Module exchangelib.restriction

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import logging
from contextlib import suppress
from copy import copy

from .errors import InvalidEnumValue
from .fields import DateTimeBackedDateField, FieldPath, InvalidField
from .util import create_element, is_iterable, value_to_xml_text, xml_to_str
from .version import EXCHANGE_2010

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Q:
    """A class with an API similar to Django Q objects. Used to implement advanced filtering logic."""

    # Connection types
    AND = "AND"
    OR = "OR"
    NOT = "NOT"
    NEVER = "NEVER"  # This is not specified by EWS. We use it for queries that will never match, e.g. 'foo__in=()'

    # EWS Operators
    EQ = "=="
    NE = "!="
    GT = ">"
    GTE = ">="
    LT = "<"
    LTE = "<="
    EXACT = "exact"
    IEXACT = "iexact"
    CONTAINS = "contains"
    ICONTAINS = "icontains"
    STARTSWITH = "startswith"
    ISTARTSWITH = "istartswith"
    EXISTS = "exists"

    # Valid lookups
    LOOKUP_RANGE = "range"
    LOOKUP_IN = "in"
    LOOKUP_NOT = "not"
    LOOKUP_GT = "gt"
    LOOKUP_GTE = "gte"
    LOOKUP_LT = "lt"
    LOOKUP_LTE = "lte"
    LOOKUP_EXACT = "exact"
    LOOKUP_IEXACT = "iexact"
    LOOKUP_CONTAINS = "contains"
    LOOKUP_ICONTAINS = "icontains"
    LOOKUP_STARTSWITH = "startswith"
    LOOKUP_ISTARTSWITH = "istartswith"
    LOOKUP_EXISTS = "exists"

    __slots__ = "conn_type", "field_path", "op", "value", "children", "query_string"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.conn_type = kwargs.pop("conn_type", self.AND)

        self.field_path = None  # Name of the field we want to filter on
        self.op = None
        self.value = None
        self.query_string = None

        # Parsing of args and kwargs may require child elements
        self.children = []

        # Check for query string as the only argument
        if not kwargs and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str):
            self.query_string = args[0]
            args = ()

        # Parse args which must now be Q objects
        for q in args:
            if not isinstance(q, self.__class__):
                raise TypeError(f"Non-keyword arg {q!r} must be of type {Q}")

        # Parse keyword args and extract the filter
        is_single_kwarg = not args and len(kwargs) == 1
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            self.children.extend(self._get_children_from_kwarg(key=key, value=value, is_single_kwarg=is_single_kwarg))

        # Simplify this object

        # Final sanity check

    def _get_children_from_kwarg(self, key, value, is_single_kwarg=False):
        """Generate Q objects corresponding to a single keyword argument. Make this a leaf if there are no children to
        key_parts = key.rsplit("__", 1)
        if len(key_parts) == 2 and key_parts[1] in self.LOOKUP_TYPES:
            # This is a kwarg with a lookup at the end
            field_path, lookup = key_parts
            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_EXISTS:
                # value=True will fall through to further processing
                if not value:
                    return (~self.__class__(**{key: True}),)

            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_RANGE:
                # EWS doesn't have a 'range' operator. Emulate 'foo__range=(1, 2)' as 'foo__gte=1 and foo__lte=2'
                # (both values inclusive).
                if len(value) != 2:
                    raise ValueError(f"Value of lookup {key!r} must have exactly 2 elements")
                return (
                    self.__class__(**{f"{field_path}__gte": value[0]}),
                    self.__class__(**{f"{field_path}__lte": value[1]}),

            # Filtering on list types is a bit quirky. The only lookup type I have found to work is:
            #     item:Categories == 'foo' AND item:Categories == 'bar' AND ...
            #     item:Categories == 'foo' OR item:Categories == 'bar' OR ...
            # The former returns items that have all these categories, but maybe also others. The latter returns
            # items that have at least one of these categories. This translates to the 'contains' and 'in' lookups,
            # respectively. Both versions are case-insensitive.
            # Exact matching and case-sensitive or partial-string matching is not possible since that requires the
            # 'Contains' element which only supports matching on string elements, not arrays.
            # Exact matching of categories (i.e. match ['a', 'b'] but not ['a', 'b', 'c']) could be implemented by
            # post-processing items by fetching the categories field unconditionally and removing the items that don't
            # have an exact match.
            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_IN:
                # EWS doesn't have an '__in' operator. Allow '__in' lookups on list and non-list field types,
                # specifying a list value. We'll emulate it as a set of OR'ed exact matches.
                if not is_iterable(value, generators_allowed=True):
                    raise TypeError(f"Value for lookup {key!r} must be of type {list}")
                children = tuple(self.__class__(**{field_path: v}) for v in value)
                if not children:
                    # This is an '__in' operator with an empty list as the value. We interpret it to mean "is foo
                    # contained in the empty set?" which is always false. Mark this Q object as such.
                    return (self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER),)
                return (self.__class__(*children, conn_type=self.OR),)

            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_CONTAINS and is_iterable(value, generators_allowed=True):
                # A '__contains' lookup with a list as the value ony makes sense for list fields, since exact match
                # on multiple distinct values will always fail for single-value fields.
                # An empty list as value is allowed. We interpret it to mean "are all values in the empty set contained
                # in foo?" which is always true.
                children = tuple(self.__class__(**{field_path: v}) for v in value)
                return (self.__class__(*children, conn_type=self.AND),)

                op = self._lookup_to_op(lookup)
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(f"Lookup {lookup!r} is not supported (called as '{key}={value!r}')")
            field_path, op = key, self.EQ

        if not is_single_kwarg:
            return (self.__class__(**{key: value}),)

        # This is a single-kwarg Q object with a lookup that requires a single value. Make this a leaf
        self.field_path = field_path
        self.op = op
        self.value = value
        return ()

    def reduce(self):
        """Simplify this object, if possible."""

    def _reduce_children(self):
        """Look at the children of this object and remove unnecessary items."""
        children = self.children
        if any((isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never()) for a in children):
            # We have at least one 'never' arg
            if self.conn_type == self.AND:
                # Remove all other args since nothing we AND together with a 'never' arg can change the result
                children = [self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER)]
            elif self.conn_type == self.OR:
                # Remove all 'never' args because all other args will decide the result. Keep one 'never' arg in case
                # all args are 'never' args.
                children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never())]
                if not children:
                    children = [self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER)]
            elif self.conn_type == self.NOT:
                # Let's interpret 'not never' to mean 'always'. Remove all 'never' args
                children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never())]

        # Remove any empty Q elements in args before proceeding
        children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_empty())]
        self.children = children

    def _promote(self):
        """When we only have one child and no expression on ourselves, we are a no-op. Flatten by taking over the only
        if len(self.children) != 1 or self.field_path is not None or self.conn_type == self.NOT:

        q = self.children[0]
        self.conn_type = q.conn_type
        self.field_path = q.field_path
        self.op = q.op
        self.value = q.value
        self.query_string = q.query_string
        self.children = q.children

    def clean(self, version):
        """Do some basic checks on the attributes, using a generic folder. to_xml() does a good job of
        validating. There's no reason to replicate much of that here.
        from .folders import Folder

        self.to_xml(folders=[Folder()], version=version, applies_to=Restriction.ITEMS)

    def _lookup_to_op(cls, lookup):
        return {
            cls.LOOKUP_NOT: cls.NE,
            cls.LOOKUP_GT: cls.GT,
            cls.LOOKUP_GTE: cls.GTE,
            cls.LOOKUP_LT: cls.LT,
            cls.LOOKUP_LTE: cls.LTE,
            cls.LOOKUP_EXACT: cls.EXACT,
            cls.LOOKUP_IEXACT: cls.IEXACT,
            cls.LOOKUP_CONTAINS: cls.CONTAINS,
            cls.LOOKUP_ICONTAINS: cls.ICONTAINS,
            cls.LOOKUP_EXISTS: cls.EXISTS,

    def _conn_to_xml(cls, conn_type):
        xml_tag_map = {
            cls.AND: "t:And",
            cls.OR: "t:Or",
            cls.NOT: "t:Not",
        return create_element(xml_tag_map[conn_type])

    def _op_to_xml(cls, op):
        xml_tag_map = {
            cls.EQ: "t:IsEqualTo",
            cls.NE: "t:IsNotEqualTo",
            cls.GTE: "t:IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo",
            cls.LTE: "t:IsLessThanOrEqualTo",
            cls.LT: "t:IsLessThan",
            cls.GT: "t:IsGreaterThan",
            cls.EXISTS: "t:Exists",
        if op in xml_tag_map:
            return create_element(xml_tag_map[op])
        valid_ops = cls.EXACT, cls.IEXACT, cls.CONTAINS, cls.ICONTAINS, cls.STARTSWITH, cls.ISTARTSWITH
        if op not in valid_ops:
            raise InvalidEnumValue("op", op, valid_ops)

        # For description of Contains attribute values, see
        # Possible ContainmentMode values:
        #     FullString, Prefixed, Substring, PrefixOnWords, ExactPhrase
        # Django lookups have no equivalent of PrefixOnWords and ExactPhrase (and I'm unsure how they actually
        # work).
        # EWS has no equivalent of '__endswith' or '__iendswith'. That could be emulated using '__contains' and
        # '__icontains' and filtering results afterwards in Python. But it could be inefficient because we might be
        # fetching and discarding a lot of non-matching items, plus we would need to always fetch the field we're
        # matching on, to be able to do the filtering. I think it's better to leave this to the consumer, i.e.:
        # items = [i for i in fld.filter(subject__contains=suffix) if i.subject.endswith(suffix)]
        # items = [i for i in fld.filter(subject__icontains=suffix) if i.subject.lower().endswith(suffix.lower())]
        # Possible ContainmentComparison values (there are more, but the rest are "To be removed"):
        #     Exact, IgnoreCase, IgnoreNonSpacingCharacters, IgnoreCaseAndNonSpacingCharacters
        # I'm unsure about non-spacing characters, but as I read
        # we shouldn't ignore them ('a' would match both 'a' and 'å', the latter having a non-spacing character).
        if op in {cls.EXACT, cls.IEXACT}:
            match_mode = "FullString"
        elif op in (cls.CONTAINS, cls.ICONTAINS):
            match_mode = "Substring"
        elif op in (cls.STARTSWITH, cls.ISTARTSWITH):
            match_mode = "Prefixed"
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported op: {op}")
        if op in (cls.IEXACT, cls.ICONTAINS, cls.ISTARTSWITH):
            compare_mode = "IgnoreCase"
            compare_mode = "Exact"
        return create_element("t:Contains", attrs=dict(ContainmentMode=match_mode, ContainmentComparison=compare_mode))

    def is_leaf(self):
        return not self.children

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if this object is without any restrictions at all."""
        return self.is_leaf() and self.field_path is None and self.query_string is None and self.conn_type != self.NEVER

    def is_never(self):
        """Return True if this object has a restriction that will never match anything."""
        return self.conn_type == self.NEVER

    def expr(self):
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
        if self.is_never():
            return self.NEVER
        if self.query_string:
            return self.query_string
        if self.is_leaf():
            expr = f"{self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r}"
            # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty.
            expr = f" {self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type} ".join(
                (c.expr() if c.is_leaf() or c.conn_type == self.NOT else f"({c.expr()})")
                for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or "")
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
            # Add the NOT operator. Put children in parens if there is more than one child.
            if self.is_leaf() or len(self.children) == 1:
                return self.conn_type + f" {expr}"
            return self.conn_type + f" ({expr})"
        return expr

    def to_xml(self, folders, version, applies_to):
        if self.query_string:
            if < EXCHANGE_2010:
                raise NotImplementedError("QueryString filtering is only supported for Exchange 2010 servers and later")
            elem = create_element("m:QueryString")
            elem.text = self.query_string
            return elem
        # Translate this Q object to a valid Restriction XML tree
        elem = self.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)
        if elem is None:
            return None
        restriction = create_element("m:Restriction")
        return restriction

    def _check_integrity(self):
        if self.is_empty():
        if self.conn_type == self.NEVER:
            if any([self.field_path, self.op, self.value, self.children]):
                raise ValueError("'never' queries cannot be combined with other settings")
        if self.query_string:
            if any([self.field_path, self.op, self.value, self.children]):
                raise ValueError("Query strings cannot be combined with other settings")
        if self.conn_type not in self.CONN_TYPES:
            raise InvalidEnumValue("conn_type", self.conn_type, self.CONN_TYPES)
        if not self.is_leaf():
            for q in self.children:
                if q.query_string and len(self.children) > 1:
                    raise ValueError("A query string cannot be combined with other restrictions")
        if not self.field_path:
            raise ValueError("'field_path' must be set")
        if self.op not in self.OP_TYPES:
            raise InvalidEnumValue("op", self.op, self.OP_TYPES)
        if self.op == self.EXISTS and self.value is not True:
            raise ValueError("'value' must be True when operator is EXISTS")
        if self.value is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Value for filter on field path {self.field_path!r} cannot be None")
        if is_iterable(self.value, generators_allowed=True):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Value {self.value!r} for filter on field path {self.field_path!r} must be a single value"

    def _validate_field_path(self, field_path, folder, applies_to, version):
        from .indexed_properties import MultiFieldIndexedElement

        if applies_to == Restriction.FOLDERS:
            # This is a restriction on Folder fields
            folder.validate_field(field=field_path.field, version=version)
            folder.validate_item_field(field=field_path.field, version=version)
        if not field_path.field.is_searchable:
            raise ValueError(f"EWS does not support filtering on field {!r}")
        if field_path.subfield and not field_path.subfield.is_searchable:
            raise ValueError(f"EWS does not support filtering on subfield {!r}")
        if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, MultiFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.subfield:
            raise ValueError(f"Field path {self.field_path!r} must contain a subfield")

    def _get_field_path(self, folders, applies_to, version):
        # Convert the string field path to a real FieldPath object. The path is validated using the given folders.
        for folder in folders:
                if applies_to == Restriction.FOLDERS:
                    # This is a restriction on Folder fields
                    field = folder.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname=self.field_path)
                    field_path = FieldPath(field=field)
                    field_path = FieldPath.from_string(field_path=self.field_path, folder=folder)
            except ValueError:
            self._validate_field_path(field_path=field_path, folder=folder, applies_to=applies_to, version=version)
            raise InvalidField(f"Unknown field path {self.field_path!r} on folders {folders}")
        return field_path

    def _get_clean_value(self, field_path, version):
        if self.op == self.EXISTS:
            return None
        clean_field = field_path.subfield if (field_path.subfield and field_path.label) else field_path.field
        if clean_field.is_list:
            # __contains and __in are implemented as multiple leaves, with one value per leaf. clean() on list fields
            # only works on lists, so clean a one-element list.
            return clean_field.clean(value=[self.value], version=version)[0]
        return clean_field.clean(value=self.value, version=version)

    def xml_elem(self, folders, version, applies_to):
        # Recursively build an XML tree structure of this Q object. If this is an empty leaf (the equivalent of Q()),
        # return None.
        from .indexed_properties import SingleFieldIndexedElement

        # Don't check self.value just yet. We want to return error messages on the field path first, and then the value.
        # This is done in _get_field_path() and _get_clean_value(), respectively.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
        if self.is_never():
            raise ValueError("EWS does not support 'never' queries")
        if self.is_leaf():
            elem = self._op_to_xml(self.op)
            field_path = self._get_field_path(folders, applies_to=applies_to, version=version)
            clean_value = self._get_clean_value(field_path=field_path, version=version)
            if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, SingleFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.label:
                # We allow a filter shortcut of e.g. email_addresses__contains=EmailAddress(label='Foo', ...) instead of
                # email_addresses__Foo_email_address=.... Set FieldPath label now, so we can generate the field_uri.
                field_path.label = clean_value.label
            elif isinstance(field_path.field, DateTimeBackedDateField):
                # We need to convert to datetime
                clean_value = field_path.field.date_to_datetime(clean_value)
            if self.op != self.EXISTS:
                constant = create_element("t:Constant", attrs=dict(Value=value_to_xml_text(clean_value)))
                if self.op in self.CONTAINS_OPS:
                    uriorconst = create_element("t:FieldURIOrConstant")
        elif len(self.children) == 1:
            # We have only one child
            elem = self.children[0].xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)
            # We have multiple children. If conn_type is NOT, then group children with AND. We'll add the NOT later
            elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type)
            # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty
            for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or ""):
                elem.append(c.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to))
        if elem is None:
            return None  # Should not be necessary, but play safe
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
            # Encapsulate everything in the NOT element
            not_elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.conn_type)
            return not_elem
        return elem

    def __and__(self, other):
        # & operator. Return a new Q with two children and conn_type AND
        return self.__class__(self, other, conn_type=self.AND)

    def __or__(self, other):
        # | operator. Return a new Q with two children and conn_type OR
        return self.__class__(self, other, conn_type=self.OR)

    def __invert__(self):
        # ~ operator. If op has an inverse, change op. Else return a new Q with conn_type NOT
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
            # This is 'NOT NOT'. Change to 'AND'
            new = copy(self)
            new.conn_type = self.AND
            return new
        if self.is_leaf():
            inverse_ops = {
                self.EQ: self.NE,
                self.NE: self.EQ,
                self.GT: self.LTE,
                self.GTE: self.LT,
                self.LT: self.GTE,
                self.LTE: self.GT,
            with suppress(KeyError):
                new = copy(self)
                new.op = inverse_ops[self.op]
                return new
        return self.__class__(self, conn_type=self.NOT)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return repr(self) == repr(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(repr(self))

    def __str__(self):
        return self.expr() or "Q()"

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.is_leaf():
            if self.query_string:
                return self.__class__.__name__ + f"({self.query_string!r})"
            if self.is_never():
                return self.__class__.__name__ + f"(conn_type={self.conn_type!r})"
            return self.__class__.__name__ + f"({self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r})"
        sorted_children = tuple(sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or ""))
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT or len(self.children) > 1:
            return self.__class__.__name__ + repr((self.conn_type,) + sorted_children)
        return self.__class__.__name__ + repr(sorted_children)

class Restriction:
    """Implement an EWS Restriction type."""

    # The type of item the restriction applies to
    FOLDERS = "folders"
    ITEMS = "items"

    def __init__(self, q, folders, applies_to):
        :param q: A Q instance
        :param folders: A list of BaseFolder instances
        :param applies_to: A member of the RESTRICTION_TYPES eum
        if q.is_empty():
            raise ValueError("Q object must not be empty")
        self.q = q
        self.folders = folders
        self.applies_to = applies_to

    def to_xml(self, version):
        return self.q.to_xml(folders=self.folders, version=version, applies_to=self.applies_to)

    def __str__(self):
        """Print the XML syntax tree."""
        return xml_to_str(self.to_xml(version=self.folders[0].account.version))


class Q (*args, **kwargs)

A class with an API similar to Django Q objects. Used to implement advanced filtering logic.

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class Q:
    """A class with an API similar to Django Q objects. Used to implement advanced filtering logic."""

    # Connection types
    AND = "AND"
    OR = "OR"
    NOT = "NOT"
    NEVER = "NEVER"  # This is not specified by EWS. We use it for queries that will never match, e.g. 'foo__in=()'

    # EWS Operators
    EQ = "=="
    NE = "!="
    GT = ">"
    GTE = ">="
    LT = "<"
    LTE = "<="
    EXACT = "exact"
    IEXACT = "iexact"
    CONTAINS = "contains"
    ICONTAINS = "icontains"
    STARTSWITH = "startswith"
    ISTARTSWITH = "istartswith"
    EXISTS = "exists"

    # Valid lookups
    LOOKUP_RANGE = "range"
    LOOKUP_IN = "in"
    LOOKUP_NOT = "not"
    LOOKUP_GT = "gt"
    LOOKUP_GTE = "gte"
    LOOKUP_LT = "lt"
    LOOKUP_LTE = "lte"
    LOOKUP_EXACT = "exact"
    LOOKUP_IEXACT = "iexact"
    LOOKUP_CONTAINS = "contains"
    LOOKUP_ICONTAINS = "icontains"
    LOOKUP_STARTSWITH = "startswith"
    LOOKUP_ISTARTSWITH = "istartswith"
    LOOKUP_EXISTS = "exists"

    __slots__ = "conn_type", "field_path", "op", "value", "children", "query_string"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.conn_type = kwargs.pop("conn_type", self.AND)

        self.field_path = None  # Name of the field we want to filter on
        self.op = None
        self.value = None
        self.query_string = None

        # Parsing of args and kwargs may require child elements
        self.children = []

        # Check for query string as the only argument
        if not kwargs and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str):
            self.query_string = args[0]
            args = ()

        # Parse args which must now be Q objects
        for q in args:
            if not isinstance(q, self.__class__):
                raise TypeError(f"Non-keyword arg {q!r} must be of type {Q}")

        # Parse keyword args and extract the filter
        is_single_kwarg = not args and len(kwargs) == 1
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            self.children.extend(self._get_children_from_kwarg(key=key, value=value, is_single_kwarg=is_single_kwarg))

        # Simplify this object

        # Final sanity check

    def _get_children_from_kwarg(self, key, value, is_single_kwarg=False):
        """Generate Q objects corresponding to a single keyword argument. Make this a leaf if there are no children to
        key_parts = key.rsplit("__", 1)
        if len(key_parts) == 2 and key_parts[1] in self.LOOKUP_TYPES:
            # This is a kwarg with a lookup at the end
            field_path, lookup = key_parts
            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_EXISTS:
                # value=True will fall through to further processing
                if not value:
                    return (~self.__class__(**{key: True}),)

            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_RANGE:
                # EWS doesn't have a 'range' operator. Emulate 'foo__range=(1, 2)' as 'foo__gte=1 and foo__lte=2'
                # (both values inclusive).
                if len(value) != 2:
                    raise ValueError(f"Value of lookup {key!r} must have exactly 2 elements")
                return (
                    self.__class__(**{f"{field_path}__gte": value[0]}),
                    self.__class__(**{f"{field_path}__lte": value[1]}),

            # Filtering on list types is a bit quirky. The only lookup type I have found to work is:
            #     item:Categories == 'foo' AND item:Categories == 'bar' AND ...
            #     item:Categories == 'foo' OR item:Categories == 'bar' OR ...
            # The former returns items that have all these categories, but maybe also others. The latter returns
            # items that have at least one of these categories. This translates to the 'contains' and 'in' lookups,
            # respectively. Both versions are case-insensitive.
            # Exact matching and case-sensitive or partial-string matching is not possible since that requires the
            # 'Contains' element which only supports matching on string elements, not arrays.
            # Exact matching of categories (i.e. match ['a', 'b'] but not ['a', 'b', 'c']) could be implemented by
            # post-processing items by fetching the categories field unconditionally and removing the items that don't
            # have an exact match.
            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_IN:
                # EWS doesn't have an '__in' operator. Allow '__in' lookups on list and non-list field types,
                # specifying a list value. We'll emulate it as a set of OR'ed exact matches.
                if not is_iterable(value, generators_allowed=True):
                    raise TypeError(f"Value for lookup {key!r} must be of type {list}")
                children = tuple(self.__class__(**{field_path: v}) for v in value)
                if not children:
                    # This is an '__in' operator with an empty list as the value. We interpret it to mean "is foo
                    # contained in the empty set?" which is always false. Mark this Q object as such.
                    return (self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER),)
                return (self.__class__(*children, conn_type=self.OR),)

            if lookup == self.LOOKUP_CONTAINS and is_iterable(value, generators_allowed=True):
                # A '__contains' lookup with a list as the value ony makes sense for list fields, since exact match
                # on multiple distinct values will always fail for single-value fields.
                # An empty list as value is allowed. We interpret it to mean "are all values in the empty set contained
                # in foo?" which is always true.
                children = tuple(self.__class__(**{field_path: v}) for v in value)
                return (self.__class__(*children, conn_type=self.AND),)

                op = self._lookup_to_op(lookup)
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(f"Lookup {lookup!r} is not supported (called as '{key}={value!r}')")
            field_path, op = key, self.EQ

        if not is_single_kwarg:
            return (self.__class__(**{key: value}),)

        # This is a single-kwarg Q object with a lookup that requires a single value. Make this a leaf
        self.field_path = field_path
        self.op = op
        self.value = value
        return ()

    def reduce(self):
        """Simplify this object, if possible."""

    def _reduce_children(self):
        """Look at the children of this object and remove unnecessary items."""
        children = self.children
        if any((isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never()) for a in children):
            # We have at least one 'never' arg
            if self.conn_type == self.AND:
                # Remove all other args since nothing we AND together with a 'never' arg can change the result
                children = [self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER)]
            elif self.conn_type == self.OR:
                # Remove all 'never' args because all other args will decide the result. Keep one 'never' arg in case
                # all args are 'never' args.
                children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never())]
                if not children:
                    children = [self.__class__(conn_type=self.NEVER)]
            elif self.conn_type == self.NOT:
                # Let's interpret 'not never' to mean 'always'. Remove all 'never' args
                children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_never())]

        # Remove any empty Q elements in args before proceeding
        children = [a for a in children if not (isinstance(a, self.__class__) and a.is_empty())]
        self.children = children

    def _promote(self):
        """When we only have one child and no expression on ourselves, we are a no-op. Flatten by taking over the only
        if len(self.children) != 1 or self.field_path is not None or self.conn_type == self.NOT:

        q = self.children[0]
        self.conn_type = q.conn_type
        self.field_path = q.field_path
        self.op = q.op
        self.value = q.value
        self.query_string = q.query_string
        self.children = q.children

    def clean(self, version):
        """Do some basic checks on the attributes, using a generic folder. to_xml() does a good job of
        validating. There's no reason to replicate much of that here.
        from .folders import Folder

        self.to_xml(folders=[Folder()], version=version, applies_to=Restriction.ITEMS)

    def _lookup_to_op(cls, lookup):
        return {
            cls.LOOKUP_NOT: cls.NE,
            cls.LOOKUP_GT: cls.GT,
            cls.LOOKUP_GTE: cls.GTE,
            cls.LOOKUP_LT: cls.LT,
            cls.LOOKUP_LTE: cls.LTE,
            cls.LOOKUP_EXACT: cls.EXACT,
            cls.LOOKUP_IEXACT: cls.IEXACT,
            cls.LOOKUP_CONTAINS: cls.CONTAINS,
            cls.LOOKUP_ICONTAINS: cls.ICONTAINS,
            cls.LOOKUP_EXISTS: cls.EXISTS,

    def _conn_to_xml(cls, conn_type):
        xml_tag_map = {
            cls.AND: "t:And",
            cls.OR: "t:Or",
            cls.NOT: "t:Not",
        return create_element(xml_tag_map[conn_type])

    def _op_to_xml(cls, op):
        xml_tag_map = {
            cls.EQ: "t:IsEqualTo",
            cls.NE: "t:IsNotEqualTo",
            cls.GTE: "t:IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo",
            cls.LTE: "t:IsLessThanOrEqualTo",
            cls.LT: "t:IsLessThan",
            cls.GT: "t:IsGreaterThan",
            cls.EXISTS: "t:Exists",
        if op in xml_tag_map:
            return create_element(xml_tag_map[op])
        valid_ops = cls.EXACT, cls.IEXACT, cls.CONTAINS, cls.ICONTAINS, cls.STARTSWITH, cls.ISTARTSWITH
        if op not in valid_ops:
            raise InvalidEnumValue("op", op, valid_ops)

        # For description of Contains attribute values, see
        # Possible ContainmentMode values:
        #     FullString, Prefixed, Substring, PrefixOnWords, ExactPhrase
        # Django lookups have no equivalent of PrefixOnWords and ExactPhrase (and I'm unsure how they actually
        # work).
        # EWS has no equivalent of '__endswith' or '__iendswith'. That could be emulated using '__contains' and
        # '__icontains' and filtering results afterwards in Python. But it could be inefficient because we might be
        # fetching and discarding a lot of non-matching items, plus we would need to always fetch the field we're
        # matching on, to be able to do the filtering. I think it's better to leave this to the consumer, i.e.:
        # items = [i for i in fld.filter(subject__contains=suffix) if i.subject.endswith(suffix)]
        # items = [i for i in fld.filter(subject__icontains=suffix) if i.subject.lower().endswith(suffix.lower())]
        # Possible ContainmentComparison values (there are more, but the rest are "To be removed"):
        #     Exact, IgnoreCase, IgnoreNonSpacingCharacters, IgnoreCaseAndNonSpacingCharacters
        # I'm unsure about non-spacing characters, but as I read
        # we shouldn't ignore them ('a' would match both 'a' and 'å', the latter having a non-spacing character).
        if op in {cls.EXACT, cls.IEXACT}:
            match_mode = "FullString"
        elif op in (cls.CONTAINS, cls.ICONTAINS):
            match_mode = "Substring"
        elif op in (cls.STARTSWITH, cls.ISTARTSWITH):
            match_mode = "Prefixed"
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported op: {op}")
        if op in (cls.IEXACT, cls.ICONTAINS, cls.ISTARTSWITH):
            compare_mode = "IgnoreCase"
            compare_mode = "Exact"
        return create_element("t:Contains", attrs=dict(ContainmentMode=match_mode, ContainmentComparison=compare_mode))

    def is_leaf(self):
        return not self.children

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if this object is without any restrictions at all."""
        return self.is_leaf() and self.field_path is None and self.query_string is None and self.conn_type != self.NEVER

    def is_never(self):
        """Return True if this object has a restriction that will never match anything."""
        return self.conn_type == self.NEVER

    def expr(self):
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
        if self.is_never():
            return self.NEVER
        if self.query_string:
            return self.query_string
        if self.is_leaf():
            expr = f"{self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r}"
            # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty.
            expr = f" {self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type} ".join(
                (c.expr() if c.is_leaf() or c.conn_type == self.NOT else f"({c.expr()})")
                for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or "")
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
            # Add the NOT operator. Put children in parens if there is more than one child.
            if self.is_leaf() or len(self.children) == 1:
                return self.conn_type + f" {expr}"
            return self.conn_type + f" ({expr})"
        return expr

    def to_xml(self, folders, version, applies_to):
        if self.query_string:
            if < EXCHANGE_2010:
                raise NotImplementedError("QueryString filtering is only supported for Exchange 2010 servers and later")
            elem = create_element("m:QueryString")
            elem.text = self.query_string
            return elem
        # Translate this Q object to a valid Restriction XML tree
        elem = self.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)
        if elem is None:
            return None
        restriction = create_element("m:Restriction")
        return restriction

    def _check_integrity(self):
        if self.is_empty():
        if self.conn_type == self.NEVER:
            if any([self.field_path, self.op, self.value, self.children]):
                raise ValueError("'never' queries cannot be combined with other settings")
        if self.query_string:
            if any([self.field_path, self.op, self.value, self.children]):
                raise ValueError("Query strings cannot be combined with other settings")
        if self.conn_type not in self.CONN_TYPES:
            raise InvalidEnumValue("conn_type", self.conn_type, self.CONN_TYPES)
        if not self.is_leaf():
            for q in self.children:
                if q.query_string and len(self.children) > 1:
                    raise ValueError("A query string cannot be combined with other restrictions")
        if not self.field_path:
            raise ValueError("'field_path' must be set")
        if self.op not in self.OP_TYPES:
            raise InvalidEnumValue("op", self.op, self.OP_TYPES)
        if self.op == self.EXISTS and self.value is not True:
            raise ValueError("'value' must be True when operator is EXISTS")
        if self.value is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Value for filter on field path {self.field_path!r} cannot be None")
        if is_iterable(self.value, generators_allowed=True):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Value {self.value!r} for filter on field path {self.field_path!r} must be a single value"

    def _validate_field_path(self, field_path, folder, applies_to, version):
        from .indexed_properties import MultiFieldIndexedElement

        if applies_to == Restriction.FOLDERS:
            # This is a restriction on Folder fields
            folder.validate_field(field=field_path.field, version=version)
            folder.validate_item_field(field=field_path.field, version=version)
        if not field_path.field.is_searchable:
            raise ValueError(f"EWS does not support filtering on field {!r}")
        if field_path.subfield and not field_path.subfield.is_searchable:
            raise ValueError(f"EWS does not support filtering on subfield {!r}")
        if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, MultiFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.subfield:
            raise ValueError(f"Field path {self.field_path!r} must contain a subfield")

    def _get_field_path(self, folders, applies_to, version):
        # Convert the string field path to a real FieldPath object. The path is validated using the given folders.
        for folder in folders:
                if applies_to == Restriction.FOLDERS:
                    # This is a restriction on Folder fields
                    field = folder.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname=self.field_path)
                    field_path = FieldPath(field=field)
                    field_path = FieldPath.from_string(field_path=self.field_path, folder=folder)
            except ValueError:
            self._validate_field_path(field_path=field_path, folder=folder, applies_to=applies_to, version=version)
            raise InvalidField(f"Unknown field path {self.field_path!r} on folders {folders}")
        return field_path

    def _get_clean_value(self, field_path, version):
        if self.op == self.EXISTS:
            return None
        clean_field = field_path.subfield if (field_path.subfield and field_path.label) else field_path.field
        if clean_field.is_list:
            # __contains and __in are implemented as multiple leaves, with one value per leaf. clean() on list fields
            # only works on lists, so clean a one-element list.
            return clean_field.clean(value=[self.value], version=version)[0]
        return clean_field.clean(value=self.value, version=version)

    def xml_elem(self, folders, version, applies_to):
        # Recursively build an XML tree structure of this Q object. If this is an empty leaf (the equivalent of Q()),
        # return None.
        from .indexed_properties import SingleFieldIndexedElement

        # Don't check self.value just yet. We want to return error messages on the field path first, and then the value.
        # This is done in _get_field_path() and _get_clean_value(), respectively.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
        if self.is_never():
            raise ValueError("EWS does not support 'never' queries")
        if self.is_leaf():
            elem = self._op_to_xml(self.op)
            field_path = self._get_field_path(folders, applies_to=applies_to, version=version)
            clean_value = self._get_clean_value(field_path=field_path, version=version)
            if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, SingleFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.label:
                # We allow a filter shortcut of e.g. email_addresses__contains=EmailAddress(label='Foo', ...) instead of
                # email_addresses__Foo_email_address=.... Set FieldPath label now, so we can generate the field_uri.
                field_path.label = clean_value.label
            elif isinstance(field_path.field, DateTimeBackedDateField):
                # We need to convert to datetime
                clean_value = field_path.field.date_to_datetime(clean_value)
            if self.op != self.EXISTS:
                constant = create_element("t:Constant", attrs=dict(Value=value_to_xml_text(clean_value)))
                if self.op in self.CONTAINS_OPS:
                    uriorconst = create_element("t:FieldURIOrConstant")
        elif len(self.children) == 1:
            # We have only one child
            elem = self.children[0].xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)
            # We have multiple children. If conn_type is NOT, then group children with AND. We'll add the NOT later
            elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type)
            # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty
            for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or ""):
                elem.append(c.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to))
        if elem is None:
            return None  # Should not be necessary, but play safe
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
            # Encapsulate everything in the NOT element
            not_elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.conn_type)
            return not_elem
        return elem

    def __and__(self, other):
        # & operator. Return a new Q with two children and conn_type AND
        return self.__class__(self, other, conn_type=self.AND)

    def __or__(self, other):
        # | operator. Return a new Q with two children and conn_type OR
        return self.__class__(self, other, conn_type=self.OR)

    def __invert__(self):
        # ~ operator. If op has an inverse, change op. Else return a new Q with conn_type NOT
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
            # This is 'NOT NOT'. Change to 'AND'
            new = copy(self)
            new.conn_type = self.AND
            return new
        if self.is_leaf():
            inverse_ops = {
                self.EQ: self.NE,
                self.NE: self.EQ,
                self.GT: self.LTE,
                self.GTE: self.LT,
                self.LT: self.GTE,
                self.LTE: self.GT,
            with suppress(KeyError):
                new = copy(self)
                new.op = inverse_ops[self.op]
                return new
        return self.__class__(self, conn_type=self.NOT)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return repr(self) == repr(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(repr(self))

    def __str__(self):
        return self.expr() or "Q()"

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.is_leaf():
            if self.query_string:
                return self.__class__.__name__ + f"({self.query_string!r})"
            if self.is_never():
                return self.__class__.__name__ + f"(conn_type={self.conn_type!r})"
            return self.__class__.__name__ + f"({self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r})"
        sorted_children = tuple(sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or ""))
        if self.conn_type == self.NOT or len(self.children) > 1:
            return self.__class__.__name__ + repr((self.conn_type,) + sorted_children)
        return self.__class__.__name__ + repr(sorted_children)

Class variables

var AND
var EQ
var GT
var GTE
var LT
var LTE
var NE
var NOT
var OR

Instance variables

var children

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var conn_type

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var field_path

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var op

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var query_string

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var value

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def clean(self, version)

Do some basic checks on the attributes, using a generic folder. to_xml() does a good job of validating. There's no reason to replicate much of that here.

Expand source code
def clean(self, version):
    """Do some basic checks on the attributes, using a generic folder. to_xml() does a good job of
    validating. There's no reason to replicate much of that here.
    from .folders import Folder

    self.to_xml(folders=[Folder()], version=version, applies_to=Restriction.ITEMS)
def expr(self)
Expand source code
def expr(self):
    if self.is_empty():
        return None
    if self.is_never():
        return self.NEVER
    if self.query_string:
        return self.query_string
    if self.is_leaf():
        expr = f"{self.field_path} {self.op} {self.value!r}"
        # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty.
        expr = f" {self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type} ".join(
            (c.expr() if c.is_leaf() or c.conn_type == self.NOT else f"({c.expr()})")
            for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or "")
    if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
        # Add the NOT operator. Put children in parens if there is more than one child.
        if self.is_leaf() or len(self.children) == 1:
            return self.conn_type + f" {expr}"
        return self.conn_type + f" ({expr})"
    return expr
def is_empty(self)

Return True if this object is without any restrictions at all.

Expand source code
def is_empty(self):
    """Return True if this object is without any restrictions at all."""
    return self.is_leaf() and self.field_path is None and self.query_string is None and self.conn_type != self.NEVER
def is_leaf(self)
Expand source code
def is_leaf(self):
    return not self.children
def is_never(self)

Return True if this object has a restriction that will never match anything.

Expand source code
def is_never(self):
    """Return True if this object has a restriction that will never match anything."""
    return self.conn_type == self.NEVER
def reduce(self)

Simplify this object, if possible.

Expand source code
def reduce(self):
    """Simplify this object, if possible."""
def to_xml(self, folders, version, applies_to)
Expand source code
def to_xml(self, folders, version, applies_to):
    if self.query_string:
        if < EXCHANGE_2010:
            raise NotImplementedError("QueryString filtering is only supported for Exchange 2010 servers and later")
        elem = create_element("m:QueryString")
        elem.text = self.query_string
        return elem
    # Translate this Q object to a valid Restriction XML tree
    elem = self.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)
    if elem is None:
        return None
    restriction = create_element("m:Restriction")
    return restriction
def xml_elem(self, folders, version, applies_to)
Expand source code
def xml_elem(self, folders, version, applies_to):
    # Recursively build an XML tree structure of this Q object. If this is an empty leaf (the equivalent of Q()),
    # return None.
    from .indexed_properties import SingleFieldIndexedElement

    # Don't check self.value just yet. We want to return error messages on the field path first, and then the value.
    # This is done in _get_field_path() and _get_clean_value(), respectively.
    if self.is_empty():
        return None
    if self.is_never():
        raise ValueError("EWS does not support 'never' queries")
    if self.is_leaf():
        elem = self._op_to_xml(self.op)
        field_path = self._get_field_path(folders, applies_to=applies_to, version=version)
        clean_value = self._get_clean_value(field_path=field_path, version=version)
        if issubclass(field_path.field.value_cls, SingleFieldIndexedElement) and not field_path.label:
            # We allow a filter shortcut of e.g. email_addresses__contains=EmailAddress(label='Foo', ...) instead of
            # email_addresses__Foo_email_address=.... Set FieldPath label now, so we can generate the field_uri.
            field_path.label = clean_value.label
        elif isinstance(field_path.field, DateTimeBackedDateField):
            # We need to convert to datetime
            clean_value = field_path.field.date_to_datetime(clean_value)
        if self.op != self.EXISTS:
            constant = create_element("t:Constant", attrs=dict(Value=value_to_xml_text(clean_value)))
            if self.op in self.CONTAINS_OPS:
                uriorconst = create_element("t:FieldURIOrConstant")
    elif len(self.children) == 1:
        # We have only one child
        elem = self.children[0].xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to)
        # We have multiple children. If conn_type is NOT, then group children with AND. We'll add the NOT later
        elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.AND if self.conn_type == self.NOT else self.conn_type)
        # Sort children by field name, so we get stable output (for easier testing). Children should never be empty
        for c in sorted(self.children, key=lambda i: i.field_path or ""):
            elem.append(c.xml_elem(folders=folders, version=version, applies_to=applies_to))
    if elem is None:
        return None  # Should not be necessary, but play safe
    if self.conn_type == self.NOT:
        # Encapsulate everything in the NOT element
        not_elem = self._conn_to_xml(self.conn_type)
        return not_elem
    return elem
class Restriction (q, folders, applies_to)

Implement an EWS Restriction type.

:param q: A Q instance :param folders: A list of BaseFolder instances :param applies_to: A member of the RESTRICTION_TYPES eum

Expand source code
class Restriction:
    """Implement an EWS Restriction type."""

    # The type of item the restriction applies to
    FOLDERS = "folders"
    ITEMS = "items"

    def __init__(self, q, folders, applies_to):
        :param q: A Q instance
        :param folders: A list of BaseFolder instances
        :param applies_to: A member of the RESTRICTION_TYPES eum
        if q.is_empty():
            raise ValueError("Q object must not be empty")
        self.q = q
        self.folders = folders
        self.applies_to = applies_to

    def to_xml(self, version):
        return self.q.to_xml(folders=self.folders, version=version, applies_to=self.applies_to)

    def __str__(self):
        """Print the XML syntax tree."""
        return xml_to_str(self.to_xml(version=self.folders[0].account.version))

Class variables



def to_xml(self, version)
Expand source code
def to_xml(self, version):
    return self.q.to_xml(folders=self.folders, version=version, applies_to=self.applies_to)