=ExportItems, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs={}))
def fetch(self, ids, folder=None, only_fields=None, chunk_size=None)
Fetch items by ID.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param folder: used for validating 'only_fields' (Default value = None) :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: A generator of Item objects, in the same order as the input
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def fetch(self, ids, folder=None, only_fields=None, chunk_size=None): """Fetch items by ID. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. :param folder: used for validating 'only_fields' (Default value = None) :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A generator of Item objects, in the same order as the input """ validation_folder = folder or Folder(root=self.root) # Default to a folder type that supports all item types # 'ids' could be an unevaluated QuerySet, e.g. if we ended up here via `fetch(ids=some_folder.filter(...))`. In # that case, we want to use its iterator. Otherwise, peek() will start a count() which is wasteful because we # need the item IDs immediately afterwards. iterator() will only do the bare minimum. if only_fields is None: # We didn't restrict list of field paths. Get all fields from the server, including extended properties. additional_fields = { FieldPath(field=f) for f in validation_folder.allowed_item_fields(version=self.version) } else: for field in only_fields: validation_folder.validate_item_field(field=field, version=self.version) # Remove ItemId and ChangeKey. We get them unconditionally additional_fields = { f for f in validation_folder.normalize_fields(fields=only_fields) if not f.field.is_attribute } # Always use IdOnly here, because AllProperties doesn't actually get *all* properties yield from self._consume_item_service( service_cls=GetItem, items=ids, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs=dict( additional_fields=additional_fields, shape=ID_ONLY, ), )
def fetch_personas(self, ids)
Fetch personas by ID.
:param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Persona objects. :return: A generator of Persona objects, in the same order as the input
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def fetch_personas(self, ids): """Fetch personas by ID. :param ids: an iterable of either (id, changekey) tuples or Persona objects. :return: A generator of Persona objects, in the same order as the input """ if isinstance(ids, QuerySet): # We just want an iterator over the results ids = iter(ids) is_empty, ids = peek(ids) if is_empty: # We accept generators, so it's not always convenient for caller to know up-front if 'ids' is empty. Allow # empty 'ids' and return early. return yield from GetPersona(account=self).call(personas=ids)
def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PullSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def push_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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def push_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PushSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def set_rule(self, rule: Rule)
Modify an Inbox rule.
:param rule: The rule to set. Must have an ID. :return: None if success, else raises an error.
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def set_rule(self, rule: Rule): """Modify an Inbox rule. :param rule: The rule to set. Must have an ID. :return: None if success, else raises an error. """ SetInboxRule(account=self).get(rule=rule)
def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs): return StreamingSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60)
Create a pull subscription.
:param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param timeout: Timeout of the subscription, in minutes. Timeout is reset when the server receives a GetEvents request for this subscription. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark
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def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60): """Create a pull subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param timeout: Timeout of the subscription, in minutes. Timeout is reset when the server receives a GetEvents request for this subscription. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPull(account=self).get( folders=None, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, timeout=timeout, )
def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1)
Create a push subscription.
:param callback_url: A client-defined URL that the server will call :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param status_frequency: The frequency, in minutes, that the callback URL will be called with. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark
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def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1): """Create a push subscription. :param callback_url: A client-defined URL that the server will call :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param status_frequency: The frequency, in minutes, that the callback URL will be called with. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPush(account=self).get( folders=None, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, status_frequency=status_frequency, url=callback_url, )
def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None)
Create a streaming subscription.
:param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :return: The subscription ID
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def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None): """Create a streaming subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :return: The subscription ID """ if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToStreaming.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToStreaming(account=self).get(folders=None, event_types=event_types)
def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id)
Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications.
:param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_pull|streaming :return: True
This method doesn't need the current collection instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods.
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def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id): """Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|streaming]() :return: True This method doesn't need the current collection instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ return Unsubscribe(account=self).get(subscription_id=subscription_id)
def upload(self, data, chunk_size=None)
Upload objects retrieved from an export to the given folders.
:param data: An iterable of tuples containing the folder we want to upload the data to and the string outputs of exports. If you want to update items instead of create, the data must be a tuple of (ItemId, is_associated, data) values. :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None)
:return: A list of tuples with the new ids and changekeys
Example: account.upload([ (account.inbox, "AABBCC…"), (account.inbox, (ItemId('AA', 'BB'), False, "XXYYZZ…")), (account.inbox, (('CC', 'DD'), None, "XXYYZZ…")), (account.calendar, "ABCXYZ…"), ]) -> [("idA", "changekey"), ("idB", "changekey"), ("idC", "changekey")]
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def upload(self, data, chunk_size=None): """Upload objects retrieved from an export to the given folders. :param data: An iterable of tuples containing the folder we want to upload the data to and the string outputs of exports. If you want to update items instead of create, the data must be a tuple of (ItemId, is_associated, data) values. :param chunk_size: The number of items to send to the server in a single request (Default value = None) :return: A list of tuples with the new ids and changekeys Example: account.upload([ (account.inbox, "AABBCC..."), (account.inbox, (ItemId('AA', 'BB'), False, "XXYYZZ...")), (account.inbox, (('CC', 'DD'), None, "XXYYZZ...")), (account.calendar, "ABCXYZ..."), ]) -> [("idA", "changekey"), ("idB", "changekey"), ("idC", "changekey")] """ items = ((f, (None, False, d) if isinstance(d, str) else d) for f, d in data) return list(self._consume_item_service(service_cls=UploadItems, items=items, chunk_size=chunk_size, kwargs={}))
class Attendee (**kwargs)
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class Attendee(EWSElement): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "Attendee" RESPONSE_TYPES = {"Unknown", "Organizer", "Tentative", "Accept", "Decline", "NoResponseReceived"} mailbox = MailboxField(is_required=True) response_type = ChoiceField( field_uri="ResponseType", choices={Choice(c) for c in RESPONSE_TYPES}, default="Unknown" ) last_response_time = DateTimeField(field_uri="LastResponseTime") proposed_start = DateTimeField(field_uri="ProposedStart") proposed_end = DateTimeField(field_uri="ProposedEnd") def __hash__(self): return hash(self.mailbox)
Class variables
Instance variables
var last_response_time
var mailbox
var proposed_end
var proposed_start
var response_type
Inherited members
class BaseProtocol (config)
Base class for Protocol which implements the bare essentials.
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class BaseProtocol: """Base class for Protocol which implements the bare essentials.""" # The maximum number of sessions (== TCP connections, see below) we will open to this service endpoint. Keep this # low unless you have an agreement with the Exchange admin on the receiving end to hammer the server and # rate-limiting policies have been disabled for the connecting user. Changing this setting only makes sense if # you are using threads to run multiple concurrent workers in this process. SESSION_POOLSIZE = 1 # We want only 1 TCP connection per Session object. We may have lots of different credentials hitting the server and # each credential needs its own session (NTLM auth will only send credentials once and then secure the connection, # so a connection can only handle requests for one credential). Having multiple connections per Session could # quickly exhaust the maximum number of concurrent connections the Exchange server allows from one client. CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION = 1 # The number of times a session may be reused before creating a new session object. 'None' means "infinite". # Discarding sessions after a certain number of usages may limit memory leaks in the Session object. MAX_SESSION_USAGE_COUNT = None # Timeout for HTTP requests TIMEOUT = 120 RETRY_WAIT = 10 # Seconds to wait before retry on connection errors # The adapter class to use for HTTP requests. Override this if you need e.g. proxy support or specific TLS versions HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter # The User-Agent header to use for HTTP requests. Override this to set an app-specific one USERAGENT = None def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self._session_pool_size = 0 self._session_pool_maxsize = config.max_connections or self.SESSION_POOLSIZE # Try to behave nicely with the remote server. We want to keep the connection open between requests. # We also want to re-use sessions, to avoid the NTLM auth handshake on every request. We must know the # authentication method to create sessions. self._session_pool = LifoQueue() self._session_pool_lock = Lock() @property def service_endpoint(self): return self.config.service_endpoint @abc.abstractmethod def get_auth_type(self): """Autodetect authentication type""" @property def auth_type(self): # Autodetect authentication type if necessary if self.config.auth_type is None: self.config.auth_type = self.get_auth_type() return self.config.auth_type @property def credentials(self): return self.config.credentials @credentials.setter def credentials(self, value): # We are updating credentials, but that doesn't automatically propagate to the session objects. The simplest # solution is to just kill the sessions in the pool. with self._session_pool_lock: self.config._credentials = value self.close() @property def max_connections(self): return self._session_pool_maxsize @max_connections.setter def max_connections(self, value): with self._session_pool_lock: self._session_pool_maxsize = value or self.SESSION_POOLSIZE @property def retry_policy(self): return self.config.retry_policy @property def server(self): return self.config.server def __getstate__(self): # The session pool and lock cannot be pickled state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["_session_pool"] del state["_session_pool_lock"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # Restore the session pool and lock self.__dict__.update(state) self._session_pool = LifoQueue() self._session_pool_lock = Lock() def __del__(self): # pylint: disable=bare-except try: self.close() except Exception: # nosec # __del__ should never fail pass def close(self): log.debug("Server %s: Closing sessions", self.server) while True: try: session = self._session_pool.get(block=False) self.close_session(session) self._session_pool_size -= 1 except Empty: break @classmethod def get_adapter(cls): # We want just one connection per session. No retries, since we wrap all requests in our own retry handler return cls.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS( pool_block=True, pool_connections=cls.CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION, pool_maxsize=cls.CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION, max_retries=0, ) @property def session_pool_size(self): return self._session_pool_size def increase_poolsize(self): """Increases the session pool size. We increase by one session per call.""" # Create a single session and insert it into the pool. We need to protect this with a lock while we are changing # the pool size variable, to avoid race conditions. We must not exceed the pool size limit. if self._session_pool_size >= self._session_pool_maxsize: raise SessionPoolMaxSizeReached("Session pool size cannot be increased further") with self._session_pool_lock: if self._session_pool_size >= self._session_pool_maxsize: log.debug("Session pool size was increased in another thread") return log.debug( "Server %s: Increasing session pool size from %s to %s", self.server, self._session_pool_size, self._session_pool_size + 1, ) self._session_pool.put(self.create_session(), block=False) self._session_pool_size += 1 def decrease_poolsize(self): """Decreases the session pool size in response to error messages from the server requesting to rate-limit requests. We decrease by one session per call. """ # Take a single session from the pool and discard it. We need to protect this with a lock while we are changing # the pool size variable, to avoid race conditions. We must keep at least one session in the pool. if self._session_pool_size <= 1: raise SessionPoolMinSizeReached("Session pool size cannot be decreased further") with self._session_pool_lock: if self._session_pool_size <= 1: log.debug("Session pool size was decreased in another thread") return log.warning( "Server %s: Decreasing session pool size from %s to %s", self.server, self._session_pool_size, self._session_pool_size - 1, ) session = self.get_session() self.close_session(session) self._session_pool_size -= 1 def get_session(self): # Try to get a session from the queue. If the queue is empty, try to add one more session to the queue. If the # queue is already at its max, wait until a session becomes available. _timeout = 60 # Rate-limit messages about session starvation try: session = self._session_pool.get(block=False) log.debug("Server %s: Got session immediately", self.server) except Empty: with suppress(SessionPoolMaxSizeReached): self.increase_poolsize() while True: try: log.debug("Server %s: Waiting for session", self.server) session = self._session_pool.get(timeout=_timeout) break except Empty: # This is normal when we have many worker threads starving for available sessions log.debug("Server %s: No sessions available for %s seconds", self.server, _timeout) log.debug("Server %s: Got session %s", self.server, session.session_id) session.usage_count += 1 return session def release_session(self, session): # This should never fail, as we don't have more sessions than the queue contains log.debug("Server %s: Releasing session %s", self.server, session.session_id) if self.MAX_SESSION_USAGE_COUNT and session.usage_count >= self.MAX_SESSION_USAGE_COUNT: log.debug("Server %s: session %s usage exceeded limit. Discarding", self.server, session.session_id) session = self.renew_session(session) self._session_pool.put(session, block=False) def close_session(self, session): if isinstance(self.credentials, BaseOAuth2Credentials) and isinstance( self.credentials.client, BackendApplicationClient ): # Reset access token with self.credentials.lock: self.credentials.access_token = None session.close() del session def retire_session(self, session): # The session is useless. Close it completely and place a fresh session in the pool log.debug("Server %s: Retiring session %s", self.server, session.session_id) self.close_session(session) self.release_session(self.create_session()) def renew_session(self, session): # The session is useless. Close it completely and place a fresh session in the pool log.debug("Server %s: Renewing session %s", self.server, session.session_id) self.close_session(session) return self.create_session() def refresh_credentials(self, session): # Credentials need to be refreshed, probably due to an OAuth # access token expiring. If we've gotten here, it's because the # application didn't provide an OAuth client secret, so we can't # handle token refreshing for it. with self.credentials.lock: if self.credentials.sig() == session.credentials_sig: # Credentials have not been refreshed by another thread: # they're the same as the session was created with. If # this isn't the case, we can just go ahead with a new # session using the already-updated credentials. self.credentials.refresh(session=session) return self.renew_session(session) def create_session(self): if self.credentials is None: if self.auth_type in CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED: raise ValueError(f"Auth type {self.auth_type!r} requires credentials") session = self.raw_session(self.service_endpoint) session.auth = get_auth_instance(auth_type=self.auth_type) else: if isinstance(self.credentials, BaseOAuth2Credentials): with self.credentials.lock: session = self.create_oauth2_session() # Keep track of the credentials used to create this session. If and when we need to renew # credentials (for example, refreshing an OAuth access token), this lets us easily determine whether # the credentials have already been refreshed in another thread by the time this session tries. session.credentials_sig = self.credentials.sig() else: if self.auth_type == NTLM and self.credentials.type == self.credentials.EMAIL: username = "\\" + self.credentials.username else: username = self.credentials.username session = self.raw_session(self.service_endpoint) session.auth = get_auth_instance( auth_type=self.auth_type, username=username, password=self.credentials.password ) # Add some extra info session.session_id = random.randint(10000, 99999) # Used for debugging messages in services session.usage_count = 0 log.debug("Server %s: Created session %s", self.server, session.session_id) return session def create_oauth2_session(self): session = self.raw_session( self.service_endpoint, oauth2_client=self.credentials.client, oauth2_session_params=self.credentials.session_params(), oauth2_token_endpoint=self.credentials.token_url, ) if not session.token: # Fetch the token explicitly -- it doesn't occur implicitly token = session.fetch_token( token_url=self.credentials.token_url, client_id=self.credentials.client_id, client_secret=self.credentials.client_secret, scope=self.credentials.scope, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, **self.credentials.token_params(), ) # Allow the credentials object to update its copy of the new token, and give the application an opportunity # to cache it. self.credentials.on_token_auto_refreshed(token) session.auth = get_auth_instance(auth_type=OAUTH2, client=self.credentials.client) return session @classmethod def raw_session(cls, prefix, oauth2_client=None, oauth2_session_params=None, oauth2_token_endpoint=None): if oauth2_client: session = OAuth2Session(client=oauth2_client, **(oauth2_session_params or {})) else: session = requests.sessions.Session() session.headers.update(DEFAULT_HEADERS) session.headers["User-Agent"] = cls.USERAGENT session.mount(prefix, adapter=cls.get_adapter()) if oauth2_token_endpoint: session.mount(oauth2_token_endpoint, adapter=cls.get_adapter()) return session def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + repr((self.service_endpoint, self.credentials, self.auth_type))
Class variables
The built-in HTTP Adapter for urllib3.
Provides a general-case interface for Requests sessions to contact HTTP and HTTPS urls by implementing the Transport Adapter interface. This class will usually be created by the :class:
Session <Session>
class under the covers.:param pool_connections: The number of urllib3 connection pools to cache. :param pool_maxsize: The maximum number of connections to save in the pool. :param max_retries: The maximum number of retries each connection should attempt. Note, this applies only to failed DNS lookups, socket connections and connection timeouts, never to requests where data has made it to the server. By default, Requests does not retry failed connections. If you need granular control over the conditions under which we retry a request, import urllib3's
class and pass that instead. :param pool_block: Whether the connection pool should block for connections.Usage::
import requests s = requests.Session() a = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3) s.mount('http://', a)
Static methods
def get_adapter()
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@classmethod def get_adapter(cls): # We want just one connection per session. No retries, since we wrap all requests in our own retry handler return cls.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS( pool_block=True, pool_connections=cls.CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION, pool_maxsize=cls.CONNECTIONS_PER_SESSION, max_retries=0, )
def raw_session(prefix, oauth2_client=None, oauth2_session_params=None, oauth2_token_endpoint=None)
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@classmethod def raw_session(cls, prefix, oauth2_client=None, oauth2_session_params=None, oauth2_token_endpoint=None): if oauth2_client: session = OAuth2Session(client=oauth2_client, **(oauth2_session_params or {})) else: session = requests.sessions.Session() session.headers.update(DEFAULT_HEADERS) session.headers["User-Agent"] = cls.USERAGENT session.mount(prefix, adapter=cls.get_adapter()) if oauth2_token_endpoint: session.mount(oauth2_token_endpoint, adapter=cls.get_adapter()) return session
Instance variables
var auth_type
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@property def auth_type(self): # Autodetect authentication type if necessary if self.config.auth_type is None: self.config.auth_type = self.get_auth_type() return self.config.auth_type
var credentials
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@property def credentials(self): return self.config.credentials
var max_connections
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@property def max_connections(self): return self._session_pool_maxsize
var retry_policy
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@property def retry_policy(self): return self.config.retry_policy
var server
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@property def server(self): return self.config.server
var service_endpoint
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@property def service_endpoint(self): return self.config.service_endpoint
var session_pool_size
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@property def session_pool_size(self): return self._session_pool_size
def close(self)
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def close(self): log.debug("Server %s: Closing sessions", self.server) while True: try: session = self._session_pool.get(block=False) self.close_session(session) self._session_pool_size -= 1 except Empty: break
def close_session(self, session)
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def close_session(self, session): if isinstance(self.credentials, BaseOAuth2Credentials) and isinstance( self.credentials.client, BackendApplicationClient ): # Reset access token with self.credentials.lock: self.credentials.access_token = None session.close() del session
def create_oauth2_session(self)
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def create_oauth2_session(self): session = self.raw_session( self.service_endpoint, oauth2_client=self.credentials.client, oauth2_session_params=self.credentials.session_params(), oauth2_token_endpoint=self.credentials.token_url, ) if not session.token: # Fetch the token explicitly -- it doesn't occur implicitly token = session.fetch_token( token_url=self.credentials.token_url, client_id=self.credentials.client_id, client_secret=self.credentials.client_secret, scope=self.credentials.scope, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, **self.credentials.token_params(), ) # Allow the credentials object to update its copy of the new token, and give the application an opportunity # to cache it. self.credentials.on_token_auto_refreshed(token) session.auth = get_auth_instance(auth_type=OAUTH2, client=self.credentials.client) return session
def create_session(self)
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def create_session(self): if self.credentials is None: if self.auth_type in CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED: raise ValueError(f"Auth type {self.auth_type!r} requires credentials") session = self.raw_session(self.service_endpoint) session.auth = get_auth_instance(auth_type=self.auth_type) else: if isinstance(self.credentials, BaseOAuth2Credentials): with self.credentials.lock: session = self.create_oauth2_session() # Keep track of the credentials used to create this session. If and when we need to renew # credentials (for example, refreshing an OAuth access token), this lets us easily determine whether # the credentials have already been refreshed in another thread by the time this session tries. session.credentials_sig = self.credentials.sig() else: if self.auth_type == NTLM and self.credentials.type == self.credentials.EMAIL: username = "\\" + self.credentials.username else: username = self.credentials.username session = self.raw_session(self.service_endpoint) session.auth = get_auth_instance( auth_type=self.auth_type, username=username, password=self.credentials.password ) # Add some extra info session.session_id = random.randint(10000, 99999) # Used for debugging messages in services session.usage_count = 0 log.debug("Server %s: Created session %s", self.server, session.session_id) return session
def decrease_poolsize(self)
Decreases the session pool size in response to error messages from the server requesting to rate-limit requests. We decrease by one session per call.
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def decrease_poolsize(self): """Decreases the session pool size in response to error messages from the server requesting to rate-limit requests. We decrease by one session per call. """ # Take a single session from the pool and discard it. We need to protect this with a lock while we are changing # the pool size variable, to avoid race conditions. We must keep at least one session in the pool. if self._session_pool_size <= 1: raise SessionPoolMinSizeReached("Session pool size cannot be decreased further") with self._session_pool_lock: if self._session_pool_size <= 1: log.debug("Session pool size was decreased in another thread") return log.warning( "Server %s: Decreasing session pool size from %s to %s", self.server, self._session_pool_size, self._session_pool_size - 1, ) session = self.get_session() self.close_session(session) self._session_pool_size -= 1
def get_auth_type(self)
Autodetect authentication type
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@abc.abstractmethod def get_auth_type(self): """Autodetect authentication type"""
def get_session(self)
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def get_session(self): # Try to get a session from the queue. If the queue is empty, try to add one more session to the queue. If the # queue is already at its max, wait until a session becomes available. _timeout = 60 # Rate-limit messages about session starvation try: session = self._session_pool.get(block=False) log.debug("Server %s: Got session immediately", self.server) except Empty: with suppress(SessionPoolMaxSizeReached): self.increase_poolsize() while True: try: log.debug("Server %s: Waiting for session", self.server) session = self._session_pool.get(timeout=_timeout) break except Empty: # This is normal when we have many worker threads starving for available sessions log.debug("Server %s: No sessions available for %s seconds", self.server, _timeout) log.debug("Server %s: Got session %s", self.server, session.session_id) session.usage_count += 1 return session
def increase_poolsize(self)
Increases the session pool size. We increase by one session per call.
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def increase_poolsize(self): """Increases the session pool size. We increase by one session per call.""" # Create a single session and insert it into the pool. We need to protect this with a lock while we are changing # the pool size variable, to avoid race conditions. We must not exceed the pool size limit. if self._session_pool_size >= self._session_pool_maxsize: raise SessionPoolMaxSizeReached("Session pool size cannot be increased further") with self._session_pool_lock: if self._session_pool_size >= self._session_pool_maxsize: log.debug("Session pool size was increased in another thread") return log.debug( "Server %s: Increasing session pool size from %s to %s", self.server, self._session_pool_size, self._session_pool_size + 1, ) self._session_pool.put(self.create_session(), block=False) self._session_pool_size += 1
def refresh_credentials(self, session)
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def refresh_credentials(self, session): # Credentials need to be refreshed, probably due to an OAuth # access token expiring. If we've gotten here, it's because the # application didn't provide an OAuth client secret, so we can't # handle token refreshing for it. with self.credentials.lock: if self.credentials.sig() == session.credentials_sig: # Credentials have not been refreshed by another thread: # they're the same as the session was created with. If # this isn't the case, we can just go ahead with a new # session using the already-updated credentials. self.credentials.refresh(session=session) return self.renew_session(session)
def release_session(self, session)
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def release_session(self, session): # This should never fail, as we don't have more sessions than the queue contains log.debug("Server %s: Releasing session %s", self.server, session.session_id) if self.MAX_SESSION_USAGE_COUNT and session.usage_count >= self.MAX_SESSION_USAGE_COUNT: log.debug("Server %s: session %s usage exceeded limit. Discarding", self.server, session.session_id) session = self.renew_session(session) self._session_pool.put(session, block=False)
def renew_session(self, session)
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def renew_session(self, session): # The session is useless. Close it completely and place a fresh session in the pool log.debug("Server %s: Renewing session %s", self.server, session.session_id) self.close_session(session) return self.create_session()
def retire_session(self, session)
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def retire_session(self, session): # The session is useless. Close it completely and place a fresh session in the pool log.debug("Server %s: Retiring session %s", self.server, session.session_id) self.close_session(session) self.release_session(self.create_session())
class Body (...)
Helper to mark the 'body' field as a complex attribute.
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class Body(str): """Helper to mark the 'body' field as a complex attribute. MSDN: """ body_type = "Text" def __add__(self, other): # Make sure Body('') + 'foo' returns a Body type return self.__class__(super().__add__(other)) def __mod__(self, other): # Make sure Body('%s') % 'foo' returns a Body type return self.__class__(super().__mod__(other)) def format(self, *args, **kwargs): # Make sure Body('{}').format('foo') returns a Body type return self.__class__(super().format(*args, **kwargs))
- builtins.str
Class variables
var body_type
def format(self, *args, **kwargs)
S.format(args, *kwargs) -> str
Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').
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def format(self, *args, **kwargs): # Make sure Body('{}').format('foo') returns a Body type return self.__class__(super().format(*args, **kwargs))
class Build (major_version, minor_version, major_build=0, minor_build=0)
Holds methods for working with build numbers.
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class Build: """Holds methods for working with build numbers.""" __slots__ = "major_version", "minor_version", "major_build", "minor_build" def __init__(self, major_version, minor_version, major_build=0, minor_build=0): if not isinstance(major_version, int): raise InvalidTypeError("major_version", major_version, int) if not isinstance(minor_version, int): raise InvalidTypeError("minor_version", minor_version, int) if not isinstance(major_build, int): raise InvalidTypeError("major_build", major_build, int) if not isinstance(minor_build, int): raise InvalidTypeError("minor_build", minor_build, int) self.major_version = major_version self.minor_version = minor_version self.major_build = major_build self.minor_build = minor_build if major_version < 8: raise ValueError(f"Exchange major versions below 8 don't support EWS ({self})") @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem): xml_elems_map = { "major_version": "MajorVersion", "minor_version": "MinorVersion", "major_build": "MajorBuildNumber", "minor_build": "MinorBuildNumber", } kwargs = {} for k, xml_elem in xml_elems_map.items(): v = elem.get(xml_elem) if v is None: v = get_xml_attr(elem, f"{{{ANS}}}{xml_elem}") if v is None: raise ValueError() kwargs[k] = int(v) # Also raises ValueError return cls(**kwargs) def api_version(self): for build, api_version, _ in VERSIONS: if self.major_version != build.major_version or self.minor_version != build.minor_version: continue if self >= build: return api_version raise ValueError(f"API version for build {self} is unknown") def __cmp__(self, other): # __cmp__ is not a magic method in Python3. We'll just use it here to implement comparison operators c = (self.major_version > other.major_version) - (self.major_version < other.major_version) if c != 0: return c c = (self.minor_version > other.minor_version) - (self.minor_version < other.minor_version) if c != 0: return c c = (self.major_build > other.major_build) - (self.major_build < other.major_build) if c != 0: return c return (self.minor_build > other.minor_build) - (self.minor_build < other.minor_build) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __ne__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __le__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 def __gt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __ge__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 def __str__(self): return f"{self.major_version}.{self.minor_version}.{self.major_build}.{self.minor_build}" def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + repr( (self.major_version, self.minor_version, self.major_build, self.minor_build) )
Static methods
def from_xml(elem)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem): xml_elems_map = { "major_version": "MajorVersion", "minor_version": "MinorVersion", "major_build": "MajorBuildNumber", "minor_build": "MinorBuildNumber", } kwargs = {} for k, xml_elem in xml_elems_map.items(): v = elem.get(xml_elem) if v is None: v = get_xml_attr(elem, f"{{{ANS}}}{xml_elem}") if v is None: raise ValueError() kwargs[k] = int(v) # Also raises ValueError return cls(**kwargs)
Instance variables
var major_build
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var major_version
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var minor_build
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var minor_version
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
def api_version(self)
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def api_version(self): for build, api_version, _ in VERSIONS: if self.major_version != build.major_version or self.minor_version != build.minor_version: continue if self >= build: return api_version raise ValueError(f"API version for build {self} is unknown")
class CalendarItem (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class CalendarItem(Item, AcceptDeclineMixIn): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "CalendarItem" uid = TextField(field_uri="calendar:UID", is_required_after_save=True, is_searchable=False) recurrence_id = DateTimeField(field_uri="calendar:RecurrenceId", is_read_only=True) start = DateOrDateTimeField(field_uri="calendar:Start", is_required=True) end = DateOrDateTimeField(field_uri="calendar:End", is_required=True) original_start = DateTimeField(field_uri="calendar:OriginalStart", is_read_only=True) is_all_day = BooleanField(field_uri="calendar:IsAllDayEvent", is_required=True, default=False) legacy_free_busy_status = FreeBusyStatusField( field_uri="calendar:LegacyFreeBusyStatus", is_required=True, default="Busy" ) location = TextField(field_uri="calendar:Location") when = TextField(field_uri="calendar:When") is_meeting = BooleanField(field_uri="calendar:IsMeeting", is_read_only=True) is_cancelled = BooleanField(field_uri="calendar:IsCancelled", is_read_only=True) is_recurring = BooleanField(field_uri="calendar:IsRecurring", is_read_only=True) meeting_request_was_sent = BooleanField(field_uri="calendar:MeetingRequestWasSent", is_read_only=True) is_response_requested = BooleanField( field_uri="calendar:IsResponseRequested", default=None, is_required_after_save=True, is_searchable=False ) type = ChoiceField( field_uri="calendar:CalendarItemType", choices={Choice(c) for c in CALENDAR_ITEM_CHOICES}, is_read_only=True ) my_response_type = ChoiceField( field_uri="calendar:MyResponseType", choices={Choice(c) for c in Attendee.RESPONSE_TYPES}, is_read_only=True ) organizer = MailboxField(field_uri="calendar:Organizer", is_read_only=True) required_attendees = AttendeesField(field_uri="calendar:RequiredAttendees", is_searchable=False) optional_attendees = AttendeesField(field_uri="calendar:OptionalAttendees", is_searchable=False) resources = AttendeesField(field_uri="calendar:Resources", is_searchable=False) conflicting_meeting_count = IntegerField(field_uri="calendar:ConflictingMeetingCount", is_read_only=True) adjacent_meeting_count = IntegerField(field_uri="calendar:AdjacentMeetingCount", is_read_only=True) conflicting_meetings = EWSElementListField( field_uri="calendar:ConflictingMeetings", value_cls="CalendarItem", namespace=Item.NAMESPACE, is_read_only=True ) adjacent_meetings = EWSElementListField( field_uri="calendar:AdjacentMeetings", value_cls="CalendarItem", namespace=Item.NAMESPACE, is_read_only=True ) duration = CharField(field_uri="calendar:Duration", is_read_only=True) appointment_reply_time = DateTimeField(field_uri="calendar:AppointmentReplyTime", is_read_only=True) appointment_sequence_number = IntegerField(field_uri="calendar:AppointmentSequenceNumber", is_read_only=True) appointment_state = AppointmentStateField(field_uri="calendar:AppointmentState", is_read_only=True) recurrence = RecurrenceField(field_uri="calendar:Recurrence", is_searchable=False) first_occurrence = OccurrenceField( field_uri="calendar:FirstOccurrence", value_cls=FirstOccurrence, is_read_only=True ) last_occurrence = OccurrenceField(field_uri="calendar:LastOccurrence", value_cls=LastOccurrence, is_read_only=True) modified_occurrences = OccurrenceListField( field_uri="calendar:ModifiedOccurrences", value_cls=Occurrence, is_read_only=True ) deleted_occurrences = OccurrenceListField( field_uri="calendar:DeletedOccurrences", value_cls=DeletedOccurrence, is_read_only=True ) _meeting_timezone = TimeZoneField( field_uri="calendar:MeetingTimeZone", deprecated_from=EXCHANGE_2010, is_searchable=False ) _start_timezone = TimeZoneField( field_uri="calendar:StartTimeZone", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010, is_searchable=False ) _end_timezone = TimeZoneField(field_uri="calendar:EndTimeZone", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010, is_searchable=False) conference_type = EnumAsIntField( field_uri="calendar:ConferenceType", enum=CONFERENCE_TYPES, min=0, default=None, is_required_after_save=True ) allow_new_time_proposal = BooleanField( field_uri="calendar:AllowNewTimeProposal", default=None, is_required_after_save=True, is_searchable=False ) is_online_meeting = BooleanField(field_uri="calendar:IsOnlineMeeting", default=None, is_read_only=True) meeting_workspace_url = URIField(field_uri="calendar:MeetingWorkspaceUrl") net_show_url = URIField(field_uri="calendar:NetShowUrl") def occurrence(self, index): """Get an occurrence of a recurring master by index. No query is sent to the server to actually fetch the item. Call refresh() on the item to do so. Only call this method on a recurring master. :param index: The index, which is 1-based :return The occurrence """ return self.__class__( account=self.account, folder=self.folder, _id=OccurrenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey, instance_index=index), ) def recurring_master(self): """Get the recurring master of an occurrence. No query is sent to the server to actually fetch the item. Call refresh() on the item to do so. Only call this method on an occurrence of a recurring master. :return: The master occurrence """ return self.__class__( account=self.account, folder=self.folder, _id=RecurringMasterItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), ) @classmethod def timezone_fields(cls): return tuple(f for f in cls.FIELDS if isinstance(f, TimeZoneField)) def clean_timezone_fields(self, version): # Sets proper values on the timezone fields if they are not already set if self.start is None: start_tz = None elif type(self.start) in (EWSDate, start_tz = self.account.default_timezone else: start_tz = self.start.tzinfo if self.end is None: end_tz = None elif type(self.end) in (EWSDate, end_tz = self.account.default_timezone else: end_tz = self.end.tzinfo if < EXCHANGE_2010: if self._meeting_timezone is None: self._meeting_timezone = start_tz self._start_timezone = None self._end_timezone = None else: self._meeting_timezone = None if self._start_timezone is None: self._start_timezone = start_tz if self._end_timezone is None: self._end_timezone = end_tz def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.start and self.end and self.end < self.start: raise ValueError(f"'end' must be greater than 'start' ({self.start} -> {self.end})") if version: self.clean_timezone_fields(version=version) def cancel(self, **kwargs): return CancelCalendarItem( account=self.account, reference_item_id=ReferenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), **kwargs ).send() def _update_fieldnames(self): update_fields = super()._update_fieldnames() if self.type == OCCURRENCE: # Some CalendarItem fields cannot be updated when the item is an occurrence. The values are empty when we # receive them so would have been updated because they are set to None. update_fields.remove("recurrence") update_fields.remove("uid") return update_fields @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): item = super().from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) # EWS returns the start and end values as a datetime regardless of the is_all_day status. Convert to date if # applicable. if not item.is_all_day: return item for field_name in ("start", "end"): val = getattr(item, field_name) if val is None: continue # Return just the date part of the value. Subtract 1 day from the date if this is the end field. This is # the inverse of what we do in .to_xml(). Convert to the local timezone before getting the date. if field_name == "end": val -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) tz = getattr(item, f"_{field_name}_timezone") setattr(item, field_name, val.astimezone(tz).date()) return item def tz_field_for_field_name(self, field_name): meeting_tz_field, start_tz_field, end_tz_field = CalendarItem.timezone_fields() if < EXCHANGE_2010: return meeting_tz_field if field_name == "start": return start_tz_field if field_name == "end": return end_tz_field raise ValueError("Unsupported field_name") def date_to_datetime(self, field_name): # EWS always expects a datetime. If we have a date value, then convert it to datetime in the local # timezone. Additionally, if this the end field, add 1 day to the date. We could add 12 hours to both # start and end values and let EWS apply its logic, but that seems hacky. value = getattr(self, field_name) tz = getattr(self, self.tz_field_for_field_name(field_name).name) value = EWSDateTime.combine(value, datetime.time(0, 0)).replace(tzinfo=tz) if field_name == "end": value += datetime.timedelta(days=1) return value def to_xml(self, version): # EWS has some special logic related to all-day start and end values. Non-midnight start values are pushed to # the previous midnight. Non-midnight end values are pushed to the following midnight. Midnight in this context # refers to midnight in the local timezone. See # # # elem = super().to_xml(version=version) if not self.is_all_day: return elem for field_name in ("start", "end"): value = getattr(self, field_name) if value is None: continue if type(value) in (EWSDate, # EWS always expects a datetime value = self.date_to_datetime(field_name=field_name) # We already generated an XML element for this field, but it contains a plain date at this point, which # is invalid. Replace the value. field = self.get_field_by_fieldname(field_name) set_xml_value(elem.find(field.response_tag()), value) return elem
Class variables
Static methods
def from_xml(elem, account)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): item = super().from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) # EWS returns the start and end values as a datetime regardless of the is_all_day status. Convert to date if # applicable. if not item.is_all_day: return item for field_name in ("start", "end"): val = getattr(item, field_name) if val is None: continue # Return just the date part of the value. Subtract 1 day from the date if this is the end field. This is # the inverse of what we do in .to_xml(). Convert to the local timezone before getting the date. if field_name == "end": val -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) tz = getattr(item, f"_{field_name}_timezone") setattr(item, field_name, val.astimezone(tz).date()) return item
def timezone_fields()
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@classmethod def timezone_fields(cls): return tuple(f for f in cls.FIELDS if isinstance(f, TimeZoneField))
Instance variables
var adjacent_meeting_count
var adjacent_meetings
var allow_new_time_proposal
var appointment_reply_time
var appointment_sequence_number
var appointment_state
var conference_type
var conflicting_meeting_count
var conflicting_meetings
var deleted_occurrences
var duration
var end
var first_occurrence
var is_all_day
var is_cancelled
var is_meeting
var is_online_meeting
var is_recurring
var is_response_requested
var last_occurrence
var legacy_free_busy_status
var location
var meeting_request_was_sent
var meeting_workspace_url
var modified_occurrences
var my_response_type
var net_show_url
var optional_attendees
var organizer
var original_start
var recurrence
var recurrence_id
var required_attendees
var resources
var start
var type
var uid
var when
def cancel(self, **kwargs)
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def cancel(self, **kwargs): return CancelCalendarItem( account=self.account, reference_item_id=ReferenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), **kwargs ).send()
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.start and self.end and self.end < self.start: raise ValueError(f"'end' must be greater than 'start' ({self.start} -> {self.end})") if version: self.clean_timezone_fields(version=version)
def clean_timezone_fields(self, version)
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def clean_timezone_fields(self, version): # Sets proper values on the timezone fields if they are not already set if self.start is None: start_tz = None elif type(self.start) in (EWSDate, start_tz = self.account.default_timezone else: start_tz = self.start.tzinfo if self.end is None: end_tz = None elif type(self.end) in (EWSDate, end_tz = self.account.default_timezone else: end_tz = self.end.tzinfo if < EXCHANGE_2010: if self._meeting_timezone is None: self._meeting_timezone = start_tz self._start_timezone = None self._end_timezone = None else: self._meeting_timezone = None if self._start_timezone is None: self._start_timezone = start_tz if self._end_timezone is None: self._end_timezone = end_tz
def date_to_datetime(self, field_name)
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def date_to_datetime(self, field_name): # EWS always expects a datetime. If we have a date value, then convert it to datetime in the local # timezone. Additionally, if this the end field, add 1 day to the date. We could add 12 hours to both # start and end values and let EWS apply its logic, but that seems hacky. value = getattr(self, field_name) tz = getattr(self, self.tz_field_for_field_name(field_name).name) value = EWSDateTime.combine(value, datetime.time(0, 0)).replace(tzinfo=tz) if field_name == "end": value += datetime.timedelta(days=1) return value
def occurrence(self, index)
Get an occurrence of a recurring master by index. No query is sent to the server to actually fetch the item. Call refresh() on the item to do so.
Only call this method on a recurring master.
:param index: The index, which is 1-based
:return The occurrence
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def occurrence(self, index): """Get an occurrence of a recurring master by index. No query is sent to the server to actually fetch the item. Call refresh() on the item to do so. Only call this method on a recurring master. :param index: The index, which is 1-based :return The occurrence """ return self.__class__( account=self.account, folder=self.folder, _id=OccurrenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey, instance_index=index), )
def recurring_master(self)
Get the recurring master of an occurrence. No query is sent to the server to actually fetch the item. Call refresh() on the item to do so.
Only call this method on an occurrence of a recurring master.
:return: The master occurrence
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def recurring_master(self): """Get the recurring master of an occurrence. No query is sent to the server to actually fetch the item. Call refresh() on the item to do so. Only call this method on an occurrence of a recurring master. :return: The master occurrence """ return self.__class__( account=self.account, folder=self.folder, _id=RecurringMasterItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), )
def to_xml(self, version)
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def to_xml(self, version): # EWS has some special logic related to all-day start and end values. Non-midnight start values are pushed to # the previous midnight. Non-midnight end values are pushed to the following midnight. Midnight in this context # refers to midnight in the local timezone. See # # # elem = super().to_xml(version=version) if not self.is_all_day: return elem for field_name in ("start", "end"): value = getattr(self, field_name) if value is None: continue if type(value) in (EWSDate, # EWS always expects a datetime value = self.date_to_datetime(field_name=field_name) # We already generated an XML element for this field, but it contains a plain date at this point, which # is invalid. Replace the value. field = self.get_field_by_fieldname(field_name) set_xml_value(elem.find(field.response_tag()), value) return elem
def tz_field_for_field_name(self, field_name)
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def tz_field_for_field_name(self, field_name): meeting_tz_field, start_tz_field, end_tz_field = CalendarItem.timezone_fields() if < EXCHANGE_2010: return meeting_tz_field if field_name == "start": return start_tz_field if field_name == "end": return end_tz_field raise ValueError("Unsupported field_name")
Inherited members
class CancelCalendarItem (**kwargs)
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class CancelCalendarItem(BaseReplyItem): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "CancelCalendarItem" author_idx = BaseReplyItem.FIELDS.index_by_name("author") FIELDS = BaseReplyItem.FIELDS[:author_idx] + BaseReplyItem.FIELDS[author_idx + 1 :]
Class variables
Inherited members
class Configuration (credentials=None, server=None, service_endpoint=None, auth_type=None, version=None, retry_policy=None, max_connections=None)
Contains information needed to create an authenticated connection to an EWS endpoint.
The 'credentials' argument contains the credentials needed to authenticate with the server. Multiple credentials implementations are available in 'exchangelib.credentials'.
config = Configuration(credentials=Credentials('', 'MY_SECRET'), …)
The 'server' and 'service_endpoint' arguments are mutually exclusive. The former must contain only a domain name, the latter a full URL:
config = Configuration(server='', ...) config = Configuration(service_endpoint='', ...)
If you know which authentication type the server uses, you add that as a hint in 'auth_type'. Likewise, you can add the server version as a hint. This allows to skip the auth type and version guessing routines:
config = Configuration(auth_type=NTLM, ...) config = Configuration(version=Version(build=Build(15, 1, 2, 3)), ...)
You can use 'retry_policy' to define a custom retry policy for handling server connection failures:
config = Configuration(retry_policy=FaultTolerance(max_wait=3600), ...)
'max_connections' defines the max number of connections allowed for this server. This may be restricted by policies on the Exchange server.
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class Configuration: """Contains information needed to create an authenticated connection to an EWS endpoint. The 'credentials' argument contains the credentials needed to authenticate with the server. Multiple credentials implementations are available in 'exchangelib.credentials'. config = Configuration(credentials=Credentials('', 'MY_SECRET'), ...) The 'server' and 'service_endpoint' arguments are mutually exclusive. The former must contain only a domain name, the latter a full URL: config = Configuration(server='', ...) config = Configuration(service_endpoint='', ...) If you know which authentication type the server uses, you add that as a hint in 'auth_type'. Likewise, you can add the server version as a hint. This allows to skip the auth type and version guessing routines: config = Configuration(auth_type=NTLM, ...) config = Configuration(version=Version(build=Build(15, 1, 2, 3)), ...) You can use 'retry_policy' to define a custom retry policy for handling server connection failures: config = Configuration(retry_policy=FaultTolerance(max_wait=3600), ...) 'max_connections' defines the max number of connections allowed for this server. This may be restricted by policies on the Exchange server. """ def __init__( self, credentials=None, server=None, service_endpoint=None, auth_type=None, version=None, retry_policy=None, max_connections=None, ): if not isinstance(credentials, (BaseCredentials, type(None))): raise InvalidTypeError("credentials", credentials, BaseCredentials) if auth_type is None and isinstance(credentials, BaseOAuth2Credentials): # Set a default auth type for the credentials where this makes sense auth_type = OAUTH2 if auth_type is not None and auth_type not in AUTH_TYPE_MAP: raise InvalidEnumValue("auth_type", auth_type, AUTH_TYPE_MAP) if credentials is None and auth_type in CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED: raise ValueError(f"Auth type {auth_type!r} was detected but no credentials were provided") if server and service_endpoint: raise AttributeError("Only one of 'server' or 'service_endpoint' must be provided") if not retry_policy: retry_policy = FailFast() if not isinstance(version, (Version, type(None))): raise InvalidTypeError("version", version, Version) if not isinstance(retry_policy, RetryPolicy): raise InvalidTypeError("retry_policy", retry_policy, RetryPolicy) if not isinstance(max_connections, (int, type(None))): raise InvalidTypeError("max_connections", max_connections, int) self._credentials = credentials if server: self.service_endpoint = f"https://{server}/EWS/Exchange.asmx" else: self.service_endpoint = service_endpoint self.auth_type = auth_type self.version = version self.retry_policy = retry_policy self.max_connections = max_connections @property def credentials(self): # Do not update credentials from this class. Instead, do it from Protocol return self._credentials @threaded_cached_property def server(self): if not self.service_endpoint: return None return split_url(self.service_endpoint)[1] def __repr__(self): args_str = ", ".join( f"{k}={getattr(self, k)!r}" for k in ("credentials", "service_endpoint", "auth_type", "version", "retry_policy") ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({args_str})"
Instance variables
var credentials
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@property def credentials(self): # Do not update credentials from this class. Instead, do it from Protocol return self._credentials
var server
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
class Contact (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class Contact(Item): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "Contact" file_as = TextField(field_uri="contacts:FileAs") file_as_mapping = ChoiceField( field_uri="contacts:FileAsMapping", choices={ Choice("None"), Choice("LastCommaFirst"), Choice("FirstSpaceLast"), Choice("Company"), Choice("LastCommaFirstCompany"), Choice("CompanyLastFirst"), Choice("LastFirst"), Choice("LastFirstCompany"), Choice("CompanyLastCommaFirst"), Choice("LastFirstSuffix"), Choice("LastSpaceFirstCompany"), Choice("CompanyLastSpaceFirst"), Choice("LastSpaceFirst"), Choice("DisplayName"), Choice("FirstName"), Choice("LastFirstMiddleSuffix"), Choice("LastName"), Choice("Empty"), }, ) display_name = TextField(field_uri="contacts:DisplayName", is_required=True) given_name = CharField(field_uri="contacts:GivenName") initials = TextField(field_uri="contacts:Initials") middle_name = CharField(field_uri="contacts:MiddleName") nickname = TextField(field_uri="contacts:Nickname") complete_name = EWSElementField(field_uri="contacts:CompleteName", value_cls=CompleteName, is_read_only=True) company_name = TextField(field_uri="contacts:CompanyName") email_addresses = EmailAddressesField(field_uri="contacts:EmailAddress") physical_addresses = PhysicalAddressField(field_uri="contacts:PhysicalAddress") phone_numbers = PhoneNumberField(field_uri="contacts:PhoneNumber") assistant_name = TextField(field_uri="contacts:AssistantName") birthday = DateTimeBackedDateField(field_uri="contacts:Birthday", default_time=datetime.time(11, 59)) business_homepage = URIField(field_uri="contacts:BusinessHomePage") children = TextListField(field_uri="contacts:Children") companies = TextListField(field_uri="contacts:Companies", is_searchable=False) contact_source = ChoiceField( field_uri="contacts:ContactSource", choices={Choice("Store"), Choice("ActiveDirectory")}, is_read_only=True ) department = TextField(field_uri="contacts:Department") generation = TextField(field_uri="contacts:Generation") im_addresses = ImAddressField(field_uri="contacts:ImAddress") job_title = TextField(field_uri="contacts:JobTitle") manager = TextField(field_uri="contacts:Manager") mileage = TextField(field_uri="contacts:Mileage") office = TextField(field_uri="contacts:OfficeLocation") postal_address_index = ChoiceField( field_uri="contacts:PostalAddressIndex", choices={Choice("Business"), Choice("Home"), Choice("Other"), Choice("None")}, default="None", is_required_after_save=True, ) profession = TextField(field_uri="contacts:Profession") spouse_name = TextField(field_uri="contacts:SpouseName") surname = CharField(field_uri="contacts:Surname") wedding_anniversary = DateTimeBackedDateField( field_uri="contacts:WeddingAnniversary", default_time=datetime.time(11, 59) ) has_picture = BooleanField(field_uri="contacts:HasPicture", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010, is_read_only=True) phonetic_full_name = TextField( field_uri="contacts:PhoneticFullName", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True ) phonetic_first_name = TextField( field_uri="contacts:PhoneticFirstName", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True ) phonetic_last_name = TextField( field_uri="contacts:PhoneticLastName", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True ) email_alias = EmailAddressField(field_uri="contacts:Alias", is_read_only=True, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2) # 'notes' is documented in MSDN but apparently unused. Writing to it raises ErrorInvalidPropertyRequest. OWA # put entries into the 'notes' form field into the 'body' field. notes = CharField(field_uri="contacts:Notes", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True) # 'photo' is documented in MSDN but apparently unused. Writing to it raises ErrorInvalidPropertyRequest. OWA # adds photos as FileAttachments on the contact item (with 'is_contact_photo=True'), which automatically flips # the 'has_picture' field. photo = Base64Field(field_uri="contacts:Photo", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True) user_smime_certificate = Base64Field( field_uri="contacts:UserSMIMECertificate", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True ) ms_exchange_certificate = Base64Field( field_uri="contacts:MSExchangeCertificate", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True ) directory_id = TextField(field_uri="contacts:DirectoryId", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True) manager_mailbox = MailboxField( field_uri="contacts:ManagerMailbox", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True ) direct_reports = MailboxListField( field_uri="contacts:DirectReports", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2010_SP2, is_read_only=True ) # O365 throws ErrorInternalServerError "[0x004f0102] MapiReplyToBlob" if UniqueBody is requested unique_body_idx = Item.FIELDS.index_by_name("unique_body") FIELDS = Item.FIELDS[:unique_body_idx] + Item.FIELDS[unique_body_idx + 1 :]
Class variables
var unique_body_idx
Instance variables
var assistant_name
var birthday
var business_homepage
var children
var companies
var company_name
var complete_name
var contact_source
var department
var direct_reports
var directory_id
var display_name
var email_addresses
var email_alias
var file_as
var file_as_mapping
var generation
var given_name
var has_picture
var im_addresses
var initials
var job_title
var manager
var manager_mailbox
var middle_name
var mileage
var ms_exchange_certificate
var nickname
var notes
var office
var phone_numbers
var phonetic_first_name
var phonetic_full_name
var phonetic_last_name
var photo
var physical_addresses
var postal_address_index
var profession
var spouse_name
var surname
var user_smime_certificate
var wedding_anniversary
Inherited members
class Credentials (username, password)
Keeps login info the way Exchange likes it.
Usernames for authentication are of one of these forms: * PrimarySMTPAddress * WINDOMAIN\username * User Principal Name (UPN) password: Clear-text password
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class Credentials(BaseCredentials): r"""Keeps login info the way Exchange likes it. Usernames for authentication are of one of these forms: * PrimarySMTPAddress * WINDOMAIN\username * User Principal Name (UPN) password: Clear-text password """ EMAIL = "email" DOMAIN = "domain" UPN = "upn" def __init__(self, username, password): super().__init__() if username.count("@") == 1: self.type = self.EMAIL elif username.count("\\") == 1: self.type = self.DOMAIN else: self.type = self.UPN self.username = username self.password = password def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + repr((self.username, "********")) def __str__(self): return self.username
Class variables
var UPN
class DLMailbox (**kwargs)
Like Mailbox, but creates elements in the 'messages' namespace when sending requests.
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class DLMailbox(Mailbox): """Like Mailbox, but creates elements in the 'messages' namespace when sending requests.""" NAMESPACE = MNS
Class variables
Inherited members
class DeclineItem (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class DeclineItem(BaseMeetingReplyItem): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "DeclineItem"
Class variables
Inherited members
class DistributionList (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class DistributionList(Item): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "DistributionList" display_name = CharField(field_uri="contacts:DisplayName", is_required=True) file_as = CharField(field_uri="contacts:FileAs", is_read_only=True) contact_source = ChoiceField( field_uri="contacts:ContactSource", choices={Choice("Store"), Choice("ActiveDirectory")}, is_read_only=True ) members = MemberListField(field_uri="distributionlist:Members") # O365 throws ErrorInternalServerError "[0x004f0102] MapiReplyToBlob" if UniqueBody is requested unique_body_idx = Item.FIELDS.index_by_name("unique_body") FIELDS = Item.FIELDS[:unique_body_idx] + Item.FIELDS[unique_body_idx + 1 :]
Class variables
var unique_body_idx
Instance variables
var contact_source
var display_name
var file_as
var members
Inherited members
class EWSDate (...)
Extends the normal date implementation to satisfy EWS.
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class EWSDate( """Extends the normal date implementation to satisfy EWS.""" __slots__ = "_year", "_month", "_day", "_hashcode" def ewsformat(self): """ISO 8601 format to satisfy xs:date as interpreted by EWS. Example: 2009-01-15.""" return self.isoformat() def __add__(self, other): dt = super().__add__(other) if isinstance(dt, self.__class__): return dt return self.from_date(dt) # We want to return EWSDate objects def __iadd__(self, other): return self + other def __sub__(self, other): dt = super().__sub__(other) if isinstance(dt, datetime.timedelta): return dt if isinstance(dt, self.__class__): return dt return self.from_date(dt) # We want to return EWSDate objects def __isub__(self, other): return self - other @classmethod def fromordinal(cls, n): dt = super().fromordinal(n) if isinstance(dt, cls): return dt return cls.from_date(dt) # We want to return EWSDate objects @classmethod def from_date(cls, d): if type(d) is not raise InvalidTypeError("d", d, return cls(d.year, d.month, @classmethod def from_string(cls, date_string): # Sometimes, we'll receive a date string with time zone information. Not very useful. if date_string.endswith("Z"): date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dZ" elif ":" in date_string: if "+" in date_string: date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M" else: date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M" else: date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" d = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, date_fmt).date() if isinstance(d, cls): return d return cls.from_date(d) # We want to return EWSDate objects
Static methods
def from_date(d)
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@classmethod def from_date(cls, d): if type(d) is not raise InvalidTypeError("d", d, return cls(d.year, d.month,
def from_string(date_string)
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@classmethod def from_string(cls, date_string): # Sometimes, we'll receive a date string with time zone information. Not very useful. if date_string.endswith("Z"): date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dZ" elif ":" in date_string: if "+" in date_string: date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M" else: date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M" else: date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" d = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, date_fmt).date() if isinstance(d, cls): return d return cls.from_date(d) # We want to return EWSDate objects
def fromordinal(n)
int -> date corresponding to a proleptic Gregorian ordinal.
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@classmethod def fromordinal(cls, n): dt = super().fromordinal(n) if isinstance(dt, cls): return dt return cls.from_date(dt) # We want to return EWSDate objects
def ewsformat(self)
ISO 8601 format to satisfy xs:date as interpreted by EWS. Example: 2009-01-15.
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def ewsformat(self): """ISO 8601 format to satisfy xs:date as interpreted by EWS. Example: 2009-01-15.""" return self.isoformat()
class EWSDateTime (*args, **kwargs)
Extends the normal datetime implementation to satisfy EWS.
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class EWSDateTime(datetime.datetime): """Extends the normal datetime implementation to satisfy EWS.""" __slots__ = "_year", "_month", "_day", "_hour", "_minute", "_second", "_microsecond", "_tzinfo", "_hashcode" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if len(args) == 8: tzinfo = args[7] else: tzinfo = kwargs.get("tzinfo") if isinstance(tzinfo, zoneinfo.ZoneInfo): # Don't allow pytz or dateutil timezones here. They are not safe to use as direct input for datetime() tzinfo = EWSTimeZone.from_timezone(tzinfo) if not isinstance(tzinfo, (EWSTimeZone, type(None))): raise InvalidTypeError("tzinfo", tzinfo, EWSTimeZone) if len(args) == 8: args = args[:7] + (tzinfo,) else: kwargs["tzinfo"] = tzinfo return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def ewsformat(self): """ISO 8601 format to satisfy xs:datetime as interpreted by EWS. Examples: * 2009-01-15T13:45:56Z * 2009-01-15T13:45:56+01:00 """ if not self.tzinfo: raise ValueError(f"{self!r} must be timezone-aware") if self.tzinfo.key == "UTC": if self.microsecond: return self.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") return self.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") return self.isoformat() @classmethod def from_datetime(cls, d): if type(d) is not datetime.datetime: raise InvalidTypeError("d", d, datetime.datetime) if d.tzinfo is None: tz = None elif isinstance(d.tzinfo, EWSTimeZone): tz = d.tzinfo else: tz = EWSTimeZone.from_timezone(d.tzinfo) return cls(d.year, d.month,, d.hour, d.minute, d.second, d.microsecond, tzinfo=tz) def astimezone(self, tz=None): if tz is None: tz = EWSTimeZone.localzone() t = super().astimezone(tz=tz).replace(tzinfo=tz) if isinstance(t, self.__class__): return t return self.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects @classmethod def fromisoformat(cls, date_string): return cls.from_string(date_string) def __add__(self, other): t = super().__add__(other) if isinstance(t, self.__class__): return t return self.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects def __iadd__(self, other): return self + other def __sub__(self, other): t = super().__sub__(other) if isinstance(t, datetime.timedelta): return t if isinstance(t, self.__class__): return t return self.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects def __isub__(self, other): return self - other @classmethod def from_string(cls, date_string): # Parses several common datetime formats and returns time zone aware EWSDateTime objects if date_string.endswith("Z"): # UTC datetime return super().strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").replace(tzinfo=UTC) if len(date_string) == 19: # This is probably a naive datetime. Don't allow this, but signal caller with an appropriate error local_dt = super().strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") raise NaiveDateTimeNotAllowed(local_dt) # This is probably a datetime value with time zone information. This comes in the form '+/-HH:MM'. aware_dt = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(date_string).astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=UTC) if isinstance(aware_dt, cls): return aware_dt return cls.from_datetime(aware_dt) @classmethod def fromtimestamp(cls, t, tz=None): dt = super().fromtimestamp(t, tz=tz) if isinstance(dt, cls): return dt return cls.from_datetime(dt) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects @classmethod def utcfromtimestamp(cls, t): dt = super().utcfromtimestamp(t) if isinstance(dt, cls): return dt return cls.from_datetime(dt) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects @classmethod def now(cls, tz=None): t = super().now(tz=tz) if isinstance(t, cls): return t return cls.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects @classmethod def utcnow(cls): t = super().utcnow() if isinstance(t, cls): return t return cls.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects def date(self): d = super().date() if isinstance(d, EWSDate): return d return EWSDate.from_date(d) # We want to return EWSDate objects
- datetime.datetime
Static methods
def from_datetime(d)
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@classmethod def from_datetime(cls, d): if type(d) is not datetime.datetime: raise InvalidTypeError("d", d, datetime.datetime) if d.tzinfo is None: tz = None elif isinstance(d.tzinfo, EWSTimeZone): tz = d.tzinfo else: tz = EWSTimeZone.from_timezone(d.tzinfo) return cls(d.year, d.month,, d.hour, d.minute, d.second, d.microsecond, tzinfo=tz)
def from_string(date_string)
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@classmethod def from_string(cls, date_string): # Parses several common datetime formats and returns time zone aware EWSDateTime objects if date_string.endswith("Z"): # UTC datetime return super().strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").replace(tzinfo=UTC) if len(date_string) == 19: # This is probably a naive datetime. Don't allow this, but signal caller with an appropriate error local_dt = super().strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") raise NaiveDateTimeNotAllowed(local_dt) # This is probably a datetime value with time zone information. This comes in the form '+/-HH:MM'. aware_dt = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(date_string).astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=UTC) if isinstance(aware_dt, cls): return aware_dt return cls.from_datetime(aware_dt)
def fromisoformat(date_string)
string -> datetime from a string in most ISO 8601 formats
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@classmethod def fromisoformat(cls, date_string): return cls.from_string(date_string)
def fromtimestamp(t, tz=None)
timestamp[, tz] -> tz's local time from POSIX timestamp.
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@classmethod def fromtimestamp(cls, t, tz=None): dt = super().fromtimestamp(t, tz=tz) if isinstance(dt, cls): return dt return cls.from_datetime(dt) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects
def now(tz=None)
Returns new datetime object representing current time local to tz.
tz Timezone object.
If no tz is specified, uses local timezone.
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@classmethod def now(cls, tz=None): t = super().now(tz=tz) if isinstance(t, cls): return t return cls.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects
def utcfromtimestamp(t)
Construct a naive UTC datetime from a POSIX timestamp.
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@classmethod def utcfromtimestamp(cls, t): dt = super().utcfromtimestamp(t) if isinstance(dt, cls): return dt return cls.from_datetime(dt) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects
def utcnow()
Return a new datetime representing UTC day and time.
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@classmethod def utcnow(cls): t = super().utcnow() if isinstance(t, cls): return t return cls.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects
def astimezone(self, tz=None)
tz -> convert to local time in new timezone tz
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def astimezone(self, tz=None): if tz is None: tz = EWSTimeZone.localzone() t = super().astimezone(tz=tz).replace(tzinfo=tz) if isinstance(t, self.__class__): return t return self.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects
def date(self)
Return date object with same year, month and day.
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def date(self): d = super().date() if isinstance(d, EWSDate): return d return EWSDate.from_date(d) # We want to return EWSDate objects
def ewsformat(self)
ISO 8601 format to satisfy xs:datetime as interpreted by EWS. Examples: * 2009-01-15T13:45:56Z * 2009-01-15T13:45:56+01:00
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def ewsformat(self): """ISO 8601 format to satisfy xs:datetime as interpreted by EWS. Examples: * 2009-01-15T13:45:56Z * 2009-01-15T13:45:56+01:00 """ if not self.tzinfo: raise ValueError(f"{self!r} must be timezone-aware") if self.tzinfo.key == "UTC": if self.microsecond: return self.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") return self.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") return self.isoformat()
class EWSTimeZone (*args, **kwargs)
Represents a time zone as expected by the EWS TimezoneContext / TimezoneDefinition XML element, and returned by services.GetServerTimeZones.
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class EWSTimeZone(zoneinfo.ZoneInfo): """Represents a time zone as expected by the EWS TimezoneContext / TimezoneDefinition XML element, and returned by services.GetServerTimeZones. """ IANA_TO_MS_MAP = IANA_TO_MS_TIMEZONE_MAP MS_TO_IANA_MAP = MS_TIMEZONE_TO_IANA_MAP def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): try: instance = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) except zoneinfo.ZoneInfoNotFoundError as e: raise UnknownTimeZone(e.args[0]) try: instance.ms_id = cls.IANA_TO_MS_MAP[instance.key][0] except KeyError: raise UnknownTimeZone(f"No Windows timezone name found for timezone {instance.key!r}") # We don't need the Windows long-format time zone name in long format. It's used in time zone XML elements, but # EWS happily accepts empty strings. For a full list of time zones supported by the target server, including # long-format names, see output of services.GetServerTimeZones(account.protocol).call() instance.ms_name = "" return instance def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) def __eq__(self, other): # Microsoft time zones are less granular than IANA, so an EWSTimeZone created from 'Europe/Copenhagen' may # return from the server as 'Europe/Copenhagen'. We're catering for Microsoft here, so base equality on the # Microsoft time zone ID. if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return self.ms_id == other.ms_id @classmethod def from_ms_id(cls, ms_id): # Create a time zone instance from a Microsoft time zone ID. This is lossy because there is not a 1:1 # translation from MS time zone ID to IANA time zone. try: return cls(cls.MS_TO_IANA_MAP[ms_id]) except KeyError: if "/" in ms_id: # EWS sometimes returns an ID that has a region/location format, e.g. 'Europe/Copenhagen'. Try the # string unaltered. return cls(ms_id) raise UnknownTimeZone(f"Windows timezone ID {ms_id!r} is unknown by CLDR") @classmethod def from_pytz(cls, tz): return cls( @classmethod def from_datetime(cls, tz): """Convert from a standard library `datetime.timezone` instance.""" return cls(tz.tzname(None)) @classmethod def from_dateutil(cls, tz): # Objects returned by and are not supported. They # don't contain enough information to reliably match them with a CLDR time zone. if hasattr(tz, "_filename"): key = "/".join(tz._filename.split("/")[-2:]) return cls(key) return cls(tz.tzname( @classmethod def from_zoneinfo(cls, tz): return cls(tz.key) @classmethod def from_timezone(cls, tz): # Support multiple tzinfo implementations. We could use isinstance(), but then we'd have to have pytz # and dateutil as dependencies for this package. tz_module = tz.__class__.__module__.split(".")[0] try: return { cls.__module__.split(".")[0]: lambda z: z, "datetime": cls.from_datetime, "dateutil": cls.from_dateutil, "pytz": cls.from_pytz, "zoneinfo": cls.from_zoneinfo, "pytz_deprecation_shim": lambda z: cls.from_timezone(z.unwrap_shim()), }[tz_module](tz) except KeyError: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported tzinfo type: {tz!r}") @classmethod def localzone(cls): try: tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() except zoneinfo.ZoneInfoNotFoundError: # Older versions of tzlocal will raise a pytz exception. Let's not depend on pytz just for that. raise UnknownTimeZone("Failed to guess local timezone") # Handle both old and new versions of tzlocal that may return pytz or zoneinfo objects, respectively return cls.from_timezone(tz) def fromutc(self, dt): t = super().fromutc(dt) if isinstance(t, EWSDateTime): return t return EWSDateTime.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects
- zoneinfo.ZoneInfo
- datetime.tzinfo
Class variables
Static methods
def from_datetime(tz)
Convert from a standard library
instance.Expand source code
@classmethod def from_datetime(cls, tz): """Convert from a standard library `datetime.timezone` instance.""" return cls(tz.tzname(None))
def from_dateutil(tz)
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@classmethod def from_dateutil(cls, tz): # Objects returned by and are not supported. They # don't contain enough information to reliably match them with a CLDR time zone. if hasattr(tz, "_filename"): key = "/".join(tz._filename.split("/")[-2:]) return cls(key) return cls(tz.tzname(
def from_ms_id(ms_id)
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@classmethod def from_ms_id(cls, ms_id): # Create a time zone instance from a Microsoft time zone ID. This is lossy because there is not a 1:1 # translation from MS time zone ID to IANA time zone. try: return cls(cls.MS_TO_IANA_MAP[ms_id]) except KeyError: if "/" in ms_id: # EWS sometimes returns an ID that has a region/location format, e.g. 'Europe/Copenhagen'. Try the # string unaltered. return cls(ms_id) raise UnknownTimeZone(f"Windows timezone ID {ms_id!r} is unknown by CLDR")
def from_pytz(tz)
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@classmethod def from_pytz(cls, tz): return cls(
def from_timezone(tz)
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@classmethod def from_timezone(cls, tz): # Support multiple tzinfo implementations. We could use isinstance(), but then we'd have to have pytz # and dateutil as dependencies for this package. tz_module = tz.__class__.__module__.split(".")[0] try: return { cls.__module__.split(".")[0]: lambda z: z, "datetime": cls.from_datetime, "dateutil": cls.from_dateutil, "pytz": cls.from_pytz, "zoneinfo": cls.from_zoneinfo, "pytz_deprecation_shim": lambda z: cls.from_timezone(z.unwrap_shim()), }[tz_module](tz) except KeyError: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported tzinfo type: {tz!r}")
def from_zoneinfo(tz)
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@classmethod def from_zoneinfo(cls, tz): return cls(tz.key)
def localzone()
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@classmethod def localzone(cls): try: tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() except zoneinfo.ZoneInfoNotFoundError: # Older versions of tzlocal will raise a pytz exception. Let's not depend on pytz just for that. raise UnknownTimeZone("Failed to guess local timezone") # Handle both old and new versions of tzlocal that may return pytz or zoneinfo objects, respectively return cls.from_timezone(tz)
def fromutc(self, dt)
Given a datetime with local time in UTC, retrieve an adjusted datetime in local time.
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def fromutc(self, dt): t = super().fromutc(dt) if isinstance(t, EWSDateTime): return t return EWSDateTime.from_datetime(t) # We want to return EWSDateTime objects
class ExtendedProperty (*args, **kwargs)
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class ExtendedProperty(EWSElement): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "ExtendedProperty" # Enum values: DISTINGUISHED_SETS = { "Address", "Appointment", "CalendarAssistant", "Common", "InternetHeaders", "Meeting", "PublicStrings", "Sharing", "Task", "UnifiedMessaging", } # Enum values: # The following types cannot be used for setting or getting (see docs) and are thus not very useful here: # 'Error' # 'Null' # 'Object' # 'ObjectArray' PROPERTY_TYPES = { "ApplicationTime", "Binary", "BinaryArray", "Boolean", "CLSID", "CLSIDArray", "Currency", "CurrencyArray", "Double", "DoubleArray", "Float", "FloatArray", "Integer", "IntegerArray", "Long", "LongArray", "Short", "ShortArray", "SystemTime", "SystemTimeArray", "String", "StringArray", } # Translation table between common distinguished_property_set_id and property_set_id values. See # # ID values must be lowercase. DISTINGUISHED_SET_NAME_TO_ID_MAP = { "Address": "00062004-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "AirSync": "71035549-0739-4dcb-9163-00f0580dbbdf", "Appointment": "00062002-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Common": "00062008-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "InternetHeaders": "00020386-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Log": "0006200a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Mapi": "00020328-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Meeting": "6ed8da90-450b-101b-98da-00aa003f1305", "Messaging": "41f28f13-83f4-4114-a584-eedb5a6b0bff", "Note": "0006200e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "PostRss": "00062041-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "PublicStrings": "00020329-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Remote": "00062014-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Report": "00062013-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Sharing": "00062040-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "Task": "00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046", "UnifiedMessaging": "4442858e-a9e3-4e80-b900-317a210cc15b", } DISTINGUISHED_SET_ID_TO_NAME_MAP = {v: k for k, v in DISTINGUISHED_SET_NAME_TO_ID_MAP.items()} distinguished_property_set_id = None property_set_id = None property_tag = None # hex integer (e.g. 0x8000) or string ('0x8000') property_name = None property_id = None # integer as hex-formatted int (e.g. 0x8000) or normal int (32768) property_type = "" __slots__ = ("value",) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not kwargs: # Allow to set attributes without keyword kwargs = dict(zip(self._slots_keys, args)) self.value = kwargs.pop("value") super().__init__(**kwargs) @classmethod def validate_cls(cls): # Validate values of class attributes and their interdependencies cls._validate_distinguished_property_set_id() cls._validate_property_set_id() cls._validate_property_tag() cls._validate_property_name() cls._validate_property_id() cls._validate_property_type() @classmethod def _validate_distinguished_property_set_id(cls): if cls.distinguished_property_set_id: if any([cls.property_set_id, cls.property_tag]): raise ValueError( "When 'distinguished_property_set_id' is set, 'property_set_id' and 'property_tag' must be None" ) if not any([cls.property_id, cls.property_name]): raise ValueError( "When 'distinguished_property_set_id' is set, 'property_id' or 'property_name' must also be set" ) if cls.distinguished_property_set_id not in cls.DISTINGUISHED_SETS: raise InvalidEnumValue( "distinguished_property_set_id", cls.distinguished_property_set_id, cls.DISTINGUISHED_SETS ) @classmethod def _validate_property_set_id(cls): if cls.property_set_id: if any([cls.distinguished_property_set_id, cls.property_tag]): raise ValueError( "When 'property_set_id' is set, 'distinguished_property_set_id' and 'property_tag' must be None" ) if not any([cls.property_id, cls.property_name]): raise ValueError("When 'property_set_id' is set, 'property_id' or 'property_name' must also be set") @classmethod def _validate_property_tag(cls): if cls.property_tag: if any([cls.distinguished_property_set_id, cls.property_set_id, cls.property_name, cls.property_id]): raise ValueError("When 'property_tag' is set, only 'property_type' must be set") if 0x8000 <= cls.property_tag_as_int() <= 0xFFFE: raise ValueError( f"'property_tag' value {cls.property_tag_as_hex()!r} is reserved for custom properties" ) @classmethod def _validate_property_name(cls): if cls.property_name: if any([cls.property_id, cls.property_tag]): raise ValueError("When 'property_name' is set, 'property_id' and 'property_tag' must be None") if not any([cls.distinguished_property_set_id, cls.property_set_id]): raise ValueError( "When 'property_name' is set, 'distinguished_property_set_id' or 'property_set_id' must also be set" ) @classmethod def _validate_property_id(cls): if cls.property_id: if any([cls.property_name, cls.property_tag]): raise ValueError("When 'property_id' is set, 'property_name' and 'property_tag' must be None") if not any([cls.distinguished_property_set_id, cls.property_set_id]): raise ValueError( "When 'property_id' is set, 'distinguished_property_set_id' or 'property_set_id' must also be set" ) @classmethod def _validate_property_type(cls): if cls.property_type not in cls.PROPERTY_TYPES: raise InvalidEnumValue("property_type", cls.property_type, cls.PROPERTY_TYPES) def clean(self, version=None): self.validate_cls() python_type = self.python_type() if self.is_array_type(): if not is_iterable(self.value): raise TypeError(f"Field {self.__class__.__name__!r} value {self.value!r} must be of type {list}") for v in self.value: if not isinstance(v, python_type): raise TypeError(f"Field {self.__class__.__name__!r} list value {v!r} must be of type {python_type}") else: if not isinstance(self.value, python_type): raise TypeError(f"Field {self.__class__.__name__!r} value {self.value!r} must be of type {python_type}") @classmethod def _normalize_obj(cls, obj): # Sometimes, EWS will helpfully translate a 'distinguished_property_set_id' value to a 'property_set_id' value # and vice versa. Align these values on an ExtendedFieldURI instance. try: obj.property_set_id = cls.DISTINGUISHED_SET_NAME_TO_ID_MAP[obj.distinguished_property_set_id] except KeyError: with suppress(KeyError): obj.distinguished_property_set_id = cls.DISTINGUISHED_SET_ID_TO_NAME_MAP[obj.property_set_id] return obj @classmethod def is_property_instance(cls, elem): """Return whether an 'ExtendedProperty' element matches the definition for this class. Extended property fields do not have a name, so we must match on the cls.property_* attributes to match a field in the request with a field in the response. """ # We can't use ExtendedFieldURI.from_xml(). It clears the XML element, but we may not want to consume it here. kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem.find(ExtendedFieldURI.response_tag()), account=None) for f in ExtendedFieldURI.FIELDS } xml_obj = ExtendedFieldURI(**kwargs) cls_obj = cls.as_object() return cls._normalize_obj(cls_obj) == cls._normalize_obj(xml_obj) @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): # Gets value of this specific ExtendedProperty from a list of 'ExtendedProperty' XML elements python_type = cls.python_type() if cls.is_array_type(): values = elem.find(f"{{{TNS}}}Values") return [ xml_text_to_value(value=val, value_type=python_type) for val in get_xml_attrs(values, f"{{{TNS}}}Value") ] extended_field_value = xml_text_to_value(value=get_xml_attr(elem, f"{{{TNS}}}Value"), value_type=python_type) if python_type == str and not extended_field_value: # For string types, we want to return the empty string instead of None if the element was # actually found, but there was no XML value. For other types, it would be more problematic # to make that distinction, e.g. return False for bool, 0 for int, etc. return "" return extended_field_value def to_xml(self, version): if self.is_array_type(): values = create_element("t:Values") for v in self.value: add_xml_child(values, "t:Value", v) return values return set_xml_value(create_element("t:Value"), self.value, version=version) @classmethod def is_array_type(cls): return cls.property_type.endswith("Array") @classmethod def property_tag_as_int(cls): if isinstance(cls.property_tag, str): return int(cls.property_tag, base=16) return cls.property_tag @classmethod def property_tag_as_hex(cls): return hex(cls.property_tag) if isinstance(cls.property_tag, int) else cls.property_tag @classmethod def python_type(cls): # Return the best equivalent for a Python type for the property type of this class base_type = cls.property_type[:-5] if cls.is_array_type() else cls.property_type return { "ApplicationTime": Decimal, "Binary": bytes, "Boolean": bool, "CLSID": str, "Currency": int, "Double": Decimal, "Float": Decimal, "Integer": int, "Long": int, "Short": int, "SystemTime": EWSDateTime, "String": str, }[base_type] @classmethod def as_object(cls): # Return an object we can use to match with the incoming object from XML return ExtendedFieldURI( distinguished_property_set_id=cls.distinguished_property_set_id, property_set_id=cls.property_set_id.lower() if cls.property_set_id else None, property_tag=cls.property_tag_as_hex(), property_name=cls.property_name, property_id=value_to_xml_text(cls.property_id) if cls.property_id else None, property_type=cls.property_type, )
Class variables
var distinguished_property_set_id
var property_id
var property_name
var property_set_id
var property_tag
var property_type
Static methods
def as_object()
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@classmethod def as_object(cls): # Return an object we can use to match with the incoming object from XML return ExtendedFieldURI( distinguished_property_set_id=cls.distinguished_property_set_id, property_set_id=cls.property_set_id.lower() if cls.property_set_id else None, property_tag=cls.property_tag_as_hex(), property_name=cls.property_name, property_id=value_to_xml_text(cls.property_id) if cls.property_id else None, property_type=cls.property_type, )
def from_xml(elem, account)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): # Gets value of this specific ExtendedProperty from a list of 'ExtendedProperty' XML elements python_type = cls.python_type() if cls.is_array_type(): values = elem.find(f"{{{TNS}}}Values") return [ xml_text_to_value(value=val, value_type=python_type) for val in get_xml_attrs(values, f"{{{TNS}}}Value") ] extended_field_value = xml_text_to_value(value=get_xml_attr(elem, f"{{{TNS}}}Value"), value_type=python_type) if python_type == str and not extended_field_value: # For string types, we want to return the empty string instead of None if the element was # actually found, but there was no XML value. For other types, it would be more problematic # to make that distinction, e.g. return False for bool, 0 for int, etc. return "" return extended_field_value
def is_array_type()
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@classmethod def is_array_type(cls): return cls.property_type.endswith("Array")
def is_property_instance(elem)
Return whether an 'ExtendedProperty' element matches the definition for this class. Extended property fields do not have a name, so we must match on the cls.property_* attributes to match a field in the request with a field in the response.
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@classmethod def is_property_instance(cls, elem): """Return whether an 'ExtendedProperty' element matches the definition for this class. Extended property fields do not have a name, so we must match on the cls.property_* attributes to match a field in the request with a field in the response. """ # We can't use ExtendedFieldURI.from_xml(). It clears the XML element, but we may not want to consume it here. kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem.find(ExtendedFieldURI.response_tag()), account=None) for f in ExtendedFieldURI.FIELDS } xml_obj = ExtendedFieldURI(**kwargs) cls_obj = cls.as_object() return cls._normalize_obj(cls_obj) == cls._normalize_obj(xml_obj)
def property_tag_as_hex()
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@classmethod def property_tag_as_hex(cls): return hex(cls.property_tag) if isinstance(cls.property_tag, int) else cls.property_tag
def property_tag_as_int()
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@classmethod def property_tag_as_int(cls): if isinstance(cls.property_tag, str): return int(cls.property_tag, base=16) return cls.property_tag
def python_type()
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@classmethod def python_type(cls): # Return the best equivalent for a Python type for the property type of this class base_type = cls.property_type[:-5] if cls.is_array_type() else cls.property_type return { "ApplicationTime": Decimal, "Binary": bytes, "Boolean": bool, "CLSID": str, "Currency": int, "Double": Decimal, "Float": Decimal, "Integer": int, "Long": int, "Short": int, "SystemTime": EWSDateTime, "String": str, }[base_type]
def validate_cls()
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@classmethod def validate_cls(cls): # Validate values of class attributes and their interdependencies cls._validate_distinguished_property_set_id() cls._validate_property_set_id() cls._validate_property_tag() cls._validate_property_name() cls._validate_property_id() cls._validate_property_type()
Instance variables
var value
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): self.validate_cls() python_type = self.python_type() if self.is_array_type(): if not is_iterable(self.value): raise TypeError(f"Field {self.__class__.__name__!r} value {self.value!r} must be of type {list}") for v in self.value: if not isinstance(v, python_type): raise TypeError(f"Field {self.__class__.__name__!r} list value {v!r} must be of type {python_type}") else: if not isinstance(self.value, python_type): raise TypeError(f"Field {self.__class__.__name__!r} value {self.value!r} must be of type {python_type}")
def to_xml(self, version)
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def to_xml(self, version): if self.is_array_type(): values = create_element("t:Values") for v in self.value: add_xml_child(values, "t:Value", v) return values return set_xml_value(create_element("t:Value"), self.value, version=version)
Inherited members
class FailFast
Fail immediately on server errors.
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class FailFast(RetryPolicy): """Fail immediately on server errors.""" @property def fail_fast(self): return True @property def back_off_until(self): return None def back_off(self, seconds): raise ValueError("Cannot back off with fail-fast policy")
Inherited members
class FaultTolerance (max_wait=3600)
Enables fault-tolerant error handling. Tells internal methods to do an exponential back off when requests start failing, and wait up to max_wait seconds before failing.
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class FaultTolerance(RetryPolicy): """Enables fault-tolerant error handling. Tells internal methods to do an exponential back off when requests start failing, and wait up to max_wait seconds before failing. """ # Back off 60 seconds if we didn't get an explicit suggested value DEFAULT_BACKOFF = 60 def __init__(self, max_wait=3600): self.max_wait = max_wait self._back_off_until = None self._back_off_lock = Lock() def __getstate__(self): # Locks cannot be pickled state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["_back_off_lock"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # Restore the lock self.__dict__.update(state) self._back_off_lock = Lock() @property def fail_fast(self): return False @property def back_off_until(self): """Return the back off value as a datetime. Reset the current back off value if it has expired.""" if self._back_off_until is None: return None with self._back_off_lock: if self._back_off_until is None: return None if self._back_off_until < self._back_off_until = None # The back off value has expired. Reset return None return self._back_off_until @back_off_until.setter def back_off_until(self, value): with self._back_off_lock: self._back_off_until = value def back_off(self, seconds): if seconds is None: seconds = self.DEFAULT_BACKOFF if seconds > self.max_wait: # We lost patience. Session is cleaned up in outer loop raise RateLimitError("Max timeout reached", wait=seconds) value = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) with self._back_off_lock: self._back_off_until = value def raise_response_errors(self, response): try: return super().raise_response_errors(response) except (ErrorInternalServerTransientError, ErrorServerBusy) as e: # Pass on the retry header value retry_after = _get_retry_after(response) if retry_after: raise ErrorServerBusy(e.args[0], back_off=retry_after) raise
Class variables
Instance variables
var back_off_until
Return the back off value as a datetime. Reset the current back off value if it has expired.
Expand source code
@property def back_off_until(self): """Return the back off value as a datetime. Reset the current back off value if it has expired.""" if self._back_off_until is None: return None with self._back_off_lock: if self._back_off_until is None: return None if self._back_off_until < self._back_off_until = None # The back off value has expired. Reset return None return self._back_off_until
def raise_response_errors(self, response)
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def raise_response_errors(self, response): try: return super().raise_response_errors(response) except (ErrorInternalServerTransientError, ErrorServerBusy) as e: # Pass on the retry header value retry_after = _get_retry_after(response) if retry_after: raise ErrorServerBusy(e.args[0], back_off=retry_after) raise
Inherited members
class FileAttachment (**kwargs)
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class FileAttachment(Attachment): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "FileAttachment" is_contact_photo = BooleanField(field_uri="IsContactPhoto") _content = Base64Field(field_uri="Content") __slots__ = ("_fp",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs["_content"] = kwargs.pop("content", None) super().__init__(**kwargs) self._fp = None @property def fp(self): # Return a file-like object for the content. This avoids creating multiple in-memory copies of the content. if self._fp is None: self._init_fp() return self._fp def _init_fp(self): # Create a file-like object for the attachment content. We try hard to reduce memory consumption, so we never # store the full attachment content in-memory. if not self.parent_item or not self.parent_item.account: raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} must have an account") self._fp = FileAttachmentIO(attachment=self) @property def content(self): """Return the attachment content. Stores a local copy of the content in case you want to upload the attachment again later. """ if self.attachment_id is None: return self._content if self._content is not None: return self._content # We have an ID to the data but still haven't called GetAttachment to get the actual data. Do that now. with self.fp as fp: self._content = return self._content @content.setter def content(self, value): """Replace the attachment content.""" if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise InvalidTypeError("value", value, bytes) self._content = value @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) for f in cls.FIELDS} kwargs["content"] = kwargs.pop("_content") cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs) def to_xml(self, version): self._content = self.content # Make sure content is available, to avoid ErrorRequiredPropertyMissing return super().to_xml(version=version) def __getstate__(self): # The fp does not need to be pickled state = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._slots_keys} del state["_fp"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # Restore the fp for k in self._slots_keys: setattr(self, k, state.get(k)) self._fp = None
Class variables
Static methods
def from_xml(elem, account)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) for f in cls.FIELDS} kwargs["content"] = kwargs.pop("_content") cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs)
Instance variables
var content
Return the attachment content. Stores a local copy of the content in case you want to upload the attachment again later.
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@property def content(self): """Return the attachment content. Stores a local copy of the content in case you want to upload the attachment again later. """ if self.attachment_id is None: return self._content if self._content is not None: return self._content # We have an ID to the data but still haven't called GetAttachment to get the actual data. Do that now. with self.fp as fp: self._content = return self._content
var fp
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@property def fp(self): # Return a file-like object for the content. This avoids creating multiple in-memory copies of the content. if self._fp is None: self._init_fp() return self._fp
var is_contact_photo
def to_xml(self, version)
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def to_xml(self, version): self._content = self.content # Make sure content is available, to avoid ErrorRequiredPropertyMissing return super().to_xml(version=version)
Inherited members
class Folder (**kwargs)
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class Folder(BaseFolder): """MSDN:""" permission_set = PermissionSetField(field_uri="folder:PermissionSet", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2007_SP1) effective_rights = EffectiveRightsField( field_uri="folder:EffectiveRights", is_read_only=True, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2007_SP1 ) __slots__ = ("_root",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._root = kwargs.pop("root", None) # This is a pointer to the root of the folder hierarchy parent = kwargs.pop("parent", None) if parent: if self.root: if parent.root != self.root: raise ValueError("'parent.root' must match 'root'") else: self._root = parent.root if "parent_folder_id" in kwargs and != kwargs["parent_folder_id"]: raise ValueError("'parent_folder_id' must match 'parent' ID") kwargs["parent_folder_id"] = ParentFolderId(, changekey=parent.changekey) super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def account(self): if self.root is None: return None return self.root.account @property def root(self): return self._root @classmethod def register(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is not Folder: raise TypeError("For folders, custom fields must be registered on the Folder class") return super().register(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def deregister(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is not Folder: raise TypeError("For folders, custom fields must be registered on the Folder class") return super().deregister(*args, **kwargs) @property def parent(self): if not self.parent_folder_id: return None if == # Some folders have a parent that references itself. Avoid circular references here return None return self.root.get_folder(self.parent_folder_id) @parent.setter def parent(self, value): if value is None: self.parent_folder_id = None else: if not isinstance(value, BaseFolder): raise InvalidTypeError("value", value, BaseFolder) self._root = value.root self.parent_folder_id = ParentFolderId(, changekey=value.changekey) def clean(self, version=None): from .roots import RootOfHierarchy super().clean(version=version) if self.root and not isinstance(self.root, RootOfHierarchy): raise InvalidTypeError("root", self.root, RootOfHierarchy) @classmethod def get_distinguished(cls, root): """Get the distinguished folder for this folder class. :param root: :return: """ return cls._get_distinguished( folder=cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=root.account.primary_smtp_address), ), root=root, ) ) @classmethod def from_xml_with_root(cls, elem, root): folder = cls.from_xml(elem=elem, account=root.account) folder_cls = cls if cls == Folder: # We were called on the generic Folder class. Try to find a more specific class to return objects as. # # The "FolderClass" element value is the only indication we have in the FindFolder response of which # folder class we should create the folder with. And many folders share the same 'FolderClass' value, e.g. # Inbox and DeletedItems. We want to distinguish between these because otherwise we can't locate the right # folders types for e.g. Account.inbox and Account.trash. # # We should be able to just use the name, but apparently default folder names can be renamed to a set of # localized names using a PowerShell command: # # # Instead, search for a folder class using the localized name. If none are found, fall back to getting the # folder class by the "FolderClass" value. # # The returned XML may contain neither folder class nor name. In that case, we default to the generic # Folder class. if with suppress(KeyError): # TODO: fld_class.LOCALIZED_NAMES is most definitely neither complete nor authoritative folder_cls = root.folder_cls_from_folder_name(, folder_class=folder.folder_class, locale=root.account.locale, ) log.debug("Folder class %s matches localized folder name %s", folder_cls, if folder.folder_class and folder_cls == Folder: with suppress(KeyError): folder_cls = cls.folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class=folder.folder_class) log.debug( "Folder class %s matches container class %s (%s)", folder_cls, folder.folder_class, ) if folder_cls == Folder: log.debug("Fallback to class Folder (folder_class %s, name %s)", folder.folder_class, # Some servers return folders in a FindFolder result that have a DistinguishedFolderId element that the same # server cannot handle in a GetFolder request. Only set the DistinguishedFolderId field if we recognize the ID. if folder._distinguished_id and not folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: folder._distinguished_id = None return folder_cls(root=root, **{ getattr(folder, for f in folder.FIELDS})
- Birthdays
- CrawlerData
- EventCheckPoints
- FolderMemberships
- FreeBusyCache
- NonDeletableFolder
- RecoveryPoints
- SkypeTeamsMessages
- SwssItems
- WellknownFolder
Class variables
Static methods
def from_xml_with_root(elem, root)
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@classmethod def from_xml_with_root(cls, elem, root): folder = cls.from_xml(elem=elem, account=root.account) folder_cls = cls if cls == Folder: # We were called on the generic Folder class. Try to find a more specific class to return objects as. # # The "FolderClass" element value is the only indication we have in the FindFolder response of which # folder class we should create the folder with. And many folders share the same 'FolderClass' value, e.g. # Inbox and DeletedItems. We want to distinguish between these because otherwise we can't locate the right # folders types for e.g. Account.inbox and Account.trash. # # We should be able to just use the name, but apparently default folder names can be renamed to a set of # localized names using a PowerShell command: # # # Instead, search for a folder class using the localized name. If none are found, fall back to getting the # folder class by the "FolderClass" value. # # The returned XML may contain neither folder class nor name. In that case, we default to the generic # Folder class. if with suppress(KeyError): # TODO: fld_class.LOCALIZED_NAMES is most definitely neither complete nor authoritative folder_cls = root.folder_cls_from_folder_name(, folder_class=folder.folder_class, locale=root.account.locale, ) log.debug("Folder class %s matches localized folder name %s", folder_cls, if folder.folder_class and folder_cls == Folder: with suppress(KeyError): folder_cls = cls.folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class=folder.folder_class) log.debug( "Folder class %s matches container class %s (%s)", folder_cls, folder.folder_class, ) if folder_cls == Folder: log.debug("Fallback to class Folder (folder_class %s, name %s)", folder.folder_class, # Some servers return folders in a FindFolder result that have a DistinguishedFolderId element that the same # server cannot handle in a GetFolder request. Only set the DistinguishedFolderId field if we recognize the ID. if folder._distinguished_id and not folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: folder._distinguished_id = None return folder_cls(root=root, **{ getattr(folder, for f in folder.FIELDS})
def get_distinguished(root)
Get the distinguished folder for this folder class.
:param root: :return:
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@classmethod def get_distinguished(cls, root): """Get the distinguished folder for this folder class. :param root: :return: """ return cls._get_distinguished( folder=cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=root.account.primary_smtp_address), ), root=root, ) )
Instance variables
var effective_rights
var permission_set
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): from .roots import RootOfHierarchy super().clean(version=version) if self.root and not isinstance(self.root, RootOfHierarchy): raise InvalidTypeError("root", self.root, RootOfHierarchy)
Inherited members
class FolderCollection (account, folders)
A class that implements an API for searching folders.
Implement a search API on a collection of folders.
:param account: An Account object :param folders: An iterable of folders, e.g. Folder.walk(), Folder.glob(), or [a.calendar, a.inbox]
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class FolderCollection(SearchableMixIn): """A class that implements an API for searching folders.""" # These fields are required in a FindFolder or GetFolder call to properly identify folder types REQUIRED_FOLDER_FIELDS = ("name", "folder_class") def __init__(self, account, folders): """Implement a search API on a collection of folders. :param account: An Account object :param folders: An iterable of folders, e.g. Folder.walk(), Folder.glob(), or [a.calendar, a.inbox] """ self.account = account self._folders = folders @threaded_cached_property def folders(self): # Resolve the list of folders, in case it's a generator return tuple(self._folders) def __len__(self): return len(self.folders) def __iter__(self): yield from self.folders def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return QuerySet(self).get(*args, **kwargs) def all(self): return QuerySet(self).all() def none(self): return QuerySet(self).none() def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """Find items in the folder(s). Non-keyword args may be a list of Q instances. Optional extra keyword arguments follow a Django-like QuerySet filter syntax (see We don't support '__year' and other date-related lookups. We also don't support '__endswith' or '__iendswith'. We support the additional '__not' lookup in place of Django's exclude() for simple cases. For more complicated cases you need to create a Q object and use ~Q(). Examples: my_account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__gt=EWSDateTime(2016, 1, 1)) my_account.calendar.filter(start__range=(EWSDateTime(2016, 1, 1), EWSDateTime(2017, 1, 1))) my_account.tasks.filter(subject='Hi mom') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__not='Hi mom') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__contains='Foo') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__icontains='foo') 'endswith' and 'iendswith' could be emulated by searching with 'contains' or 'icontains' and then post-processing items. Fetch the field in question with additional_fields and remove items where the search string is not a postfix. """ return QuerySet(self).filter(*args, **kwargs) def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return QuerySet(self).exclude(*args, **kwargs) def people(self): return QuerySet(self).people() def view(self, start, end, max_items=None): """Implement the CalendarView option to FindItem. The difference between 'filter' and 'view' is that 'filter' only returns the master CalendarItem for recurring items, while 'view' unfolds recurring items and returns all CalendarItem occurrences as one would normally expect when presenting a calendar. Supports the same semantics as filter, except for 'start' and 'end' keyword attributes which are both required and behave differently than filter. Here, they denote the start and end of the timespan of the view. All items the overlap the timespan are returned (items that end exactly on 'start' are also returned, for some reason). EWS does not allow combining CalendarView with search restrictions (filter and exclude). 'max_items' defines the maximum number of items returned in this view. Optional. :param start: :param end: :param max_items: (Default value = None) :return: """ qs = QuerySet(self) qs.calendar_view = CalendarView(start=start, end=end, max_items=max_items) return qs def allowed_item_fields(self): # Return non-ID fields of all item classes allowed in this folder type fields = set() for item_model in self.supported_item_models: fields.update(set(item_model.supported_fields(version=self.account.version))) return fields @property def supported_item_models(self): return tuple(item_model for folder in self.folders for item_model in folder.supported_item_models) def validate_item_field(self, field, version): # Takes a fieldname, Field or FieldPath object pointing to an item field, and checks that it is valid # for the item types supported by this folder collection. for item_model in self.supported_item_models: try: item_model.validate_field(field=field, version=version) break except InvalidField: continue else: raise InvalidField(f"{field!r} is not a valid field on {self.supported_item_models}") def _rinse_args(self, q, depth, additional_fields, field_validator): if depth is None: depth = self._get_default_item_traversal_depth() if additional_fields: for f in additional_fields: field_validator(field=f, version=self.account.version) if f.field.is_complex: raise ValueError(f"Field {!r} not supported for this service") # Build up any restrictions if q.is_empty(): restriction = None query_string = None elif q.query_string: restriction = None query_string = Restriction(q, folders=self.folders, applies_to=Restriction.ITEMS) else: restriction = Restriction(q, folders=self.folders, applies_to=Restriction.ITEMS) query_string = None return depth, restriction, query_string def find_items( self, q, shape=ID_ONLY, depth=None, additional_fields=None, order_fields=None, calendar_view=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0, ): """Private method to call the FindItem service. :param q: a Q instance containing any restrictions :param shape: controls whether to return (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. If additional_fields is non-null, we always return Item objects. (Default value = ID_ONLY) :param depth: controls the whether to return soft-deleted items or not. (Default value = None) :param additional_fields: the extra properties we want on the return objects. Default is no properties. Be aware that complex fields can only be fetched with fetch() (i.e. the GetItem service). :param order_fields: the SortOrder fields, if any (Default value = None) :param calendar_view: a CalendarView instance, if any (Default value = None) :param page_size: the requested number of items per page (Default value = None) :param max_items: the max number of items to return (Default value = None) :param offset: the offset relative to the first item in the item collection (Default value = 0) :return: a generator for the returned item IDs or items """ from import FindItem if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return if q.is_never(): log.debug("Query will never return results") return depth, restriction, query_string = self._rinse_args( q=q, depth=depth, additional_fields=additional_fields, field_validator=self.validate_item_field ) if calendar_view is not None and not isinstance(calendar_view, CalendarView): raise InvalidTypeError("calendar_view", calendar_view, CalendarView) log.debug( "Finding %s items in folders %s (shape: %s, depth: %s, additional_fields: %s, restriction: %s)", self.account, self.folders, shape, depth, additional_fields, restriction.q if restriction else None, ) yield from FindItem(account=self.account, page_size=page_size).call( folders=self.folders, additional_fields=additional_fields, restriction=restriction, order_fields=order_fields, shape=shape, query_string=query_string, depth=depth, calendar_view=calendar_view, max_items=calendar_view.max_items if calendar_view else max_items, offset=offset, ) def _get_single_folder(self): if len(self.folders) > 1: raise ValueError("Syncing folder hierarchy can only be done on a single folder") if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return None return self.folders[0] def find_people( self, q, shape=ID_ONLY, depth=None, additional_fields=None, order_fields=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0, ): """Private method to call the FindPeople service. :param q: a Q instance containing any restrictions :param shape: controls whether to return (id, changekey) tuples or Persona objects. If additional_fields is non-null, we always return Persona objects. (Default value = ID_ONLY) :param depth: controls the whether to return soft-deleted items or not. (Default value = None) :param additional_fields: the extra properties we want on the return objects. Default is no properties. :param order_fields: the SortOrder fields, if any (Default value = None) :param page_size: the requested number of items per page (Default value = None) :param max_items: the max number of items to return (Default value = None) :param offset: the offset relative to the first item in the item collection (Default value = 0) :return: a generator for the returned personas """ from import FindPeople folder = self._get_single_folder() if q.is_never(): log.debug("Query will never return results") return depth, restriction, query_string = self._rinse_args( q=q, depth=depth, additional_fields=additional_fields, field_validator=Persona.validate_field ) yield from FindPeople(account=self.account, page_size=page_size).call( folder=folder, additional_fields=additional_fields, restriction=restriction, order_fields=order_fields, shape=shape, query_string=query_string, depth=depth, max_items=max_items, offset=offset, ) def get_folder_fields(self, target_cls, is_complex=None): return { FieldPath(field=f) for f in target_cls.supported_fields(version=self.account.version) if is_complex is None or f.is_complex is is_complex } def _get_target_cls(self): # We may have root folders that don't support the same set of fields as normal folders. If there is a mix of # both folder types in self.folders, raise an error, so we don't risk losing some fields in the query. from .base import Folder from .roots import RootOfHierarchy has_roots = False has_non_roots = False for f in self.folders: if isinstance(f, RootOfHierarchy): if has_non_roots: raise ValueError(f"Cannot call GetFolder on a mix of folder types: {self.folders}") has_roots = True else: if has_roots: raise ValueError(f"Cannot call GetFolder on a mix of folder types: {self.folders}") has_non_roots = True return RootOfHierarchy if has_roots else Folder def _get_default_traversal_depth(self, traversal_attr): unique_depths = {getattr(f, traversal_attr) for f in self.folders} if len(unique_depths) == 1: return unique_depths.pop() raise ValueError( f"Folders in this collection do not have a common {traversal_attr} value. You need to define an explicit " f"traversal depth with QuerySet.depth() (values: {unique_depths})" ) def _get_default_item_traversal_depth(self): # When searching folders, some folders require 'Shallow' and others 'Associated' traversal depth. return self._get_default_traversal_depth("DEFAULT_ITEM_TRAVERSAL_DEPTH") def _get_default_folder_traversal_depth(self): # When searching folders, some folders require 'Shallow' and others 'Deep' traversal depth. return self._get_default_traversal_depth("DEFAULT_FOLDER_TRAVERSAL_DEPTH") def resolve(self): # Looks up the folders or folder IDs in the collection and returns full Folder instances with all fields set. from .base import BaseFolder resolveable_folders = [] for f in self.folders: if isinstance(f, BaseFolder) and not f.get_folder_allowed: log.debug("GetFolder not allowed on folder %s. Non-complex fields must be fetched with FindFolder", f) yield f else: resolveable_folders.append(f) # Fetch all properties for the remaining folders of folder IDs additional_fields = self.get_folder_fields(target_cls=self._get_target_cls()) yield from self.__class__(account=self.account, folders=resolveable_folders).get_folders( additional_fields=additional_fields ) @require_account def find_folders( self, q=None, shape=ID_ONLY, depth=None, additional_fields=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0 ): from import FindFolder # 'depth' controls whether to return direct children or recurse into sub-folders from .base import BaseFolder, Folder if q is None: q = Q() if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return if q.is_never(): log.debug("Query will never return results") return if q.is_empty(): restriction = None else: restriction = Restriction(q, folders=self.folders, applies_to=Restriction.FOLDERS) if depth is None: depth = self._get_default_folder_traversal_depth() if additional_fields is None: # Default to all non-complex properties. Sub-folders will always be of class Folder additional_fields = self.get_folder_fields(target_cls=Folder, is_complex=False) else: for f in additional_fields: if f.field.is_complex: raise ValueError(f"find_folders() does not support field {!r}. Use get_folders().") # Add required fields additional_fields.update( (FieldPath(field=BaseFolder.get_field_by_fieldname(f)) for f in self.REQUIRED_FOLDER_FIELDS) ) yield from FindFolder(account=self.account, page_size=page_size).call( folders=self.folders, additional_fields=additional_fields, restriction=restriction, shape=shape, depth=depth, max_items=max_items, offset=offset, ) def get_folders(self, additional_fields=None): from import GetFolder # Expand folders with their full set of properties from .base import BaseFolder if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return if additional_fields is None: # Default to all complex properties additional_fields = self.get_folder_fields(target_cls=self._get_target_cls(), is_complex=True) # Add required fields additional_fields.update( (FieldPath(field=BaseFolder.get_field_by_fieldname(f)) for f in self.REQUIRED_FOLDER_FIELDS) ) yield from GetFolder(account=self.account).call( folders=self.folders, additional_fields=additional_fields, shape=ID_ONLY, ) def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60): from import SubscribeToPull if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return None if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPull(account=self.account).get( folders=self.folders, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, timeout=timeout, ) def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1): from import SubscribeToPush if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return None if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPush(account=self.account).get( folders=self.folders, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, status_frequency=status_frequency, url=callback_url, ) def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None): from import SubscribeToStreaming if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return None if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToStreaming.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToStreaming(account=self.account).get(folders=self.folders, event_types=event_types) def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PullSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) def push_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PushSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs): return StreamingSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id): """Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|streaming]() :return: True This method doesn't need the current collection instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import Unsubscribe return Unsubscribe(account=self.account).get(subscription_id=subscription_id) def sync_items(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None, ignore=None, max_changes_returned=None, sync_scope=None): from import SyncFolderItems folder = self._get_single_folder() if only_fields is None: # We didn't restrict list of field paths. Get all fields from the server, including extended properties. additional_fields = {FieldPath(field=f) for f in folder.allowed_item_fields(version=self.account.version)} else: for field in only_fields: folder.validate_item_field(field=field, version=self.account.version) # Remove ItemId and ChangeKey. We get them unconditionally additional_fields = {f for f in folder.normalize_fields(fields=only_fields) if not f.field.is_attribute} svc = SyncFolderItems(account=self.account) while True: yield from folder=folder, shape=ID_ONLY, additional_fields=additional_fields, sync_state=sync_state, ignore=ignore, max_changes_returned=max_changes_returned, sync_scope=sync_scope, ) if svc.sync_state == sync_state: # We sometimes get the same sync_state back, even though includes_last_item_in_range is False. Stop here break sync_state = svc.sync_state # Set the new sync state in the next call if svc.includes_last_item_in_range: # Try again if there are more items break raise SyncCompleted(sync_state=svc.sync_state) def sync_hierarchy(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None): from import SyncFolderHierarchy folder = self._get_single_folder() if only_fields is None: # We didn't restrict list of field paths. Get all fields from the server, including extended properties. additional_fields = {FieldPath(field=f) for f in folder.supported_fields(version=self.account.version)} else: additional_fields = set() for field_name in only_fields: folder.validate_field(field=field_name, version=self.account.version) f = folder.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname=field_name) if not f.is_attribute: # Remove ItemId and ChangeKey. We get them unconditionally additional_fields.add(FieldPath(field=f)) # Add required fields additional_fields.update( (FieldPath(field=folder.get_field_by_fieldname(f)) for f in self.REQUIRED_FOLDER_FIELDS) ) svc = SyncFolderHierarchy(account=self.account) while True: yield from folder=folder, shape=ID_ONLY, additional_fields=additional_fields, sync_state=sync_state, ) if svc.sync_state == sync_state: # We sometimes get the same sync_state back, even though includes_last_item_in_range is False. Stop here break sync_state = svc.sync_state # Set the new sync state in the next call if svc.includes_last_item_in_range: # Try again if there are more items break raise SyncCompleted(sync_state=svc.sync_state)
Class variables
Instance variables
var folders
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def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj_dict = obj.__dict__ name = self.func.__name__ with self.lock: try: # check if the value was computed before the lock was acquired return obj_dict[name] except KeyError: # if not, do the calculation and release the lock return obj_dict.setdefault(name, self.func(obj))
var supported_item_models
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@property def supported_item_models(self): return tuple(item_model for folder in self.folders for item_model in folder.supported_item_models)
def allowed_item_fields(self)
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def allowed_item_fields(self): # Return non-ID fields of all item classes allowed in this folder type fields = set() for item_model in self.supported_item_models: fields.update(set(item_model.supported_fields(version=self.account.version))) return fields
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs)
Find items in the folder(s).
Non-keyword args may be a list of Q instances.
Optional extra keyword arguments follow a Django-like QuerySet filter syntax (see
We don't support '__year' and other date-related lookups. We also don't support '__endswith' or '__iendswith'.
We support the additional '__not' lookup in place of Django's exclude() for simple cases. For more complicated cases you need to create a Q object and use ~Q().
my_account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__gt=EWSDateTime(2016, 1, 1)) my_account.calendar.filter(start__range=(EWSDateTime(2016, 1, 1), EWSDateTime(2017, 1, 1))) my_account.tasks.filter(subject='Hi mom') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__not='Hi mom') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__contains='Foo') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__icontains='foo')
'endswith' and 'iendswith' could be emulated by searching with 'contains' or 'icontains' and then post-processing items. Fetch the field in question with additional_fields and remove items where the search string is not a postfix.
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def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): """Find items in the folder(s). Non-keyword args may be a list of Q instances. Optional extra keyword arguments follow a Django-like QuerySet filter syntax (see We don't support '__year' and other date-related lookups. We also don't support '__endswith' or '__iendswith'. We support the additional '__not' lookup in place of Django's exclude() for simple cases. For more complicated cases you need to create a Q object and use ~Q(). Examples: my_account.inbox.filter(datetime_received__gt=EWSDateTime(2016, 1, 1)) my_account.calendar.filter(start__range=(EWSDateTime(2016, 1, 1), EWSDateTime(2017, 1, 1))) my_account.tasks.filter(subject='Hi mom') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__not='Hi mom') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__contains='Foo') my_account.tasks.filter(subject__icontains='foo') 'endswith' and 'iendswith' could be emulated by searching with 'contains' or 'icontains' and then post-processing items. Fetch the field in question with additional_fields and remove items where the search string is not a postfix. """ return QuerySet(self).filter(*args, **kwargs)
def find_folders(self, q=None, shape='IdOnly', depth=None, additional_fields=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0)
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@require_account def find_folders( self, q=None, shape=ID_ONLY, depth=None, additional_fields=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0 ): from import FindFolder # 'depth' controls whether to return direct children or recurse into sub-folders from .base import BaseFolder, Folder if q is None: q = Q() if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return if q.is_never(): log.debug("Query will never return results") return if q.is_empty(): restriction = None else: restriction = Restriction(q, folders=self.folders, applies_to=Restriction.FOLDERS) if depth is None: depth = self._get_default_folder_traversal_depth() if additional_fields is None: # Default to all non-complex properties. Sub-folders will always be of class Folder additional_fields = self.get_folder_fields(target_cls=Folder, is_complex=False) else: for f in additional_fields: if f.field.is_complex: raise ValueError(f"find_folders() does not support field {!r}. Use get_folders().") # Add required fields additional_fields.update( (FieldPath(field=BaseFolder.get_field_by_fieldname(f)) for f in self.REQUIRED_FOLDER_FIELDS) ) yield from FindFolder(account=self.account, page_size=page_size).call( folders=self.folders, additional_fields=additional_fields, restriction=restriction, shape=shape, depth=depth, max_items=max_items, offset=offset, )
def find_items(self, q, shape='IdOnly', depth=None, additional_fields=None, order_fields=None, calendar_view=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0)
Private method to call the FindItem service.
:param q: a Q instance containing any restrictions :param shape: controls whether to return (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. If additional_fields is non-null, we always return Item objects. (Default value = ID_ONLY) :param depth: controls the whether to return soft-deleted items or not. (Default value = None) :param additional_fields: the extra properties we want on the return objects. Default is no properties. Be aware that complex fields can only be fetched with fetch() (i.e. the GetItem service). :param order_fields: the SortOrder fields, if any (Default value = None) :param calendar_view: a CalendarView instance, if any (Default value = None) :param page_size: the requested number of items per page (Default value = None) :param max_items: the max number of items to return (Default value = None) :param offset: the offset relative to the first item in the item collection (Default value = 0)
:return: a generator for the returned item IDs or items
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def find_items( self, q, shape=ID_ONLY, depth=None, additional_fields=None, order_fields=None, calendar_view=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0, ): """Private method to call the FindItem service. :param q: a Q instance containing any restrictions :param shape: controls whether to return (id, changekey) tuples or Item objects. If additional_fields is non-null, we always return Item objects. (Default value = ID_ONLY) :param depth: controls the whether to return soft-deleted items or not. (Default value = None) :param additional_fields: the extra properties we want on the return objects. Default is no properties. Be aware that complex fields can only be fetched with fetch() (i.e. the GetItem service). :param order_fields: the SortOrder fields, if any (Default value = None) :param calendar_view: a CalendarView instance, if any (Default value = None) :param page_size: the requested number of items per page (Default value = None) :param max_items: the max number of items to return (Default value = None) :param offset: the offset relative to the first item in the item collection (Default value = 0) :return: a generator for the returned item IDs or items """ from import FindItem if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return if q.is_never(): log.debug("Query will never return results") return depth, restriction, query_string = self._rinse_args( q=q, depth=depth, additional_fields=additional_fields, field_validator=self.validate_item_field ) if calendar_view is not None and not isinstance(calendar_view, CalendarView): raise InvalidTypeError("calendar_view", calendar_view, CalendarView) log.debug( "Finding %s items in folders %s (shape: %s, depth: %s, additional_fields: %s, restriction: %s)", self.account, self.folders, shape, depth, additional_fields, restriction.q if restriction else None, ) yield from FindItem(account=self.account, page_size=page_size).call( folders=self.folders, additional_fields=additional_fields, restriction=restriction, order_fields=order_fields, shape=shape, query_string=query_string, depth=depth, calendar_view=calendar_view, max_items=calendar_view.max_items if calendar_view else max_items, offset=offset, )
def find_people(self, q, shape='IdOnly', depth=None, additional_fields=None, order_fields=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0)
Private method to call the FindPeople service.
:param q: a Q instance containing any restrictions :param shape: controls whether to return (id, changekey) tuples or Persona objects. If additional_fields is non-null, we always return Persona objects. (Default value = ID_ONLY) :param depth: controls the whether to return soft-deleted items or not. (Default value = None) :param additional_fields: the extra properties we want on the return objects. Default is no properties. :param order_fields: the SortOrder fields, if any (Default value = None) :param page_size: the requested number of items per page (Default value = None) :param max_items: the max number of items to return (Default value = None) :param offset: the offset relative to the first item in the item collection (Default value = 0)
:return: a generator for the returned personas
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def find_people( self, q, shape=ID_ONLY, depth=None, additional_fields=None, order_fields=None, page_size=None, max_items=None, offset=0, ): """Private method to call the FindPeople service. :param q: a Q instance containing any restrictions :param shape: controls whether to return (id, changekey) tuples or Persona objects. If additional_fields is non-null, we always return Persona objects. (Default value = ID_ONLY) :param depth: controls the whether to return soft-deleted items or not. (Default value = None) :param additional_fields: the extra properties we want on the return objects. Default is no properties. :param order_fields: the SortOrder fields, if any (Default value = None) :param page_size: the requested number of items per page (Default value = None) :param max_items: the max number of items to return (Default value = None) :param offset: the offset relative to the first item in the item collection (Default value = 0) :return: a generator for the returned personas """ from import FindPeople folder = self._get_single_folder() if q.is_never(): log.debug("Query will never return results") return depth, restriction, query_string = self._rinse_args( q=q, depth=depth, additional_fields=additional_fields, field_validator=Persona.validate_field ) yield from FindPeople(account=self.account, page_size=page_size).call( folder=folder, additional_fields=additional_fields, restriction=restriction, order_fields=order_fields, shape=shape, query_string=query_string, depth=depth, max_items=max_items, offset=offset, )
def get_folder_fields(self, target_cls, is_complex=None)
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def get_folder_fields(self, target_cls, is_complex=None): return { FieldPath(field=f) for f in target_cls.supported_fields(version=self.account.version) if is_complex is None or f.is_complex is is_complex }
def get_folders(self, additional_fields=None)
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def get_folders(self, additional_fields=None): from import GetFolder # Expand folders with their full set of properties from .base import BaseFolder if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return if additional_fields is None: # Default to all complex properties additional_fields = self.get_folder_fields(target_cls=self._get_target_cls(), is_complex=True) # Add required fields additional_fields.update( (FieldPath(field=BaseFolder.get_field_by_fieldname(f)) for f in self.REQUIRED_FOLDER_FIELDS) ) yield from GetFolder(account=self.account).call( folders=self.folders, additional_fields=additional_fields, shape=ID_ONLY, )
def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PullSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def push_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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def push_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PushSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def resolve(self)
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def resolve(self): # Looks up the folders or folder IDs in the collection and returns full Folder instances with all fields set. from .base import BaseFolder resolveable_folders = [] for f in self.folders: if isinstance(f, BaseFolder) and not f.get_folder_allowed: log.debug("GetFolder not allowed on folder %s. Non-complex fields must be fetched with FindFolder", f) yield f else: resolveable_folders.append(f) # Fetch all properties for the remaining folders of folder IDs additional_fields = self.get_folder_fields(target_cls=self._get_target_cls()) yield from self.__class__(account=self.account, folders=resolveable_folders).get_folders( additional_fields=additional_fields )
def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs): return StreamingSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60)
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def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60): from import SubscribeToPull if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return None if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPull(account=self.account).get( folders=self.folders, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, timeout=timeout, )
def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1)
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def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1): from import SubscribeToPush if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return None if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToPush(account=self.account).get( folders=self.folders, event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, status_frequency=status_frequency, url=callback_url, )
def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None)
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def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None): from import SubscribeToStreaming if not self.folders: log.debug("Folder list is empty") return None if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToStreaming.EVENT_TYPES return SubscribeToStreaming(account=self.account).get(folders=self.folders, event_types=event_types)
def sync_hierarchy(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None)
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def sync_hierarchy(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None): from import SyncFolderHierarchy folder = self._get_single_folder() if only_fields is None: # We didn't restrict list of field paths. Get all fields from the server, including extended properties. additional_fields = {FieldPath(field=f) for f in folder.supported_fields(version=self.account.version)} else: additional_fields = set() for field_name in only_fields: folder.validate_field(field=field_name, version=self.account.version) f = folder.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname=field_name) if not f.is_attribute: # Remove ItemId and ChangeKey. We get them unconditionally additional_fields.add(FieldPath(field=f)) # Add required fields additional_fields.update( (FieldPath(field=folder.get_field_by_fieldname(f)) for f in self.REQUIRED_FOLDER_FIELDS) ) svc = SyncFolderHierarchy(account=self.account) while True: yield from folder=folder, shape=ID_ONLY, additional_fields=additional_fields, sync_state=sync_state, ) if svc.sync_state == sync_state: # We sometimes get the same sync_state back, even though includes_last_item_in_range is False. Stop here break sync_state = svc.sync_state # Set the new sync state in the next call if svc.includes_last_item_in_range: # Try again if there are more items break raise SyncCompleted(sync_state=svc.sync_state)
def sync_items(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None, ignore=None, max_changes_returned=None, sync_scope=None)
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def sync_items(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None, ignore=None, max_changes_returned=None, sync_scope=None): from import SyncFolderItems folder = self._get_single_folder() if only_fields is None: # We didn't restrict list of field paths. Get all fields from the server, including extended properties. additional_fields = {FieldPath(field=f) for f in folder.allowed_item_fields(version=self.account.version)} else: for field in only_fields: folder.validate_item_field(field=field, version=self.account.version) # Remove ItemId and ChangeKey. We get them unconditionally additional_fields = {f for f in folder.normalize_fields(fields=only_fields) if not f.field.is_attribute} svc = SyncFolderItems(account=self.account) while True: yield from folder=folder, shape=ID_ONLY, additional_fields=additional_fields, sync_state=sync_state, ignore=ignore, max_changes_returned=max_changes_returned, sync_scope=sync_scope, ) if svc.sync_state == sync_state: # We sometimes get the same sync_state back, even though includes_last_item_in_range is False. Stop here break sync_state = svc.sync_state # Set the new sync state in the next call if svc.includes_last_item_in_range: # Try again if there are more items break raise SyncCompleted(sync_state=svc.sync_state)
def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id)
Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications.
:param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_pull|streaming :return: True
This method doesn't need the current collection instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods.
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def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id): """Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|streaming]() :return: True This method doesn't need the current collection instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import Unsubscribe return Unsubscribe(account=self.account).get(subscription_id=subscription_id)
def validate_item_field(self, field, version)
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def validate_item_field(self, field, version): # Takes a fieldname, Field or FieldPath object pointing to an item field, and checks that it is valid # for the item types supported by this folder collection. for item_model in self.supported_item_models: try: item_model.validate_field(field=field, version=version) break except InvalidField: continue else: raise InvalidField(f"{field!r} is not a valid field on {self.supported_item_models}")
def view(self, start, end, max_items=None)
Implement the CalendarView option to FindItem. The difference between 'filter' and 'view' is that 'filter' only returns the master CalendarItem for recurring items, while 'view' unfolds recurring items and returns all CalendarItem occurrences as one would normally expect when presenting a calendar.
Supports the same semantics as filter, except for 'start' and 'end' keyword attributes which are both required and behave differently than filter. Here, they denote the start and end of the timespan of the view. All items the overlap the timespan are returned (items that end exactly on 'start' are also returned, for some reason).
EWS does not allow combining CalendarView with search restrictions (filter and exclude).
'max_items' defines the maximum number of items returned in this view. Optional.
:param start: :param end: :param max_items: (Default value = None) :return:
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def view(self, start, end, max_items=None): """Implement the CalendarView option to FindItem. The difference between 'filter' and 'view' is that 'filter' only returns the master CalendarItem for recurring items, while 'view' unfolds recurring items and returns all CalendarItem occurrences as one would normally expect when presenting a calendar. Supports the same semantics as filter, except for 'start' and 'end' keyword attributes which are both required and behave differently than filter. Here, they denote the start and end of the timespan of the view. All items the overlap the timespan are returned (items that end exactly on 'start' are also returned, for some reason). EWS does not allow combining CalendarView with search restrictions (filter and exclude). 'max_items' defines the maximum number of items returned in this view. Optional. :param start: :param end: :param max_items: (Default value = None) :return: """ qs = QuerySet(self) qs.calendar_view = CalendarView(start=start, end=end, max_items=max_items) return qs
Inherited members
class ForwardItem (**kwargs)
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class ForwardItem(BaseReplyItem): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "ForwardItem"
Class variables
Inherited members
class HTMLBody (...)
Helper to mark the 'body' field as a complex attribute.
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class HTMLBody(Body): """Helper to mark the 'body' field as a complex attribute. MSDN: """ body_type = "HTML"
- Body
- builtins.str
Class variables
var body_type
Inherited members
class Identity (**kwargs)
Contains information that uniquely identifies an account. Currently only used for SOAP impersonation headers.
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class Identity(EWSElement): """Contains information that uniquely identifies an account. Currently only used for SOAP impersonation headers.""" ELEMENT_NAME = "ConnectingSID" # We have multiple options for uniquely identifying the user. Here's a prioritized list in accordance with # sid = TextField(field_uri="SID") upn = TextField(field_uri="PrincipalName") smtp_address = TextField(field_uri="SmtpAddress") # The (non-)primary email address for the account primary_smtp_address = TextField(field_uri="PrimarySmtpAddress") # The primary email address for the account
Class variables
Instance variables
var primary_smtp_address
var sid
var smtp_address
var upn
Inherited members
class ItemAttachment (**kwargs)
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class ItemAttachment(Attachment): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "ItemAttachment" _item = ItemField(field_uri="Item") def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs["_item"] = kwargs.pop("item", None) super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def item(self): from .folders import BaseFolder from .services import GetAttachment if self.attachment_id is None: return self._item if self._item is not None: return self._item # We have an ID to the data but still haven't called GetAttachment to get the actual data. Do that now. if not self.parent_item or not self.parent_item.account: raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} must have an account") additional_fields = { FieldPath(field=f) for f in BaseFolder.allowed_item_fields(version=self.parent_item.account.version) } attachment = GetAttachment(account=self.parent_item.account).get( items=[self.attachment_id], include_mime_content=True, body_type=None, filter_html_content=None, additional_fields=additional_fields, ) self._item = attachment.item return self._item @item.setter def item(self, value): from .items import Item if not isinstance(value, Item): raise InvalidTypeError("value", value, Item) self._item = value @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) for f in cls.FIELDS} kwargs["item"] = kwargs.pop("_item") cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs)
Class variables
Static methods
def from_xml(elem, account)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) for f in cls.FIELDS} kwargs["item"] = kwargs.pop("_item") cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs)
Instance variables
var item
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@property def item(self): from .folders import BaseFolder from .services import GetAttachment if self.attachment_id is None: return self._item if self._item is not None: return self._item # We have an ID to the data but still haven't called GetAttachment to get the actual data. Do that now. if not self.parent_item or not self.parent_item.account: raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} must have an account") additional_fields = { FieldPath(field=f) for f in BaseFolder.allowed_item_fields(version=self.parent_item.account.version) } attachment = GetAttachment(account=self.parent_item.account).get( items=[self.attachment_id], include_mime_content=True, body_type=None, filter_html_content=None, additional_fields=additional_fields, ) self._item = attachment.item return self._item
Inherited members
class ItemId (*args, **kwargs)
'id' and 'changekey' are UUIDs generated by Exchange.
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class ItemId(BaseItemId): """'id' and 'changekey' are UUIDs generated by Exchange. MSDN: """ ELEMENT_NAME = "ItemId" ID_ATTR = "Id" CHANGEKEY_ATTR = "ChangeKey" id = IdField(field_uri=ID_ATTR, is_required=True) changekey = IdField(field_uri=CHANGEKEY_ATTR, is_required=False)
- AssociatedCalendarItemId
- ConversationId
- FolderId
- MovedItemId
- OldItemId
- ParentFolderId
- ParentItemId
- PersonaId
- ReferenceItemId
- SourceId
Class variables
Instance variables
var changekey
var id
Inherited members
class Mailbox (**kwargs)
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class Mailbox(EWSElement): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "Mailbox" MAILBOX = "Mailbox" ONE_OFF = "OneOff" MAILBOX_TYPE_CHOICES = { Choice(MAILBOX), Choice("PublicDL"), Choice("PrivateDL"), Choice("Contact"), Choice("PublicFolder"), Choice("Unknown"), Choice(ONE_OFF), Choice("GroupMailbox", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2013), } name = TextField(field_uri="Name") email_address = EmailAddressField(field_uri="EmailAddress") # RoutingType values are not restricted: # routing_type = TextField(field_uri="RoutingType", default="SMTP") mailbox_type = ChoiceField(field_uri="MailboxType", choices=MAILBOX_TYPE_CHOICES, default=MAILBOX) item_id = EWSElementField(value_cls=ItemId, is_read_only=True) def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.mailbox_type != self.ONE_OFF and not self.email_address and not self.item_id: # A OneOff Mailbox (a one-off member of a personal distribution list) may lack these fields, but other # Mailboxes require at least one. See also "Remarks" section of # raise ValueError(f"Mailbox type {self.mailbox_type!r} must have either 'email_address' or 'item_id' set") def __hash__(self): # Exchange may add 'mailbox_type' and 'name' on insert. We're satisfied if the item_id or email address matches. if self.item_id: return hash(self.item_id) if self.email_address: return hash(self.email_address.lower()) return super().__hash__()
- Address
- DLMailbox
- EmailAddress
- EmailAddressTypeValue
- PersonaPostalAddressTypeValue
- RecipientAddress
- Room
- RoomList
- SendingAs
Class variables
Instance variables
var email_address
var item_id
var mailbox_type
var name
var routing_type
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.mailbox_type != self.ONE_OFF and not self.email_address and not self.item_id: # A OneOff Mailbox (a one-off member of a personal distribution list) may lack these fields, but other # Mailboxes require at least one. See also "Remarks" section of # raise ValueError(f"Mailbox type {self.mailbox_type!r} must have either 'email_address' or 'item_id' set")
Inherited members
class Message (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class Message(Item): """MSDN: """ ELEMENT_NAME = "Message" sender = MailboxField(field_uri="message:Sender", is_read_only=True, is_read_only_after_send=True) to_recipients = MailboxListField( field_uri="message:ToRecipients", is_read_only_after_send=True, is_searchable=False ) cc_recipients = MailboxListField( field_uri="message:CcRecipients", is_read_only_after_send=True, is_searchable=False ) bcc_recipients = MailboxListField( field_uri="message:BccRecipients", is_read_only_after_send=True, is_searchable=False ) is_read_receipt_requested = BooleanField( field_uri="message:IsReadReceiptRequested", is_required=True, default=False, is_read_only_after_send=True ) is_delivery_receipt_requested = BooleanField( field_uri="message:IsDeliveryReceiptRequested", is_required=True, default=False, is_read_only_after_send=True ) conversation_index = Base64Field(field_uri="message:ConversationIndex", is_read_only=True) conversation_topic = CharField(field_uri="message:ConversationTopic", is_read_only=True) # Rename 'From' to 'author'. We can't use field name 'from' since it's a Python keyword. author = MailboxField(field_uri="message:From", is_read_only_after_send=True) message_id = TextField(field_uri="message:InternetMessageId", is_read_only_after_send=True) is_read = BooleanField(field_uri="message:IsRead", is_required=True, default=False) is_response_requested = BooleanField(field_uri="message:IsResponseRequested", default=False, is_required=True) references = TextField(field_uri="message:References") reply_to = MailboxListField(field_uri="message:ReplyTo", is_read_only_after_send=True, is_searchable=False) received_by = MailboxField(field_uri="message:ReceivedBy", is_read_only=True) received_representing = MailboxField(field_uri="message:ReceivedRepresenting", is_read_only=True) reminder_message_data = EWSElementField( field_uri="message:ReminderMessageData", value_cls=ReminderMessageData, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2013_SP1, is_read_only=True, ) @require_account def send( self, save_copy=True, copy_to_folder=None, conflict_resolution=AUTO_RESOLVE, send_meeting_invitations=SEND_TO_NONE, ): from import SendItem # Only sends a message. The message can either be an existing draft stored in EWS or a new message that does # not yet exist in EWS. if copy_to_folder and not save_copy: raise AttributeError("'save_copy' must be True when 'copy_to_folder' is set") if save_copy and not copy_to_folder: copy_to_folder = self.account.sent # 'Sent' is default EWS behaviour if SendItem(account=self.account).get(items=[self], saved_item_folder=copy_to_folder) # The item will be deleted from the original folder self._id = None self.folder = copy_to_folder return None # New message if copy_to_folder: # This would better be done via send_and_save() but let's just support it here self.folder = copy_to_folder return self.send_and_save( conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations ) if < EXCHANGE_2013 and self.attachments: # At least some versions prior to Exchange 2013 can't send attachments immediately. You need to first save, # then attach, then send. This is done in send_and_save(). send() will delete the item again. self.send_and_save( conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations ) return None self._create(message_disposition=SEND_ONLY, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations) return None def send_and_save( self, update_fields=None, conflict_resolution=AUTO_RESOLVE, send_meeting_invitations=SEND_TO_NONE ): # Sends Message and saves a copy in the parent folder. Does not return an ItemId. if return self._update( update_fieldnames=update_fields, message_disposition=SEND_AND_SAVE_COPY, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ) if < EXCHANGE_2013 and self.attachments: # At least some versions prior to Exchange 2013 can't send-and-save attachments immediately. You need # to first save, then attach, then send. This is done in save(). update_fields=update_fields, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ) return self.send( save_copy=False, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ) return self._create(message_disposition=SEND_AND_SAVE_COPY, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations) @require_id def create_reply(self, subject, body, to_recipients=None, cc_recipients=None, bcc_recipients=None, author=None): if not to_recipients: if not raise ValueError("'to_recipients' must be set when message has no 'author'") to_recipients = [] return ReplyToItem( account=self.account, reference_item_id=ReferenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), subject=subject, new_body=body, to_recipients=to_recipients, cc_recipients=cc_recipients, bcc_recipients=bcc_recipients, author=author, ) def reply(self, subject, body, to_recipients=None, cc_recipients=None, bcc_recipients=None, author=None): return self.create_reply(subject, body, to_recipients, cc_recipients, bcc_recipients, author).send() @require_id def create_reply_all(self, subject, body, author=None): me = MailboxField().clean(self.account.primary_smtp_address.lower()) to_recipients = set(self.to_recipients or []) to_recipients.discard(me) cc_recipients = set(self.cc_recipients or []) cc_recipients.discard(me) bcc_recipients = set(self.bcc_recipients or []) bcc_recipients.discard(me) if to_recipients.add( return ReplyAllToItem( account=self.account, reference_item_id=ReferenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), subject=subject, new_body=body, to_recipients=list(to_recipients), cc_recipients=list(cc_recipients), bcc_recipients=list(bcc_recipients), author=author, ) def reply_all(self, subject, body, author=None): return self.create_reply_all(subject, body, author).send() def mark_as_junk(self, is_junk=True, move_item=True): """Mark or un-marks items as junk email. :param is_junk: If True, the sender will be added from the blocked sender list. Otherwise, the sender will be removed. :param move_item: If true, the item will be moved to the junk folder. :return: """ from import MarkAsJunk res = MarkAsJunk(account=self.account).get( items=[self], is_junk=is_junk, move_item=move_item, expect_result=None ) if res is None: return self.folder = self.account.junk if is_junk else self.account.inbox, self.changekey = res
Class variables
Instance variables
var bcc_recipients
var cc_recipients
var conversation_index
var conversation_topic
var is_delivery_receipt_requested
var is_read
var is_read_receipt_requested
var is_response_requested
var message_id
var received_by
var received_representing
var references
var reminder_message_data
var reply_to
var sender
var to_recipients
def create_reply(self, subject, body, to_recipients=None, cc_recipients=None, bcc_recipients=None, author=None)
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@require_id def create_reply(self, subject, body, to_recipients=None, cc_recipients=None, bcc_recipients=None, author=None): if not to_recipients: if not raise ValueError("'to_recipients' must be set when message has no 'author'") to_recipients = [] return ReplyToItem( account=self.account, reference_item_id=ReferenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), subject=subject, new_body=body, to_recipients=to_recipients, cc_recipients=cc_recipients, bcc_recipients=bcc_recipients, author=author, )
def create_reply_all(self, subject, body, author=None)
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@require_id def create_reply_all(self, subject, body, author=None): me = MailboxField().clean(self.account.primary_smtp_address.lower()) to_recipients = set(self.to_recipients or []) to_recipients.discard(me) cc_recipients = set(self.cc_recipients or []) cc_recipients.discard(me) bcc_recipients = set(self.bcc_recipients or []) bcc_recipients.discard(me) if to_recipients.add( return ReplyAllToItem( account=self.account, reference_item_id=ReferenceItemId(, changekey=self.changekey), subject=subject, new_body=body, to_recipients=list(to_recipients), cc_recipients=list(cc_recipients), bcc_recipients=list(bcc_recipients), author=author, )
def mark_as_junk(self, is_junk=True, move_item=True)
Mark or un-marks items as junk email.
:param is_junk: If True, the sender will be added from the blocked sender list. Otherwise, the sender will be removed. :param move_item: If true, the item will be moved to the junk folder. :return:
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def mark_as_junk(self, is_junk=True, move_item=True): """Mark or un-marks items as junk email. :param is_junk: If True, the sender will be added from the blocked sender list. Otherwise, the sender will be removed. :param move_item: If true, the item will be moved to the junk folder. :return: """ from import MarkAsJunk res = MarkAsJunk(account=self.account).get( items=[self], is_junk=is_junk, move_item=move_item, expect_result=None ) if res is None: return self.folder = self.account.junk if is_junk else self.account.inbox, self.changekey = res
def reply(self, subject, body, to_recipients=None, cc_recipients=None, bcc_recipients=None, author=None)
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def reply(self, subject, body, to_recipients=None, cc_recipients=None, bcc_recipients=None, author=None): return self.create_reply(subject, body, to_recipients, cc_recipients, bcc_recipients, author).send()
def reply_all(self, subject, body, author=None)
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def reply_all(self, subject, body, author=None): return self.create_reply_all(subject, body, author).send()
def send(self, save_copy=True, copy_to_folder=None, conflict_resolution='AutoResolve', send_meeting_invitations='SendToNone')
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@require_account def send( self, save_copy=True, copy_to_folder=None, conflict_resolution=AUTO_RESOLVE, send_meeting_invitations=SEND_TO_NONE, ): from import SendItem # Only sends a message. The message can either be an existing draft stored in EWS or a new message that does # not yet exist in EWS. if copy_to_folder and not save_copy: raise AttributeError("'save_copy' must be True when 'copy_to_folder' is set") if save_copy and not copy_to_folder: copy_to_folder = self.account.sent # 'Sent' is default EWS behaviour if SendItem(account=self.account).get(items=[self], saved_item_folder=copy_to_folder) # The item will be deleted from the original folder self._id = None self.folder = copy_to_folder return None # New message if copy_to_folder: # This would better be done via send_and_save() but let's just support it here self.folder = copy_to_folder return self.send_and_save( conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations ) if < EXCHANGE_2013 and self.attachments: # At least some versions prior to Exchange 2013 can't send attachments immediately. You need to first save, # then attach, then send. This is done in send_and_save(). send() will delete the item again. self.send_and_save( conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations ) return None self._create(message_disposition=SEND_ONLY, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations) return None
def send_and_save(self, update_fields=None, conflict_resolution='AutoResolve', send_meeting_invitations='SendToNone')
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def send_and_save( self, update_fields=None, conflict_resolution=AUTO_RESOLVE, send_meeting_invitations=SEND_TO_NONE ): # Sends Message and saves a copy in the parent folder. Does not return an ItemId. if return self._update( update_fieldnames=update_fields, message_disposition=SEND_AND_SAVE_COPY, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ) if < EXCHANGE_2013 and self.attachments: # At least some versions prior to Exchange 2013 can't send-and-save attachments immediately. You need # to first save, then attach, then send. This is done in save(). update_fields=update_fields, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ) return self.send( save_copy=False, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations, ) return self._create(message_disposition=SEND_AND_SAVE_COPY, send_meeting_invitations=send_meeting_invitations)
Inherited members
class NoVerifyHTTPAdapter (pool_connections=10, pool_maxsize=10, max_retries=0, pool_block=False)
An HTTP adapter that ignores TLS validation errors. Use at own risk.
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class NoVerifyHTTPAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter): """An HTTP adapter that ignores TLS validation errors. Use at own risk.""" def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # We're overriding a method, so we have to keep the signature super().cert_verify(conn=conn, url=url, verify=False, cert=cert) def get_connection_with_tls_context(self, request, verify, proxies=None, cert=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # Required for requests >= 2.32.3 # See: return super().get_connection_with_tls_context(request=request, verify=False, proxies=proxies, cert=cert)
- requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter
- requests.adapters.BaseAdapter
def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert)
Verify a SSL certificate. This method should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:
HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>
.:param conn: The urllib3 connection object associated with the cert. :param url: The requested URL. :param verify: Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use :param cert: The SSL certificate to verify.
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def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # We're overriding a method, so we have to keep the signature super().cert_verify(conn=conn, url=url, verify=False, cert=cert)
def get_connection_with_tls_context(self, request, verify, proxies=None, cert=None)
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def get_connection_with_tls_context(self, request, verify, proxies=None, cert=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # Required for requests >= 2.32.3 # See: return super().get_connection_with_tls_context(request=request, verify=False, proxies=proxies, cert=cert)
class O365InteractiveConfiguration (client_id, username)
Contains information needed to create an authenticated connection to an EWS endpoint.
The 'credentials' argument contains the credentials needed to authenticate with the server. Multiple credentials implementations are available in 'exchangelib.credentials'.
config = Configuration(credentials=Credentials('', 'MY_SECRET'), …)
The 'server' and 'service_endpoint' arguments are mutually exclusive. The former must contain only a domain name, the latter a full URL:
config = Configuration(server='', ...) config = Configuration(service_endpoint='', ...)
If you know which authentication type the server uses, you add that as a hint in 'auth_type'. Likewise, you can add the server version as a hint. This allows to skip the auth type and version guessing routines:
config = Configuration(auth_type=NTLM, ...) config = Configuration(version=Version(build=Build(15, 1, 2, 3)), ...)
You can use 'retry_policy' to define a custom retry policy for handling server connection failures:
config = Configuration(retry_policy=FaultTolerance(max_wait=3600), ...)
'max_connections' defines the max number of connections allowed for this server. This may be restricted by policies on the Exchange server.
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class O365InteractiveConfiguration(Configuration): SERVER = "" def __init__(self, client_id, username): credentials = O365InteractiveCredentials(client_id=client_id, username=username) super().__init__(server=self.SERVER, auth_type=OAUTH2, credentials=credentials)
Class variables
class OAuth2AuthorizationCodeCredentials (authorization_code=None, **kwargs)
Login info for OAuth 2.0 authentication using the authorization code grant type. This can be used in one of several ways: * Given an authorization code, client ID, and client secret, fetch a token ourselves and refresh it as needed if supplied with a refresh token. * Given an existing access token, client ID, and client secret, use the access token until it expires and then refresh it as needed. * Given only an existing access token, use it until it expires. This can be used to let the calling application refresh tokens itself by subclassing and implementing refresh().
Unlike the base (client credentials) grant, authorization code credentials don't require a Microsoft tenant ID because each access token (and the authorization code used to get the access token) is restricted to a single tenant.
:param authorization_code: Code obtained when authorizing the application to access an account. In combination with client_id and client_secret, will be used to obtain an access token.
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class OAuth2AuthorizationCodeCredentials(BaseOAuth2Credentials): """Login info for OAuth 2.0 authentication using the authorization code grant type. This can be used in one of several ways: * Given an authorization code, client ID, and client secret, fetch a token ourselves and refresh it as needed if supplied with a refresh token. * Given an existing access token, client ID, and client secret, use the access token until it expires and then refresh it as needed. * Given only an existing access token, use it until it expires. This can be used to let the calling application refresh tokens itself by subclassing and implementing refresh(). Unlike the base (client credentials) grant, authorization code credentials don't require a Microsoft tenant ID because each access token (and the authorization code used to get the access token) is restricted to a single tenant. """ def __init__(self, authorization_code=None, **kwargs): """ :param authorization_code: Code obtained when authorizing the application to access an account. In combination with client_id and client_secret, will be used to obtain an access token. """ for attr in ("client_id", "client_secret"): # Allow omitting these kwargs kwargs[attr] = kwargs.pop(attr, None) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.authorization_code = authorization_code @property def scope(self): res = super().scope res.append("offline_access") return res def token_params(self): res = super().token_params() res["code"] = self.authorization_code # Auth code may be None self.authorization_code = None # We can only use the code once return res @threaded_cached_property def client(self): return oauthlib.oauth2.WebApplicationClient(client_id=self.client_id) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + repr( (self.client_id, "[client_secret]", "[authorization_code]", "[access_token]") ) def __str__(self): client_id = self.client_id credential = ( "[access_token]" if self.access_token is not None else ("[authorization_code]" if self.authorization_code is not None else None) ) description = " ".join(filter(None, [client_id, credential])) return description or "[underspecified credentials]"
Inherited members
class OAuth2Credentials (client_id, client_secret, tenant_id=None, identity=None, access_token=None)
Login info for OAuth 2.0 client credentials authentication, as well as a base for other OAuth 2.0 grant types.
This is primarily useful for in-house applications accessing data from a single Microsoft account. For applications that will access multiple tenants' data, the client credentials flow does not give the application enough information to restrict end users' access to the appropriate account. Use OAuth2AuthorizationCodeCredentials and the associated auth code grant type for multi-tenant applications.
:param client_id: ID of an authorized OAuth application, required for automatic token fetching and refreshing :param client_secret: Secret associated with the OAuth application :param tenant_id: Microsoft tenant ID of the account to access :param identity: An Identity object representing the account that these credentials are connected to. :param access_token: Previously-obtained access token, as a dict or an oauthlib.oauth2.OAuth2Token
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class OAuth2Credentials(BaseOAuth2Credentials): """Login info for OAuth 2.0 client credentials authentication, as well as a base for other OAuth 2.0 grant types. This is primarily useful for in-house applications accessing data from a single Microsoft account. For applications that will access multiple tenants' data, the client credentials flow does not give the application enough information to restrict end users' access to the appropriate account. Use OAuth2AuthorizationCodeCredentials and the associated auth code grant type for multi-tenant applications. """ @threaded_cached_property def client(self): return oauthlib.oauth2.BackendApplicationClient(client_id=self.client_id)
Inherited members
class OAuth2LegacyCredentials (username, password, **kwargs)
Login info for OAuth 2.0 authentication using delegated permissions and application permissions.
This requires the app to acquire username and password from the user and pass that when requesting authentication tokens for the given user. This allows the app to act as the signed-in user.
:param username: The username of the user to act as :param password: The password of the user to act as
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class OAuth2LegacyCredentials(OAuth2Credentials): """Login info for OAuth 2.0 authentication using delegated permissions and application permissions. This requires the app to acquire username and password from the user and pass that when requesting authentication tokens for the given user. This allows the app to act as the signed-in user. """ def __init__(self, username, password, **kwargs): """ :param username: The username of the user to act as :param password: The password of the user to act as """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.username = username self.password = password def token_params(self): res = super().token_params() res.update( { "username": self.username, "password": self.password, } ) return res @threaded_cached_property def client(self): return oauthlib.oauth2.LegacyApplicationClient(client_id=self.client_id) @property def scope(self): return [""]
Inherited members
class OofSettings (**kwargs)
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class OofSettings(EWSElement): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "OofSettings" REQUEST_ELEMENT_NAME = "UserOofSettings" ENABLED = "Enabled" SCHEDULED = "Scheduled" DISABLED = "Disabled" STATE_CHOICES = (ENABLED, SCHEDULED, DISABLED) state = ChoiceField(field_uri="OofState", is_required=True, choices={Choice(c) for c in STATE_CHOICES}) external_audience = ChoiceField( field_uri="ExternalAudience", choices={Choice("None"), Choice("Known"), Choice("All")}, default="All" ) start = DateTimeField(field_uri="StartTime") end = DateTimeField(field_uri="EndTime") internal_reply = MessageField(field_uri="InternalReply") external_reply = MessageField(field_uri="ExternalReply") def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.state == self.SCHEDULED: if not self.start or not self.end: raise ValueError(f"'start' and 'end' must be set when state is {self.SCHEDULED!r}") if self.start >= self.end: raise ValueError("'start' must be before 'end'") if self.end < raise ValueError("'end' must be in the future") # Some servers only like UTC timestamps self.start = self.start.astimezone(UTC) self.end = self.end.astimezone(UTC) if self.state != self.DISABLED and (not self.internal_reply or not self.external_reply): raise ValueError(f"'internal_reply' and 'external_reply' must be set when state is not {self.DISABLED!r}") @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = {} for attr in ("state", "external_audience", "internal_reply", "external_reply"): f = cls.get_field_by_fieldname(attr) kwargs[attr] = f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) kwargs.update(OutOfOffice.duration_to_start_end(elem=elem, account=account)) cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs) def to_xml(self, version): self.clean(version=version) elem = create_element(f"t:{self.REQUEST_ELEMENT_NAME}") for attr in ("state", "external_audience"): value = getattr(self, attr) f = self.get_field_by_fieldname(attr) set_xml_value(elem, f.to_xml(value, version=version)) if self.start or self.end: duration = create_element("t:Duration") if self.start: f = self.get_field_by_fieldname("start") set_xml_value(duration, f.to_xml(self.start, version=version)) if self.end: f = self.get_field_by_fieldname("end") set_xml_value(duration, f.to_xml(self.end, version=version)) elem.append(duration) for attr in ("internal_reply", "external_reply"): value = getattr(self, attr) if value is None: value = "" # The value can be empty, but the XML element must always be present f = self.get_field_by_fieldname(attr) set_xml_value(elem, f.to_xml(value, version=version)) return elem def __hash__(self): # Customize comparison if self.state == self.DISABLED: # All values except state are ignored by the server relevant_attrs = ("state",) elif self.state != self.SCHEDULED: # 'start' and 'end' values are ignored by the server, and the server always returns today's date relevant_attrs = tuple( for f in self.FIELDS if not in ("start", "end")) else: relevant_attrs = tuple( for f in self.FIELDS) return hash(tuple(getattr(self, attr) for attr in relevant_attrs))
Class variables
Static methods
def from_xml(elem, account)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = {} for attr in ("state", "external_audience", "internal_reply", "external_reply"): f = cls.get_field_by_fieldname(attr) kwargs[attr] = f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) kwargs.update(OutOfOffice.duration_to_start_end(elem=elem, account=account)) cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs)
Instance variables
var end
var external_audience
var external_reply
var internal_reply
var start
var state
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.state == self.SCHEDULED: if not self.start or not self.end: raise ValueError(f"'start' and 'end' must be set when state is {self.SCHEDULED!r}") if self.start >= self.end: raise ValueError("'start' must be before 'end'") if self.end < raise ValueError("'end' must be in the future") # Some servers only like UTC timestamps self.start = self.start.astimezone(UTC) self.end = self.end.astimezone(UTC) if self.state != self.DISABLED and (not self.internal_reply or not self.external_reply): raise ValueError(f"'internal_reply' and 'external_reply' must be set when state is not {self.DISABLED!r}")
def to_xml(self, version)
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def to_xml(self, version): self.clean(version=version) elem = create_element(f"t:{self.REQUEST_ELEMENT_NAME}") for attr in ("state", "external_audience"): value = getattr(self, attr) f = self.get_field_by_fieldname(attr) set_xml_value(elem, f.to_xml(value, version=version)) if self.start or self.end: duration = create_element("t:Duration") if self.start: f = self.get_field_by_fieldname("start") set_xml_value(duration, f.to_xml(self.start, version=version)) if self.end: f = self.get_field_by_fieldname("end") set_xml_value(duration, f.to_xml(self.end, version=version)) elem.append(duration) for attr in ("internal_reply", "external_reply"): value = getattr(self, attr) if value is None: value = "" # The value can be empty, but the XML element must always be present f = self.get_field_by_fieldname(attr) set_xml_value(elem, f.to_xml(value, version=version)) return elem
Inherited members
class PostItem (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class PostItem(Item): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "PostItem" conversation_index = Message.FIELDS["conversation_index"] conversation_topic = Message.FIELDS["conversation_topic"] author = Message.FIELDS["author"] message_id = Message.FIELDS["message_id"] is_read = Message.FIELDS["is_read"] posted_time = DateTimeField(field_uri="postitem:PostedTime", is_read_only=True) references = TextField(field_uri="message:References") sender = MailboxField(field_uri="message:Sender", is_read_only=True, is_read_only_after_send=True)
Class variables
Instance variables
var conversation_index
var conversation_topic
var is_read
var message_id
var posted_time
var references
var sender
Inherited members
class PostReplyItem (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class PostReplyItem(Item): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "PostReplyItem" # This element only has Item fields up to, and including, 'culture' # TDO: Plus all message fields new_body = BodyField(field_uri="NewBodyContent") # Accepts and returns Body or HTMLBody instances culture_idx = Item.FIELDS.index_by_name("culture") sender_idx = Message.FIELDS.index_by_name("sender") FIELDS = Item.FIELDS[: culture_idx + 1] + Message.FIELDS[sender_idx:]
Class variables
var culture_idx
var sender_idx
Instance variables
var bcc_recipients
var cc_recipients
var conversation_index
var conversation_topic
var is_delivery_receipt_requested
var is_read
var is_read_receipt_requested
var is_response_requested
var message_id
var new_body
var received_by
var received_representing
var references
var reminder_message_data
var reply_to
var sender
var to_recipients
Inherited members
class Q (*args, **kwargs)
A class with an API similar to Django Q objects. Used to implement advanced filtering logic.
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class Q: """A class with an API similar to Django Q objects. Used to implement advanced filtering logic.""" # Connection types AND = "AND" OR = "OR" NOT = "NOT" NEVER = "NEVER" # This is not specified by EWS. We use it for queries that will never match, e.g. 'foo__in=()' CONN_TYPES = {AND, OR, NOT, NEVER} # EWS Operators EQ = "==" NE = "!=" GT = ">" GTE = ">=" LT = "<" LTE = "<=" EXACT = "exact" IEXACT = "iexact" CONTAINS = "contains" ICONTAINS = "icontains" STARTSWITH = "startswith" ISTARTSWITH = "istartswith" EXISTS = "exists" OP_TYPES = {EQ, NE, GT, GTE, LT, LTE, EXACT, IEXACT, CONTAINS, ICONTAINS, STARTSWITH, ISTARTSWITH, EXISTS} CONTAINS_OPS = {EXACT, IEXACT, CONTAINS, ICONTAINS, STARTSWITH, ISTARTSWITH} # Valid lookups LOOKUP_RANGE = "range" LOOKUP_IN = "in" LOOKUP_NOT = "not" LOOKUP_GT = "gt" LOOKUP_GTE = "gte" LOOKUP_LT = "lt" LOOKUP_LTE = "lte" LOOKUP_EXACT = "exact" LOOKUP_IEXACT = "iexact" LOOKUP_CONTAINS = "contains" LOOKUP_ICONTAINS = "icontains" LOOKUP_STARTSWITH = "startswith" LOOKUP_ISTARTSWITH = "istartswith" LOOKUP_EXISTS = "exists" LOOKUP_TYPES = { LOOKUP_RANGE, LOOKUP_IN, LOOKUP_NOT, LOOKUP_GT, LOOKUP_GTE, LOOKUP_LT, LOOKUP_LTE, LOOKUP_EXACT, LOOKUP_IEXACT, LOOKUP_CONTAINS, LOOKUP_ICONTAINS, LOOKUP_STARTSWITH, LOOKUP_ISTARTSWITH, LOOKUP_EXISTS, } __slots__ = "conn_type", "field_path", "op", "value", "children", "query_string" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.conn_type = kwargs.pop("conn_type", self.AND) self.field_path = None # Name of the field we want to filter on self.op = None self.value = None self.query_string = None # Parsing of args and kwargs may require child elements self.children = [] # Check for query string as the only argument if not kwargs and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): self.query_string = args[0] args = () # Parse args which must now be Q objects for q in args: if not isinstance(q, self.__class__): raise TypeError(f"Non-keyword arg {q!r} must be of type {Q}") self.children.extend(args) # Parse keyword args and extract the filter is_single_kwarg = not args and len(kwargs) == 1 for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.children.extend(self._get_children_from_kwarg(key=key, value=value, is_single_kwarg=is_single_kwarg)) # Simplify this object self.reduce() # Final sanity check self._check_integrity() def _get_children_from_kwarg(self, key, value, is_single_kwarg=False): """Generate Q objects corresponding to a single keyword argument. Make this a leaf if there are no children to generate. """ key_parts = key.rsplit("__", 1) if len(key_parts) == 2 and key_parts[1] in self.LOOKUP_TYPES: # This is a kwarg with a lookup at the end field_path, lookup = key_parts if lookup == self.LOOKUP_EXISTS: # value=True will fall through to further processing if not value: return (~self.__class__(**{key: True}),) if lookup == self.LOOKUP_RANGE: # EWS doesn't have a 'range' operator. Emulate 'foo__range=(1, 2)' as 'foo__gte=1 and foo__lte=2' # (both values inclusive). if len(value) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Value of lookup {key!r} must have exactly 2 elements") return ( self.__class__(**{f"{field_path}__gte": value[0]}), self.__class__(**{f"{field_path}__lte": value[1]}), ) # Filtering on list types is a bit quirky. The only lookup type I have found to work is: # # item:Categories == 'foo' AND item:Categories == 'bar' AND ... # # item:Categories == 'foo' OR item:Categories == 'bar' OR ... # # The former returns items that have all these categories, but maybe also others. The latter returns # items that have at least one of these categories. This translates to the 'contains' and 'in' lookups, # respectively. Both versions are case-insensitive. # # Exact matching and case-sensitive or partial-string matching is not possible since that requires the # 'Contains' element which only supports matching on string elements, not arrays. # # Exact matching of categories (i.e. match ['a', 'b'] but not ['a', 'b', 'c']) could be implemented by # post-processing items by fetching the categories field unconditionally and removing the items that don't # have an exact match. if lookup == self.LOOKUP_IN: # EWS doesn't have an '__in' operator. Allow '__in' lookups on list and non-list field types, # specifying a list value. We'll emulate it as a set of OR'ed exact matches. if not is_iterable(value, generators_allowed=True): raise TypeError(f"Value for lookup {key!r} must be of type {list}") children = tuple(self.__class__(**{field_path: v}) for v in value) if not children: # This is an '__in' operator with an empty list as the value. We interpret it to mean "is foo # contained in the empty set?" which is always false. Mark this Q object as such. return (self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER),) return (self.__class__(*children, conn_type=self.OR),) if lookup == self.LOOKUP_CONTAINS and is_iterable(value, generators_allowed=True): # A '__contains' lookup with a list as the value ony makes sense for list fields, since exact match # on multiple distinct values will always fail for single-value fields. # # An empty list as value is allowed. We interpret it to mean "are all values in the empty set contained # in foo?" which is always true. children = tuple(self.__class__(**{field_path: v}) for v in value) return (self.__class__(*children, conn_type=self.AND),) try: op = self._lookup_to_op(lookup) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Lookup {lookup!r} is not supported (called as '{key}={value!r}')") else: field_path, op = key, self.EQ if not is_single_kwarg: return (self.__class__(**{key: value}),) # This is a single-kwarg Q object with a lookup that requires a single value. Make this a leaf self.field_path = field_path self.op = op self.value = value return () def reduce(self): """Simplify this object, if possible.""" self._reduce_children() self._promote() def _reduce_children(self): """Look at the children of this object and remove unnecessary items.""" children = self.children if any((isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never()) for a in children): # We have at least one 'never' arg if self.conn_type == self.AND: # Remove all other args since nothing we AND together with a 'never' arg can change the result children = [self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER)] elif self.conn_type == self.OR: # Remove all 'never' args because all other args will decide the result. Keep one 'never' arg in case # all args are 'never' args. children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never())] if not children: children = [self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER)] elif self.conn_type == self.NOT: # Let's interpret 'not never' to mean 'always'. Remove all 'never' args children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never())] # Remove any empty Q elements in args before proceeding children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_empty())] self.children = children def _promote(self): """When we only have one child and no expression on ourselves, we are a no-op. Flatten by taking over the only child. """ if len(self.children) != 1 or self.field_path is not None or self.conn_type == self.NOT: return q = self.children[0] self.conn_type = q.conn_type self.field_path = q.field_path self.op = q.op self.value = q.value self.query_string = q.query_string self.children = q.children def clean(self, version): """Do some basic checks on the attributes, using a generic folder. to_xml() does a good job of validating. There's no reason to replicate much of that here. """ from .folders import Folder self.to_xml(folders=[Folder()], version=version, applies_to=Restriction.ITEMS) @classmethod def _lookup_to_op(cls, lookup): return { cls.LOOKUP_NOT: cls.NE, cls.LOOKUP_GT: cls.GT, cls.LOOKUP_GTE: cls.GTE, cls.LOOKUP_LT: cls.LT, cls.LOOKUP_LTE: cls.LTE, cls.LOOKUP_EXACT: cls.EXACT, cls.LOOKUP_IEXACT: cls.IEXACT, cls.LOOKUP_CONTAINS: cls.CONTAINS, cls.LOOKUP_ICONTAINS: cls.ICONTAINS, cls.LOOKUP_STARTSWITH: cls.STARTSWITH, cls.LOOKUP_ISTARTSWITH: cls.ISTARTSWITH, cls.LOOKUP_EXISTS: cls.EXISTS, }[lookup] @classmethod def _conn_to_xml(cls, conn_type): xml_tag_map = { cls.AND: "t:And", cls.OR: "t:Or", cls.NOT: "t:Not", } return create_element(xml_tag_map[conn_type]) @classmethod def _op_to_xml(cls, op): xml_tag_map = { cls.EQ: "t:IsEqualTo", cls.NE: "t:IsNotEqualTo", cls.GTE: "t:IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo", cls.LTE: "t:IsLessThanOrEqualTo", cls.LT: "t:IsLessThan", cls.GT: "t:IsGreaterThan", cls.EXISTS: "t:Exists", } if op in xml_tag_map: return create_element(xml_tag_map[op]) valid_ops = cls.EXACT, cls.IEXACT, cls.CONTAINS, cls.ICONTAINS, cls.STARTSWITH, cls.ISTARTSWITH if op not in valid_ops: raise InvalidEnumValue("op", op, valid_ops) # For description of Contains attribute values, see # # # Possible ContainmentMode values: # FullString, Prefixed, Substring, PrefixOnWords, ExactPhrase # Django lookups have no equivalent of PrefixOnWords and ExactPhrase (and I'm unsure how they actually # work). # # EWS has no equivalent of '__endswith' or '__iendswith'. That could be emulated using '__contains' and # '__icontains' and filtering results afterwards in Python. But it could be inefficient because we might be # fetching and discarding a lot of non-matching items, plus we would need to always fetch the field we're # matching on, to be able to do the filtering. I think it's better to leave this to the consumer, i.e.: # # items = [i for i in fld.filter(subject__contains=suffix) if i.subject.endswith(suffix)] # items = [i for i in fld.filter(subject__icontains=suffix) if i.subject.lower().endswith(suffix.lower())] # # Possible ContainmentComparison values (there are more, but the rest are "To be removed"): # Exact, IgnoreCase, IgnoreNonSpacingCharacters, IgnoreCaseAndNonSpacingCharacters # I'm unsure about non-spacing characters, but as I read # # we shouldn't ignore them ('a' would match both 'a' and 'å', the latter having a non-spacing character). if op in {cls.EXACT, cls.IEXACT}: match_mode = "FullString" elif op in (cls.CONTAINS, cls.ICONTAINS): match_mode = "Substring" elif op in (cls.STARTSWITH, cls.ISTARTSWITH): match_mode = "Prefixed" else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported op: {op}") if op in (cls.IEXACT, cls.ICONTAINS, cls.ISTARTSWITH): compare_mode = "IgnoreCase" else: compare_mode = "Exact" return create_element("t:Contains", attrs=dict(ContainmentMode=match_mode, ContainmentComparison=compare_mode)) def is_leaf(self): return not self.children def is_empty(self): """Return True if this object is without any restrictions at all.""" return self.is_leaf() and self.field_path is None and self.query_string is None and self.conn_type != self.NEVER def is_never(self): """Return True if this object has a restriction that will never match anything.""" return self.conn_type == self.NEVER def expr(self): if self.is_empty(): return None if self.is_never(): return self.NEVER if self.query_string: return self.query_string if self.is_leaf(): expr = f"{self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r}" else: # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty. expr = f" {self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type} ".join( (c.expr() if c.is_leaf() or c.conn_type == self.NOT else f"({c.expr()})") for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or "") ) if self.conn_type == self.NOT: # Add the NOT operator. Put children in parens if there is more than one child. if self.is_leaf() or len(self.children) == 1: return self.conn_type + f" {expr}" return self.conn_type + f" ({expr})" return expr def to_xml(self, folders, version, applies_to): if self.query_string: self._check_integrity() if < EXCHANGE_2010: raise NotImplementedError("QueryString filtering is only supported for Exchange 2010 servers and later") elem = create_element("m:QueryString") elem.text = self.query_string return elem # Translate this Q object to a valid Restriction XML tree elem = self.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to) if elem is None: return None restriction = create_element("m:Restriction") restriction.append(elem) return restriction def _check_integrity(self): if self.is_empty(): return if self.conn_type == self.NEVER: if any([self.field_path, self.op, self.value, self.children]): raise ValueError("'never' queries cannot be combined with other settings") return if self.query_string: if any([self.field_path, self.op, self.value, self.children]): raise ValueError("Query strings cannot be combined with other settings") return if self.conn_type not in self.CONN_TYPES: raise InvalidEnumValue("conn_type", self.conn_type, self.CONN_TYPES) if not self.is_leaf(): for q in self.children: if q.query_string and len(self.children) > 1: raise ValueError("A query string cannot be combined with other restrictions") return if not self.field_path: raise ValueError("'field_path' must be set") if self.op not in self.OP_TYPES: raise InvalidEnumValue("op", self.op, self.OP_TYPES) if self.op == self.EXISTS and self.value is not True: raise ValueError("'value' must be True when operator is EXISTS") if self.value is None: raise ValueError(f"Value for filter on field path {self.field_path!r} cannot be None") if is_iterable(self.value, generators_allowed=True): raise ValueError( f"Value {self.value!r} for filter on field path {self.field_path!r} must be a single value" ) def _validate_field_path(self, field_path, folder, applies_to, version): from .indexed_properties import MultiFieldIndexedElement if applies_to == Restriction.FOLDERS: # This is a restriction on Folder fields folder.validate_field(field=field_path.field, version=version) else: folder.validate_item_field(field=field_path.field, version=version) if not field_path.field.is_searchable: raise ValueError(f"EWS does not support filtering on field {!r}") if field_path.subfield and not field_path.subfield.is_searchable: raise ValueError(f"EWS does not support filtering on subfield {!r}") if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, MultiFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.subfield: raise ValueError(f"Field path {self.field_path!r} must contain a subfield") def _get_field_path(self, folders, applies_to, version): # Convert the string field path to a real FieldPath object. The path is validated using the given folders. for folder in folders: try: if applies_to == Restriction.FOLDERS: # This is a restriction on Folder fields field = folder.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname=self.field_path) field_path = FieldPath(field=field) else: field_path = FieldPath.from_string(field_path=self.field_path, folder=folder) except ValueError: continue self._validate_field_path(field_path=field_path, folder=folder, applies_to=applies_to, version=version) break else: raise InvalidField(f"Unknown field path {self.field_path!r} on folders {folders}") return field_path def _get_clean_value(self, field_path, version): if self.op == self.EXISTS: return None clean_field = field_path.subfield if (field_path.subfield and field_path.label) else field_path.field if clean_field.is_list: # __contains and __in are implemented as multiple leaves, with one value per leaf. clean() on list fields # only works on lists, so clean a one-element list. return clean_field.clean(value=[self.value], version=version)[0] return clean_field.clean(value=self.value, version=version) def xml_elem(self, folders, version, applies_to): # Recursively build an XML tree structure of this Q object. If this is an empty leaf (the equivalent of Q()), # return None. from .indexed_properties import SingleFieldIndexedElement # Don't check self.value just yet. We want to return error messages on the field path first, and then the value. # This is done in _get_field_path() and _get_clean_value(), respectively. self._check_integrity() if self.is_empty(): return None if self.is_never(): raise ValueError("EWS does not support 'never' queries") if self.is_leaf(): elem = self._op_to_xml(self.op) field_path = self._get_field_path(folders, applies_to=applies_to, version=version) clean_value = self._get_clean_value(field_path=field_path, version=version) if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, SingleFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.label: # We allow a filter shortcut of e.g. email_addresses__contains=EmailAddress(label='Foo', ...) instead of # email_addresses__Foo_email_address=.... Set FieldPath label now, so we can generate the field_uri. field_path.label = clean_value.label elif isinstance(field_path.field, DateTimeBackedDateField): # We need to convert to datetime clean_value = field_path.field.date_to_datetime(clean_value) elem.append(field_path.to_xml()) if self.op != self.EXISTS: constant = create_element("t:Constant", attrs=dict(Value=value_to_xml_text(clean_value))) if self.op in self.CONTAINS_OPS: elem.append(constant) else: uriorconst = create_element("t:FieldURIOrConstant") uriorconst.append(constant) elem.append(uriorconst) elif len(self.children) == 1: # We have only one child elem = self.children[0].xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to) else: # We have multiple children. If conn_type is NOT, then group children with AND. We'll add the NOT later elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type) # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or ""): elem.append(c.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)) if elem is None: return None # Should not be necessary, but play safe if self.conn_type == self.NOT: # Encapsulate everything in the NOT element not_elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.conn_type) not_elem.append(elem) return not_elem return elem def __and__(self, other): # & operator. Return a new Q with two children and conn_type AND return self.__class__(self, other, conn_type=self.AND) def __or__(self, other): # | operator. Return a new Q with two children and conn_type OR return self.__class__(self, other, conn_type=self.OR) def __invert__(self): # ~ operator. If op has an inverse, change op. Else return a new Q with conn_type NOT if self.conn_type == self.NOT: # This is 'NOT NOT'. Change to 'AND' new = copy(self) new.conn_type = self.AND new.reduce() return new if self.is_leaf(): inverse_ops = { self.EQ: self.NE, self.NE: self.EQ, self.GT: self.LTE, self.GTE: self.LT, self.LT: self.GTE, self.LTE: self.GT, } with suppress(KeyError): new = copy(self) new.op = inverse_ops[self.op] new.reduce() return new return self.__class__(self, conn_type=self.NOT) def __eq__(self, other): return repr(self) == repr(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __str__(self): return self.expr() or "Q()" def __repr__(self): if self.is_leaf(): if self.query_string: return self.__class__.__name__ + f"({self.query_string!r})" if self.is_never(): return self.__class__.__name__ + f"(conn_type={self.conn_type!r})" return self.__class__.__name__ + f"({self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r})" sorted_children = tuple(sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or "")) if self.conn_type == self.NOT or len(self.children) > 1: return self.__class__.__name__ + repr((self.conn_type,) + sorted_children) return self.__class__.__name__ + repr(sorted_children)
Class variables
var AND
var EQ
var GT
var GTE
var LT
var LTE
var NE
var NOT
var OR
Instance variables
var children
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var conn_type
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var field_path
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var op
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var query_string
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var value
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
def clean(self, version)
Do some basic checks on the attributes, using a generic folder. to_xml() does a good job of validating. There's no reason to replicate much of that here.
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def clean(self, version): """Do some basic checks on the attributes, using a generic folder. to_xml() does a good job of validating. There's no reason to replicate much of that here. """ from .folders import Folder self.to_xml(folders=[Folder()], version=version, applies_to=Restriction.ITEMS)
def expr(self)
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def expr(self): if self.is_empty(): return None if self.is_never(): return self.NEVER if self.query_string: return self.query_string if self.is_leaf(): expr = f"{self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r}" else: # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty. expr = f" {self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type} ".join( (c.expr() if c.is_leaf() or c.conn_type == self.NOT else f"({c.expr()})") for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or "") ) if self.conn_type == self.NOT: # Add the NOT operator. Put children in parens if there is more than one child. if self.is_leaf() or len(self.children) == 1: return self.conn_type + f" {expr}" return self.conn_type + f" ({expr})" return expr
def is_empty(self)
Return True if this object is without any restrictions at all.
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def is_empty(self): """Return True if this object is without any restrictions at all.""" return self.is_leaf() and self.field_path is None and self.query_string is None and self.conn_type != self.NEVER
def is_leaf(self)
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def is_leaf(self): return not self.children
def is_never(self)
Return True if this object has a restriction that will never match anything.
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def is_never(self): """Return True if this object has a restriction that will never match anything.""" return self.conn_type == self.NEVER
def reduce(self)
Simplify this object, if possible.
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def reduce(self): """Simplify this object, if possible.""" self._reduce_children() self._promote()
def to_xml(self, folders, version, applies_to)
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def to_xml(self, folders, version, applies_to): if self.query_string: self._check_integrity() if < EXCHANGE_2010: raise NotImplementedError("QueryString filtering is only supported for Exchange 2010 servers and later") elem = create_element("m:QueryString") elem.text = self.query_string return elem # Translate this Q object to a valid Restriction XML tree elem = self.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to) if elem is None: return None restriction = create_element("m:Restriction") restriction.append(elem) return restriction
def xml_elem(self, folders, version, applies_to)
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def xml_elem(self, folders, version, applies_to): # Recursively build an XML tree structure of this Q object. If this is an empty leaf (the equivalent of Q()), # return None. from .indexed_properties import SingleFieldIndexedElement # Don't check self.value just yet. We want to return error messages on the field path first, and then the value. # This is done in _get_field_path() and _get_clean_value(), respectively. self._check_integrity() if self.is_empty(): return None if self.is_never(): raise ValueError("EWS does not support 'never' queries") if self.is_leaf(): elem = self._op_to_xml(self.op) field_path = self._get_field_path(folders, applies_to=applies_to, version=version) clean_value = self._get_clean_value(field_path=field_path, version=version) if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, SingleFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.label: # We allow a filter shortcut of e.g. email_addresses__contains=EmailAddress(label='Foo', ...) instead of # email_addresses__Foo_email_address=.... Set FieldPath label now, so we can generate the field_uri. field_path.label = clean_value.label elif isinstance(field_path.field, DateTimeBackedDateField): # We need to convert to datetime clean_value = field_path.field.date_to_datetime(clean_value) elem.append(field_path.to_xml()) if self.op != self.EXISTS: constant = create_element("t:Constant", attrs=dict(Value=value_to_xml_text(clean_value))) if self.op in self.CONTAINS_OPS: elem.append(constant) else: uriorconst = create_element("t:FieldURIOrConstant") uriorconst.append(constant) elem.append(uriorconst) elif len(self.children) == 1: # We have only one child elem = self.children[0].xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to) else: # We have multiple children. If conn_type is NOT, then group children with AND. We'll add the NOT later elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type) # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or ""): elem.append(c.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)) if elem is None: return None # Should not be necessary, but play safe if self.conn_type == self.NOT: # Encapsulate everything in the NOT element not_elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.conn_type) not_elem.append(elem) return not_elem return elem
class ReplyAllToItem (**kwargs)
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class ReplyAllToItem(BaseReplyItem): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "ReplyAllToItem"
Class variables
Inherited members
class ReplyToItem (**kwargs)
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class ReplyToItem(BaseReplyItem): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "ReplyToItem"
Class variables
Inherited members
class Room (**kwargs)
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class Room(Mailbox): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "Room" @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): id_elem = elem.find(f"{{{TNS}}}Id") item_id_elem = id_elem.find(ItemId.response_tag()) kwargs = dict( name=get_xml_attr(id_elem, f"{{{TNS}}}Name"), email_address=get_xml_attr(id_elem, f"{{{TNS}}}EmailAddress"), mailbox_type=get_xml_attr(id_elem, f"{{{TNS}}}MailboxType"), item_id=ItemId.from_xml(elem=item_id_elem, account=account) if item_id_elem else None, ) cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs)
Class variables
Static methods
def from_xml(elem, account)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): id_elem = elem.find(f"{{{TNS}}}Id") item_id_elem = id_elem.find(ItemId.response_tag()) kwargs = dict( name=get_xml_attr(id_elem, f"{{{TNS}}}Name"), email_address=get_xml_attr(id_elem, f"{{{TNS}}}EmailAddress"), mailbox_type=get_xml_attr(id_elem, f"{{{TNS}}}MailboxType"), item_id=ItemId.from_xml(elem=item_id_elem, account=account) if item_id_elem else None, ) cls._clear(elem) return cls(**kwargs)
Inherited members
class RoomList (**kwargs)
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class RoomList(Mailbox): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "RoomList" NAMESPACE = MNS @classmethod def response_tag(cls): # In a GetRoomLists response, room lists are delivered as Address elements. See # return f"{{{TNS}}}Address"
Class variables
Static methods
def response_tag()
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@classmethod def response_tag(cls): # In a GetRoomLists response, room lists are delivered as Address elements. See # return f"{{{TNS}}}Address"
Inherited members
class RootOfHierarchy (**kwargs)
Base class for folders that implement the root of a folder hierarchy.
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class RootOfHierarchy(BaseFolder, metaclass=EWSMeta): """Base class for folders that implement the root of a folder hierarchy.""" # A list of wellknown, or "distinguished", folders that are belong in this folder hierarchy. See # # and # 'RootOfHierarchy' subclasses must not be in this list. WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS = [] # This folder type also has 'folder:PermissionSet' on some server versions, but requesting it sometimes causes # 'ErrorAccessDenied', as reported by some users. Ignore it entirely for root folders - it's usefulness is # deemed minimal at best. effective_rights = EffectiveRightsField( field_uri="folder:EffectiveRights", is_read_only=True, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2007_SP1 ) __slots__ = "_account", "_subfolders", "_subfolders_lock" # A special folder that acts as the top of a folder hierarchy. Finds and caches sub-folders at arbitrary depth. def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._account = kwargs.pop("account", None) # A pointer back to the account holding the folder hierarchy super().__init__(**kwargs) self._subfolders = None # See self._folders_map() self._subfolders_lock = Lock() @property def account(self): return self._account @property def root(self): return self @property def parent(self): return None @classmethod def register(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is not RootOfHierarchy: raise TypeError("For folder roots, custom fields must be registered on the RootOfHierarchy class") return super().register(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def deregister(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is not RootOfHierarchy: raise TypeError("For folder roots, custom fields must be registered on the RootOfHierarchy class") return super().deregister(*args, **kwargs) def get_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") return self._folders_map.get( def add_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") self._folders_map[] = folder def update_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") self._folders_map[] = folder def remove_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") with suppress(KeyError): del self._folders_map[] def clear_cache(self): with self._subfolders_lock: self._subfolders = None def get_children(self, folder): for f in self._folders_map.values(): if not f.parent: continue if == yield f def get_default_folder(self, folder_cls): """Return the distinguished folder instance of type folder_cls belonging to this account. If no distinguished folder was found, try as best we can to return the default folder of type 'folder_cls' """ if not folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: raise ValueError(f"'folder_cls' {folder_cls} must have a DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID value") # Use cached distinguished folder instance, but only if cache has already been prepped. This is an optimization # for accessing e.g. 'account.contacts' without fetching all folders of the account. if self._subfolders is not None: for f in self._folders_map.values(): # Require exact class, to not match subclasses, e.g. RecipientCache instead of Contacts if f.__class__ == folder_cls and f.is_distinguished: log.debug("Found cached distinguished %s folder", folder_cls) return f try: log.debug("Requesting distinguished %s folder explicitly", folder_cls) return folder_cls.get_distinguished(root=self) except ErrorAccessDenied: # Maybe we just don't have GetFolder access? Try FindItem instead log.debug("Testing default %s folder with FindItem", folder_cls) fld = folder_cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.account.primary_smtp_address), ), root=self, ) fld.test_access() return self._folders_map.get(, fld) # Use cached instance if available except MISSING_FOLDER_ERRORS: # The Exchange server does not return a distinguished folder of this type pass raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"No usable default {folder_cls} folders") @classmethod def get_distinguished(cls, account): """Get the distinguished folder for this folder class. :param account: :return: """ return cls._get_distinguished( folder=cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=account.primary_smtp_address), ), account=account, ) ) @property def _folders_map(self): if self._subfolders is not None: return self._subfolders with self._subfolders_lock: # Map root, and all sub-folders of root, at arbitrary depth by folder ID. First get distinguished folders, # so we are sure to apply the correct Folder class, then fetch all sub-folders of this root. folders_map = { self} distinguished_folders = [ cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.account.primary_smtp_address), ), root=self, ) for cls in self.WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS if cls.get_folder_allowed and cls.supports_version(self.account.version) ] for f in FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=distinguished_folders).resolve(): if isinstance(f, MISSING_FOLDER_ERRORS): # This is just a distinguished folder the server does not have continue if isinstance(f, ErrorInvalidOperation): # This is probably a distinguished folder the server does not have. We previously tested the exact # error message (f.value), but some Exchange servers return localized error messages, so that's not # possible to do reliably. continue if isinstance(f, ErrorAccessDenied): # We may not have GetFolder access, either to this folder or at all continue if isinstance(f, Exception): raise f folders_map[] = f for f in ( SingleFolderQuerySet(account=self.account, folder=self).depth(self.DEFAULT_FOLDER_TRAVERSAL_DEPTH).all() ): if isinstance(f, ErrorAccessDenied): # We may not have FindFolder access, or GetFolder access, either to this folder or at all continue if isinstance(f, MISSING_FOLDER_ERRORS): # We were unlucky. The folder disappeared between the FindFolder and the GetFolder calls continue if isinstance(f, Exception): raise f if in folders_map: # Already exists. Probably a distinguished folder continue folders_map[] = f self._subfolders = folders_map return folders_map @classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = cls._kwargs_from_elem(elem=elem, account=account) cls._clear(elem) return cls(account=account, **kwargs) @classmethod def folder_cls_from_folder_name(cls, folder_name, folder_class, locale): """Return the folder class that matches a localized folder name. Take into account the 'folder_class' of the folder, to not identify an 'IPF.Note' folder as a 'Calendar' class just because it's called e.g. 'Kalender' and the locale is 'da_DK'. Some folders, e.g. `System`, don't define a `folder_class`. For these folders, we match on localized folder name if the folder class does not have its 'CONTAINER_CLASS' set. :param folder_name: :param folder_class: :param locale: a string, e.g. 'da_DK' """ for folder_cls in cls.WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS + NON_DELETABLE_FOLDERS + MISC_FOLDERS: if folder_cls.CONTAINER_CLASS != folder_class: continue if folder_name.lower() not in folder_cls.localized_names(locale): continue return folder_cls raise KeyError() def __getstate__(self): # The lock cannot be pickled state = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._slots_keys} del state["_subfolders_lock"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # Restore the lock for k in self._slots_keys: setattr(self, k, state.get(k)) self._subfolders_lock = Lock() def __repr__(self): # Let's not create an infinite loop when printing self.root return self.__class__.__name__ + repr( ( self.account, "[self]",, self.total_count, self.unread_count, self.child_folder_count, self.folder_class,, self.changekey, ) )
Class variables
Static methods
def folder_cls_from_folder_name(folder_name, folder_class, locale)
Return the folder class that matches a localized folder name. Take into account the 'folder_class' of the folder, to not identify an 'IPF.Note' folder as a 'Calendar' class just because it's called e.g. 'Kalender' and the locale is 'da_DK'.
Some folders, e.g.
, don't define afolder_class
. For these folders, we match on localized folder name if the folder class does not have its 'CONTAINER_CLASS' set.:param folder_name: :param folder_class: :param locale: a string, e.g. 'da_DK'
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@classmethod def folder_cls_from_folder_name(cls, folder_name, folder_class, locale): """Return the folder class that matches a localized folder name. Take into account the 'folder_class' of the folder, to not identify an 'IPF.Note' folder as a 'Calendar' class just because it's called e.g. 'Kalender' and the locale is 'da_DK'. Some folders, e.g. `System`, don't define a `folder_class`. For these folders, we match on localized folder name if the folder class does not have its 'CONTAINER_CLASS' set. :param folder_name: :param folder_class: :param locale: a string, e.g. 'da_DK' """ for folder_cls in cls.WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS + NON_DELETABLE_FOLDERS + MISC_FOLDERS: if folder_cls.CONTAINER_CLASS != folder_class: continue if folder_name.lower() not in folder_cls.localized_names(locale): continue return folder_cls raise KeyError()
def from_xml(elem, account)
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@classmethod def from_xml(cls, elem, account): kwargs = cls._kwargs_from_elem(elem=elem, account=account) cls._clear(elem) return cls(account=account, **kwargs)
def get_distinguished(account)
Get the distinguished folder for this folder class.
:param account: :return:
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@classmethod def get_distinguished(cls, account): """Get the distinguished folder for this folder class. :param account: :return: """ return cls._get_distinguished( folder=cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=account.primary_smtp_address), ), account=account, ) )
Instance variables
var effective_rights
def add_folder(self, folder)
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def add_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") self._folders_map[] = folder
def clear_cache(self)
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def clear_cache(self): with self._subfolders_lock: self._subfolders = None
def get_children(self, folder)
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def get_children(self, folder): for f in self._folders_map.values(): if not f.parent: continue if == yield f
def get_default_folder(self, folder_cls)
Return the distinguished folder instance of type folder_cls belonging to this account. If no distinguished folder was found, try as best we can to return the default folder of type 'folder_cls'
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def get_default_folder(self, folder_cls): """Return the distinguished folder instance of type folder_cls belonging to this account. If no distinguished folder was found, try as best we can to return the default folder of type 'folder_cls' """ if not folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: raise ValueError(f"'folder_cls' {folder_cls} must have a DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID value") # Use cached distinguished folder instance, but only if cache has already been prepped. This is an optimization # for accessing e.g. 'account.contacts' without fetching all folders of the account. if self._subfolders is not None: for f in self._folders_map.values(): # Require exact class, to not match subclasses, e.g. RecipientCache instead of Contacts if f.__class__ == folder_cls and f.is_distinguished: log.debug("Found cached distinguished %s folder", folder_cls) return f try: log.debug("Requesting distinguished %s folder explicitly", folder_cls) return folder_cls.get_distinguished(root=self) except ErrorAccessDenied: # Maybe we just don't have GetFolder access? Try FindItem instead log.debug("Testing default %s folder with FindItem", folder_cls) fld = folder_cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.account.primary_smtp_address), ), root=self, ) fld.test_access() return self._folders_map.get(, fld) # Use cached instance if available except MISSING_FOLDER_ERRORS: # The Exchange server does not return a distinguished folder of this type pass raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"No usable default {folder_cls} folders")
def get_folder(self, folder)
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def get_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") return self._folders_map.get(
def remove_folder(self, folder)
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def remove_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") with suppress(KeyError): del self._folders_map[]
def update_folder(self, folder)
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def update_folder(self, folder): if not raise ValueError("'folder' must have an ID") self._folders_map[] = folder
Inherited members
class TLSClientAuth (pool_connections=10, pool_maxsize=10, max_retries=0, pool_block=False)
An HTTP adapter that implements Certificate Based Authentication (CBA).
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class TLSClientAuth(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter): """An HTTP adapter that implements Certificate Based Authentication (CBA).""" cert_file = None def init_poolmanager(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["cert_file"] = self.cert_file return super().init_poolmanager(*args, **kwargs)
- requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter
- requests.adapters.BaseAdapter
Class variables
var cert_file
def init_poolmanager(self, *args, **kwargs)
Initializes a urllib3 PoolManager.
This method should not be called from user code, and is only exposed for use when subclassing the :class:
HTTPAdapter <requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>
.:param connections: The number of urllib3 connection pools to cache. :param maxsize: The maximum number of connections to save in the pool. :param block: Block when no free connections are available. :param pool_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments used to initialize the Pool Manager.
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def init_poolmanager(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["cert_file"] = self.cert_file return super().init_poolmanager(*args, **kwargs)
class Task (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class Task(Item): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "Task" NOT_STARTED = "NotStarted" COMPLETED = "Completed" actual_work = IntegerField(field_uri="task:ActualWork", min=0) assigned_time = DateTimeField(field_uri="task:AssignedTime", is_read_only=True) billing_information = TextField(field_uri="task:BillingInformation") change_count = IntegerField(field_uri="task:ChangeCount", is_read_only=True, min=0) companies = TextListField(field_uri="task:Companies") # 'complete_date' can be set, but is ignored by the server, which sets it to now() complete_date = DateTimeField(field_uri="task:CompleteDate", is_read_only=True) contacts = TextListField(field_uri="task:Contacts") delegation_state = ChoiceField( field_uri="task:DelegationState", choices={ Choice("NoMatch"), Choice("OwnNew"), Choice("Owned"), Choice("Accepted"), Choice("Declined"), Choice("Max"), }, is_read_only=True, ) delegator = CharField(field_uri="task:Delegator", is_read_only=True) due_date = DateTimeBackedDateField(field_uri="task:DueDate") is_editable = BooleanField(field_uri="task:IsAssignmentEditable", is_read_only=True) is_complete = BooleanField(field_uri="task:IsComplete", is_read_only=True) is_recurring = BooleanField(field_uri="task:IsRecurring", is_read_only=True) is_team_task = BooleanField(field_uri="task:IsTeamTask", is_read_only=True) mileage = TextField(field_uri="task:Mileage") owner = CharField(field_uri="task:Owner", is_read_only=True) percent_complete = DecimalField( field_uri="task:PercentComplete", is_required=True, default=Decimal(0.0), min=Decimal(0), max=Decimal(100), is_searchable=False, ) recurrence = TaskRecurrenceField(field_uri="task:Recurrence", is_searchable=False) start_date = DateTimeBackedDateField(field_uri="task:StartDate") status = ChoiceField( field_uri="task:Status", choices={ Choice(NOT_STARTED), Choice("InProgress"), Choice(COMPLETED), Choice("WaitingOnOthers"), Choice("Deferred"), }, is_required=True, is_searchable=False, default=NOT_STARTED, ) status_description = CharField(field_uri="task:StatusDescription", is_read_only=True) total_work = IntegerField(field_uri="task:TotalWork", min=0) # O365 throws ErrorInternalServerError "[0x004f0102] MapiReplyToBlob" if UniqueBody is requested unique_body_idx = Item.FIELDS.index_by_name("unique_body") FIELDS = Item.FIELDS[:unique_body_idx] + Item.FIELDS[unique_body_idx + 1 :] def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.due_date and self.start_date and self.due_date < self.start_date: log.warning( "'due_date' must be greater than 'start_date' (%s vs %s). Resetting 'due_date'", self.due_date, self.start_date, ) self.due_date = self.start_date if self.complete_date: if self.status != self.COMPLETED: log.warning( "'status' must be '%s' when 'complete_date' is set (%s). Resetting", self.COMPLETED, self.status ) self.status = self.COMPLETED now = if (self.complete_date - now).total_seconds() > 120: # Reset complete_date values that are in the future # 'complete_date' can be set automatically by the server. Allow some grace between local and server time log.warning("'complete_date' must be in the past (%s vs %s). Resetting", self.complete_date, now) self.complete_date = now if self.start_date and < self.start_date: log.warning( "'complete_date' must be greater than 'start_date' (%s vs %s). Resetting", self.complete_date, self.start_date, ) self.complete_date = EWSDateTime.combine(self.start_date, datetime.time(0, 0)).replace(tzinfo=UTC) if self.percent_complete is not None: if self.status == self.COMPLETED and self.percent_complete != Decimal(100): # percent_complete must be 100% if task is complete log.warning( "'percent_complete' must be 100 when 'status' is '%s' (%s). Resetting", self.COMPLETED, self.percent_complete, ) self.percent_complete = Decimal(100) elif self.status == self.NOT_STARTED and self.percent_complete != Decimal(0): # percent_complete must be 0% if task is not started log.warning( "'percent_complete' must be 0 when 'status' is '%s' (%s). Resetting", self.NOT_STARTED, self.percent_complete, ) self.percent_complete = Decimal(0) def complete(self): # A helper method to mark a task as complete on the server self.status = Task.COMPLETED self.percent_complete = Decimal(100)
Class variables
var unique_body_idx
Instance variables
var actual_work
var assigned_time
var billing_information
var change_count
var companies
var complete_date
var contacts
var delegation_state
var delegator
var due_date
var is_complete
var is_editable
var is_recurring
var is_team_task
var mileage
var owner
var percent_complete
var recurrence
var start_date
var status
var status_description
var total_work
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) if self.due_date and self.start_date and self.due_date < self.start_date: log.warning( "'due_date' must be greater than 'start_date' (%s vs %s). Resetting 'due_date'", self.due_date, self.start_date, ) self.due_date = self.start_date if self.complete_date: if self.status != self.COMPLETED: log.warning( "'status' must be '%s' when 'complete_date' is set (%s). Resetting", self.COMPLETED, self.status ) self.status = self.COMPLETED now = if (self.complete_date - now).total_seconds() > 120: # Reset complete_date values that are in the future # 'complete_date' can be set automatically by the server. Allow some grace between local and server time log.warning("'complete_date' must be in the past (%s vs %s). Resetting", self.complete_date, now) self.complete_date = now if self.start_date and < self.start_date: log.warning( "'complete_date' must be greater than 'start_date' (%s vs %s). Resetting", self.complete_date, self.start_date, ) self.complete_date = EWSDateTime.combine(self.start_date, datetime.time(0, 0)).replace(tzinfo=UTC) if self.percent_complete is not None: if self.status == self.COMPLETED and self.percent_complete != Decimal(100): # percent_complete must be 100% if task is complete log.warning( "'percent_complete' must be 100 when 'status' is '%s' (%s). Resetting", self.COMPLETED, self.percent_complete, ) self.percent_complete = Decimal(100) elif self.status == self.NOT_STARTED and self.percent_complete != Decimal(0): # percent_complete must be 0% if task is not started log.warning( "'percent_complete' must be 0 when 'status' is '%s' (%s). Resetting", self.NOT_STARTED, self.percent_complete, ) self.percent_complete = Decimal(0)
def complete(self)
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def complete(self): # A helper method to mark a task as complete on the server self.status = Task.COMPLETED self.percent_complete = Decimal(100)
Inherited members
class TentativelyAcceptItem (**kwargs)
Pick out optional 'account' and 'folder' kwargs, and pass the rest to the parent class.
:param kwargs: 'account' is optional but allows calling 'send()' and 'delete()' 'folder' is optional but allows calling 'save()'. If 'folder' has an account, and 'account' is not set, we use folder.account.
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class TentativelyAcceptItem(BaseMeetingReplyItem): """MSDN:""" ELEMENT_NAME = "TentativelyAcceptItem"
Class variables
Inherited members
class UID (uid)
Helper class to encode Calendar UIDs. See issue #453. Example:
class GlobalObjectId(ExtendedProperty): distinguished_property_set_id = 'Meeting' property_id = 3 property_type = 'Binary'
CalendarItem.register('global_object_id', GlobalObjectId) account.calendar.filter(global_object_id=UID('261cbc18-1f65-5a0a-bd11-23b1e224cc2f'))
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class UID(bytes): """Helper class to encode Calendar UIDs. See issue #453. Example: class GlobalObjectId(ExtendedProperty): distinguished_property_set_id = 'Meeting' property_id = 3 property_type = 'Binary' CalendarItem.register('global_object_id', GlobalObjectId) account.calendar.filter(global_object_id=UID('261cbc18-1f65-5a0a-bd11-23b1e224cc2f')) """ _HEADER = binascii.hexlify( bytearray((0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x82, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x74, 0xC5, 0xB7, 0x10, 0x1A, 0x82, 0xE0, 0x08)) ) _EXCEPTION_REPLACEMENT_TIME = binascii.hexlify(bytearray((0, 0, 0, 0))) _CREATION_TIME = binascii.hexlify(bytearray((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) _RESERVED = binascii.hexlify(bytearray((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) # # # # def __new__(cls, uid): payload = binascii.hexlify(bytearray(f"vCal-Uid\x01\x00\x00\x00{uid}\x00".encode("ascii"))) length = binascii.hexlify(bytearray(struct.pack("<I", int(len(payload) / 2)))) encoding = b"".join( [cls._HEADER, cls._EXCEPTION_REPLACEMENT_TIME, cls._CREATION_TIME, cls._RESERVED, length, payload] ) return super().__new__(cls, codecs.decode(encoding, "hex")) @classmethod def to_global_object_id(cls, uid): """Converts a UID as returned by EWS to GlobalObjectId format""" return binascii.unhexlify(uid)
- builtins.bytes
Static methods
def to_global_object_id(uid)
Converts a UID as returned by EWS to GlobalObjectId format
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@classmethod def to_global_object_id(cls, uid): """Converts a UID as returned by EWS to GlobalObjectId format""" return binascii.unhexlify(uid)
class Version (build, api_version=None)
Holds information about the server version.
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class Version: """Holds information about the server version.""" __slots__ = "build", "api_version" def __init__(self, build, api_version=None): if api_version is None: if not isinstance(build, Build): raise InvalidTypeError("build", build, Build) self.api_version = build.api_version() else: if not isinstance(build, (Build, type(None))): raise InvalidTypeError("build", build, Build) if not isinstance(api_version, str): raise InvalidTypeError("api_version", api_version, str) self.api_version = api_version = build @property def fullname(self): for build, api_version, full_name in VERSIONS: if and ( != build.major_version or != build.minor_version ): continue if self.api_version == api_version: return full_name log.warning("Full name for API version %s build %s is unknown", self.api_version, return "UNKNOWN" @classmethod def guess(cls, protocol, api_version_hint=None): """Ask the server which version it has. We haven't set up an Account object yet, so we generate requests by hand. We only need a response header containing a ServerVersionInfo element. To get API version and build numbers from the server, we need to send a valid SOAP request. We can't do that without a valid API version. To solve this chicken-and-egg problem, we try all possible API versions that this package supports, until we get a valid response. :param protocol: :param api_version_hint: (Default value = None) """ from .properties import ENTRY_ID, EWS_ID, AlternateId from .services import ConvertId # The protocol doesn't have a version yet, so default to the latest supported version if we don't have a hint. api_version = api_version_hint or ConvertId.supported_api_versions()[0] log.debug("Asking server for version info using API version %s", api_version) # We don't know the build version yet. Hopefully, the server will report it in the SOAP header. Lots of # places expect a version to have a build, so this is a bit dangerous, but passing a fake build around is also # dangerous. protocol.config.version = Version(build=None, api_version=api_version) # Use ConvertId as a minimal request to the server to test if the version is correct. If not, ConvertId will # try to guess the version automatically. Make sure the call to ConvertId does not require a version build. try: list(ConvertId(protocol=protocol).call([AlternateId(id="DUMMY", format=EWS_ID, mailbox="DUMMY")], ENTRY_ID)) except ResponseMessageError as e: # We may have survived long enough to get a new version if not raise TransportError(f"No valid version headers found in response ({e!r})") if not raise TransportError("No valid version headers found in response") return protocol.config.version @staticmethod def _is_invalid_version_string(version): # Check if a version string is bogus, e.g. V2_, V2015_ or V2018_ return re.match(r"V[0-9]{1,4}_.*", version) @classmethod def from_soap_header(cls, requested_api_version, header): info = header.find(f"{{{TNS}}}ServerVersionInfo") if info is None: info = header.find(f"{{{ANS}}}ServerVersionInfo") if info is None: raise TransportError(f"No ServerVersionInfo in header: {xml_to_str(header)!r}") try: build = Build.from_xml(elem=info) except ValueError: raise TransportError(f"Bad ServerVersionInfo in response: {xml_to_str(header)!r}") # Not all Exchange servers send the Version element api_version_from_server = info.get("Version") or get_xml_attr(info, f"{{{ANS}}}Version") or build.api_version() if api_version_from_server != requested_api_version: if cls._is_invalid_version_string(api_version_from_server): # For unknown reasons, Office 365 may respond with an API version strings that is invalid in a request. # Detect these, so we can fall back to a valid version string. log.debug( 'API version "%s" worked but server reports version "%s". Using "%s"', requested_api_version, api_version_from_server, requested_api_version, ) api_version_from_server = requested_api_version else: # Trust API version from server response log.debug( 'API version "%s" worked but server reports version "%s". Using "%s"', requested_api_version, api_version_from_server, api_version_from_server, ) return cls(build=build, api_version=api_version_from_server) def copy(self): return self.__class__(, api_version=self.api_version) @classmethod def all_versions(cls): # Return all supported versions, sorted newest to oldest return [cls(build=build, api_version=api_version) for build, api_version, _ in VERSIONS] def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.api_version)) def __eq__(self, other): if self.api_version != other.api_version: return False if and not return False if and not return False return == def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + repr((, self.api_version)) def __str__(self): return f"Build={}, API={self.api_version}, Fullname={self.fullname}"
Static methods
def all_versions()
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@classmethod def all_versions(cls): # Return all supported versions, sorted newest to oldest return [cls(build=build, api_version=api_version) for build, api_version, _ in VERSIONS]
def from_soap_header(requested_api_version, header)
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@classmethod def from_soap_header(cls, requested_api_version, header): info = header.find(f"{{{TNS}}}ServerVersionInfo") if info is None: info = header.find(f"{{{ANS}}}ServerVersionInfo") if info is None: raise TransportError(f"No ServerVersionInfo in header: {xml_to_str(header)!r}") try: build = Build.from_xml(elem=info) except ValueError: raise TransportError(f"Bad ServerVersionInfo in response: {xml_to_str(header)!r}") # Not all Exchange servers send the Version element api_version_from_server = info.get("Version") or get_xml_attr(info, f"{{{ANS}}}Version") or build.api_version() if api_version_from_server != requested_api_version: if cls._is_invalid_version_string(api_version_from_server): # For unknown reasons, Office 365 may respond with an API version strings that is invalid in a request. # Detect these, so we can fall back to a valid version string. log.debug( 'API version "%s" worked but server reports version "%s". Using "%s"', requested_api_version, api_version_from_server, requested_api_version, ) api_version_from_server = requested_api_version else: # Trust API version from server response log.debug( 'API version "%s" worked but server reports version "%s". Using "%s"', requested_api_version, api_version_from_server, api_version_from_server, ) return cls(build=build, api_version=api_version_from_server)
def guess(protocol, api_version_hint=None)
Ask the server which version it has. We haven't set up an Account object yet, so we generate requests by hand. We only need a response header containing a ServerVersionInfo element.
To get API version and build numbers from the server, we need to send a valid SOAP request. We can't do that without a valid API version. To solve this chicken-and-egg problem, we try all possible API versions that this package supports, until we get a valid response.
:param protocol: :param api_version_hint: (Default value = None)
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@classmethod def guess(cls, protocol, api_version_hint=None): """Ask the server which version it has. We haven't set up an Account object yet, so we generate requests by hand. We only need a response header containing a ServerVersionInfo element. To get API version and build numbers from the server, we need to send a valid SOAP request. We can't do that without a valid API version. To solve this chicken-and-egg problem, we try all possible API versions that this package supports, until we get a valid response. :param protocol: :param api_version_hint: (Default value = None) """ from .properties import ENTRY_ID, EWS_ID, AlternateId from .services import ConvertId # The protocol doesn't have a version yet, so default to the latest supported version if we don't have a hint. api_version = api_version_hint or ConvertId.supported_api_versions()[0] log.debug("Asking server for version info using API version %s", api_version) # We don't know the build version yet. Hopefully, the server will report it in the SOAP header. Lots of # places expect a version to have a build, so this is a bit dangerous, but passing a fake build around is also # dangerous. protocol.config.version = Version(build=None, api_version=api_version) # Use ConvertId as a minimal request to the server to test if the version is correct. If not, ConvertId will # try to guess the version automatically. Make sure the call to ConvertId does not require a version build. try: list(ConvertId(protocol=protocol).call([AlternateId(id="DUMMY", format=EWS_ID, mailbox="DUMMY")], ENTRY_ID)) except ResponseMessageError as e: # We may have survived long enough to get a new version if not raise TransportError(f"No valid version headers found in response ({e!r})") if not raise TransportError("No valid version headers found in response") return protocol.config.version
Instance variables
var api_version
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var build
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var fullname
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@property def fullname(self): for build, api_version, full_name in VERSIONS: if and ( != build.major_version or != build.minor_version ): continue if self.api_version == api_version: return full_name log.warning("Full name for API version %s build %s is unknown", self.api_version, return "UNKNOWN"
def copy(self)
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def copy(self): return self.__class__(, api_version=self.api_version)