Module exchangelib.folders.base
Expand source code
import abc
import logging
from contextlib import suppress
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from operator import attrgetter
from ..errors import (
from ..fields import (
from ..items import HARD_DELETE, ITEM_CLASSES
from ..items import SHALLOW as SHALLOW_ITEMS
from ..items import CalendarItem, RegisterMixIn
from import (
from ..queryset import DoesNotExist, SearchableMixIn
from ..util import TNS, is_iterable, require_id
from ..version import EXCHANGE_2007_SP1, EXCHANGE_2010, EXCHANGE_2016, SupportedVersionClassMixIn
from .collections import FolderCollection, PullSubscription, PushSubscription, StreamingSubscription, SyncCompleted
from .queryset import DEEP as DEEP_FOLDERS
from .queryset import MISSING_FOLDER_ERRORS
from .queryset import SHALLOW as SHALLOW_FOLDERS
from .queryset import SingleFolderQuerySet
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseFolder(RegisterMixIn, SearchableMixIn, SupportedVersionClassMixIn, metaclass=EWSMeta):
"""Base class for all classes that implement a folder."""
# See
# Default item type for this folder. See
supported_item_models = ITEM_CLASSES # The Item types that this folder can contain. Default is all
# Whether this folder type is allowed with the GetFolder service
get_folder_allowed = True
LOCALIZED_NAMES = {} # A map of (str)locale: (tuple)localized_folder_names
ITEM_MODEL_MAP = {cls.response_tag(): cls for cls in ITEM_CLASSES}
_id = IdElementField(field_uri="folder:FolderId", value_cls=ID_ELEMENT_CLS)
_distinguished_id = IdElementField(
field_uri="folder:DistinguishedFolderId", value_cls=DistinguishedFolderId, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2016
parent_folder_id = EWSElementField(field_uri="folder:ParentFolderId", value_cls=ParentFolderId, is_read_only=True)
folder_class = CharField(field_uri="folder:FolderClass", is_required_after_save=True)
name = CharField(field_uri="folder:DisplayName")
total_count = IntegerField(field_uri="folder:TotalCount", is_read_only=True)
child_folder_count = IntegerField(field_uri="folder:ChildFolderCount", is_read_only=True)
unread_count = IntegerField(field_uri="folder:UnreadCount", is_read_only=True)
__slots__ = "item_sync_state", "folder_sync_state"
# Used to register extended properties
INSERT_AFTER_FIELD = "child_folder_count"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.item_sync_state = kwargs.pop("item_sync_state", None)
self.folder_sync_state = kwargs.pop("folder_sync_state", None)
if self._distinguished_id and not self._distinguished_id.mailbox and self.account:
# Ensure that distinguished IDs have a mailbox, but don't override a custom mailbox (e.g. shared folders)
self._distinguished_id.mailbox = Mailbox(email_address=self.account.primary_smtp_address)
def account(self):
"""Return the account this folder belongs to"""
def root(self):
"""Return the root folder this folder belongs to"""
def parent(self):
"""Return the parent folder of this folder"""
def is_distinguished(self):
return self._distinguished_id or (self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID and not self._id)
def is_deletable(self):
return not self.is_distinguished
def clean(self, version=None):
# Set a default folder class for new folders. A folder class cannot be changed after saving.
if is None and self.folder_class is None:
self.folder_class = self.CONTAINER_CLASS
def children(self):
# It's dangerous to return a generator here because we may then call methods on a child that result in the
# cache being updated while it's iterated.
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self.root.get_children(self))
def parts(self):
parts = [self]
f = self.parent
while f:
parts.insert(0, f)
f = f.parent
return parts
def absolute(self):
return "".join(f"/{}" for p in
def _walk(self):
for c in self.children:
yield c
yield from c.walk()
def walk(self):
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self._walk())
def _glob(self, pattern):
split_pattern = pattern.split("/", maxsplit=1)
head, tail = (split_pattern[0], None) if len(split_pattern) == 1 else split_pattern
if head == "":
# We got an absolute path. Restart globbing at root
yield from self.root.glob(tail or "*")
elif head == "..":
# Relative path with reference to parent. Restart globbing at parent
if not self.parent:
raise ValueError("Already at top")
yield from self.parent.glob(tail or "*")
elif head == "**":
# Match anything here or in any sub-folder at arbitrary depth
for c in self.walk():
# fnmatch() may be case-sensitive depending on operating system:
# force a case-insensitive match since case appears not to
# matter for folders in Exchange
if fnmatch(, (tail or "*").lower()):
yield c
# Regular pattern
for c in self.children:
# See note above on fnmatch() case-sensitivity
if not fnmatch(, head.lower()):
if tail is None:
yield c
yield from c.glob(tail)
def glob(self, pattern):
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self._glob(pattern))
def tree(self):
"""Return a string representation of the folder structure of this folder. Example:
├── inbox
│ └── todos
└── archive
├── Last Job
├── exchangelib issues
└── Mom
tree = f"{}\n"
children = list(self.children)
for i, c in enumerate(sorted(children, key=attrgetter("name")), start=1):
nodes = c.tree().split("\n")
for j, node in enumerate(nodes, start=1):
if i != len(children) and j == 1:
# Not the last child, but the first node, which is the name of the child
tree += f"├── {node}\n"
elif i != len(children) and j > 1:
# Not the last child, and not name of child
tree += f"│ {node}\n"
elif i == len(children) and j == 1:
# Not the last child, but the first node, which is the name of the child
tree += f"└── {node}\n"
else: # Last child and not name of child
tree += f" {node}\n"
return tree.strip()
def _get_distinguished(cls, folder):
raise ValueError(f"Class {cls} must have a DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID value")
return cls.resolve(account=folder.account, folder=folder)
raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"Could not find distinguished folder {cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID!r} ({e})")
def has_distinguished_name(self):
def localized_names(cls, locale):
# Return localized names for a specific locale. If no locale-specific names exist, return the default names,
# if any.
return tuple(s.lower() for s in cls.LOCALIZED_NAMES.get(locale, cls.LOCALIZED_NAMES.get(None, [cls.__name__])))
def folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class):
"""Return a reasonable folder class given a container class, e.g. 'IPF.Note'. Don't iterate WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS
because many folder classes have the same CONTAINER_CLASS.
:param container_class:
from .known_folders import (
for folder_cls in (
if folder_cls.CONTAINER_CLASS == container_class:
return folder_cls
raise KeyError()
def item_model_from_tag(cls, tag):
return cls.ITEM_MODEL_MAP[tag]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Item type {tag} was unexpected in a {cls.__name__} folder")
def allowed_item_fields(cls, version):
# Return non-ID fields of all item classes allowed in this folder type
fields = set()
for item_model in cls.supported_item_models:
return fields
def validate_item_field(self, field, version):
FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).validate_item_field(field=field, version=version)
def normalize_fields(self, fields):
# Takes a list of fieldnames, Field or FieldPath objects pointing to item fields. Turns them into FieldPath
# objects and adds internal timezone fields if necessary. Assume fields are already validated.
fields = list(fields)
has_start, has_end = False, False
for i, field_path in enumerate(fields):
# Allow both Field and FieldPath instances and string field paths as input
if isinstance(field_path, str):
field_path = FieldPath.from_string(field_path=field_path, folder=self)
fields[i] = field_path
elif isinstance(field_path, Field):
field_path = FieldPath(field=field_path)
fields[i] = field_path
if == "start":
has_start = True
elif == "end":
has_end = True
# For CalendarItem items, we want to inject internal timezone fields. See also CalendarItem.clean()
if CalendarItem in self.supported_item_models:
meeting_tz_field, start_tz_field, end_tz_field = CalendarItem.timezone_fields()
if < EXCHANGE_2010:
if has_start or has_end:
if has_start:
if has_end:
return fields
def get_item_field_by_fieldname(cls, fieldname):
for item_model in cls.supported_item_models:
with suppress(InvalidField):
return item_model.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname)
raise InvalidField(f"{fieldname!r} is not a valid field name on {cls.supported_item_models}")
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).get(*args, **kwargs)
def all(self):
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).all()
def none(self):
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).none()
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs):
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).filter(*args, **kwargs)
def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs):
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).exclude(*args, **kwargs)
def people(self):
# No point in using a FolderCollection because FindPeople only supports one folder
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).people()
def bulk_create(self, items, *args, **kwargs):
return self.account.bulk_create(folder=self, items=items, *args, **kwargs)
def save(self, update_fields=None):
from import CreateFolder, UpdateFolder
if is None:
# New folder
if update_fields:
raise ValueError("'update_fields' is only valid for updates")
res = CreateFolder(account=self.account).get(parent_folder=self.parent, folders=[self])
self._id = self.ID_ELEMENT_CLS(, res.changekey)
self.root.add_folder(self) # Add this folder to the cache
return self
# Update folder
if not update_fields:
# The fields to update was not specified explicitly. Update all fields where update is possible
update_fields = []
for f in self.supported_fields(version=self.account.version):
if f.is_read_only:
# These cannot be changed
if (f.is_required or f.is_required_after_save) and (
getattr(self, is None or (f.is_list and not getattr(self,
# These are required and cannot be deleted
res = UpdateFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[(self, update_fields)])
folder_id, changekey =, res.changekey
if != folder_id:
raise ValueError("ID mismatch")
# Don't check changekey value. It may not change on no-op updates
self.changekey = changekey
self.root.update_folder(self) # Update the folder in the cache
return self
def move(self, to_folder):
from import MoveFolder
res = MoveFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[self], to_folder=to_folder)
folder_id, changekey =, res.changekey
if != folder_id:
raise ValueError("ID mismatch")
# Don't check changekey value. It may not change on no-op moves
self.changekey = changekey
self.parent_folder_id = ParentFolderId(, changekey=to_folder.changekey)
self.root.update_folder(self) # Update the folder in the cache
def delete(self, delete_type=HARD_DELETE):
from import DeleteFolder
DeleteFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[self], delete_type=delete_type)
self.root.remove_folder(self) # Remove the updated folder from the cache
self._id = None
def empty(self, delete_type=HARD_DELETE, delete_sub_folders=False):
from import EmptyFolder
folders=[self], delete_type=delete_type, delete_sub_folders=delete_sub_folders
if delete_sub_folders:
# We don't know exactly what was deleted, so invalidate the entire folder cache to be safe
def wipe(self, page_size=None, chunk_size=None, _seen=None, _level=0):
# Recursively deletes all items in this folder, and all sub-folders and their content. Attempts to protect
# distinguished folders from being deleted. Use with caution!
from .known_folders import Audits
_seen = _seen or set()
if in _seen:
raise RecursionError(f"We already tried to wipe {self}")
if _level > 16:
raise RecursionError(f"Max recursion level reached: {_level}")
if isinstance(self, Audits):
# Shortcircuit because this folder can have many items that are all non-deletable
log.warning("Cannot wipe audits folder %s", self)
if self.is_distinguished and "recoverableitems" in self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID:
log.warning("Cannot wipe recoverable items folder %s", self)
log.warning("Wiping %s", self)
has_non_deletable_subfolders = any(not f.is_deletable for f in self.children)
if has_non_deletable_subfolders:
except ErrorRecoverableItemsAccessDenied:
log.warning("Access denied to %s. Skipping", self)
if has_non_deletable_subfolders:
raise # We already tried this
log.warning("Not allowed to empty %s. Trying to delete items instead", self)
kwargs = {}
if page_size is not None:
kwargs["page_size"] = page_size
if chunk_size is not None:
kwargs["chunk_size"] = chunk_size
log.warning("Not allowed to delete items in %s", self)
_level += 1
for f in self.children:
f.wipe(page_size=page_size, chunk_size=chunk_size, _seen=_seen, _level=_level)
# Remove non-distinguished children that are empty and have no sub-folders
if f.is_deletable and not f.children:
log.warning("Deleting folder %s", f)
except ErrorDeleteDistinguishedFolder:
log.warning("Tried to delete a distinguished folder (%s)", f)
def test_access(self):
"""Does a simple FindItem to test (read) access to the folder. Maybe the account doesn't exist, maybe the
service user doesn't have access to the calendar. This will throw the most common errors.
return True
def _kwargs_from_elem(cls, elem, account):
# Check for 'DisplayName' element before collecting kwargs because that clears the elements
has_name_elem = elem.find(cls.get_field_by_fieldname("name").response_tag()) is not None
kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) for f in cls.FIELDS}
if has_name_elem and not kwargs["name"]:
# When we request the 'DisplayName' property, some folders may still be returned with an empty value.
# Assign a default name to these folders.
kwargs["name"] = cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID
return kwargs
def to_id(self):
# Use self._distinguished_id as-is if we have it. This could be a DistinguishedFolderId with a mailbox pointing
# to a shared mailbox.
if self._distinguished_id:
return self._distinguished_id
if self._id:
return self._id
raise ValueError(f"{self} must be a distinguished folder or have an ID")
self._distinguished_id = DistinguishedFolderId(
return self._distinguished_id
def resolve(cls, account, folder):
# Resolve a single folder
folders = list(FolderCollection(account=account, folders=[folder]).resolve())
if not folders:
raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"Could not find folder {folder!r}")
if len(folders) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Expected result length 1, but got {folders}")
f = folders[0]
if isinstance(f, Exception):
raise f
if f.__class__ != cls:
raise ValueError(f"Expected folder {f!r} to be a {cls} instance")
return f
def refresh(self):
fresh_folder = self.resolve(account=self.account, folder=self)
if !=
raise ValueError("ID mismatch")
# Apparently, the changekey may get updated
for f in self.FIELDS:
setattr(self,, getattr(fresh_folder,
return self
def get_user_configuration(self, name, properties=None):
from import GetUserConfiguration
from import ALL
if properties is None:
properties = ALL
return GetUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(
user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationNameMNS(name=name, folder=self),
def create_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None):
from import CreateUserConfiguration
user_configuration = UserConfiguration(
user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationName(name=name, folder=self),
return CreateUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(user_configuration=user_configuration)
def update_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None):
from import UpdateUserConfiguration
user_configuration = UserConfiguration(
user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationName(name=name, folder=self),
return UpdateUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(user_configuration=user_configuration)
def delete_user_configuration(self, name):
from import DeleteUserConfiguration
return DeleteUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(
user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationNameMNS(name=name, folder=self)
def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60):
"""Create a pull subscription.
:param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES
:param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services
:param timeout: Timeout of the subscription, in minutes. Timeout is reset when the server receives a
GetEvents request for this subscription.
:return: The subscription ID and a watermark
from import SubscribeToPull
if event_types is None:
event_types = SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_pull(
def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1):
"""Create a push subscription.
:param callback_url: A client-defined URL that the server will call
:param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES
:param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services
:param status_frequency: The frequency, in minutes, that the callback URL will be called with.
:return: The subscription ID and a watermark
from import SubscribeToPush
if event_types is None:
event_types = SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_push(
def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None):
"""Create a streaming subscription.
:param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES
:return: The subscription ID
from import SubscribeToStreaming
if event_types is None:
event_types = SubscribeToStreaming.EVENT_TYPES
return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_streaming(event_types=event_types)
def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs):
return PullSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def push_subscription(self, **kwargs):
return PushSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs):
return StreamingSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id):
"""Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications.
:param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|streaming]()
:return: True
This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other
sync methods.
from import Unsubscribe
return Unsubscribe(account=self.account).get(subscription_id=subscription_id)
def sync_items(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None, ignore=None, max_changes_returned=None, sync_scope=None):
"""Return all item changes to a folder, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all item changes after
this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.item_sync_state will hold the new sync state.
:param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service.
:param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields
:param ignore: A list of Item IDs to ignore in the sync
:param max_changes_returned: The max number of change
:param sync_scope: Specify whether to return just items, or items and folder associated information. Possible
values are specified in SyncFolderItems.SYNC_SCOPES
:return: A generator of (change_type, item) tuples
if not sync_state:
sync_state = self.item_sync_state
yield from FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).sync_items(
except SyncCompleted as e:
# Set the new sync state on the folder instance
self.item_sync_state = e.sync_state
def sync_hierarchy(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None):
"""Return all folder changes to a folder hierarchy, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all folder
changes after this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.folder_sync_state will hold the new
sync state.
:param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service.
:param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields
if not sync_state:
sync_state = self.folder_sync_state
yield from FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).sync_hierarchy(
except SyncCompleted as e:
# Set the new sync state on the folder instance
self.folder_sync_state = e.sync_state
def get_events(self, subscription_id, watermark):
"""Get events since the given watermark. Non-blocking.
:param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|push]()
:param watermark: Either the watermark from the subscription, or as returned by the last .get_events() call.
:return: A Notification object containing a list of events
This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other
sync methods.
from import GetEvents
svc = GetEvents(account=self.account)
while True:
notification = svc.get(subscription_id=subscription_id, watermark=watermark)
yield notification
if not notification.more_events:
def get_streaming_events(self, subscription_id_or_ids, connection_timeout=1, max_notifications_returned=None):
"""Get events since the subscription was created, in streaming mode. This method will block as many minutes
as specified by 'connection_timeout'.
:param subscription_id_or_ids: A subscription ID, or list of IDs, as acquired by .subscribe_to_streaming()
:param connection_timeout: Timeout of the connection, in minutes. The connection is closed after this timeout
is reached.
:param max_notifications_returned: If specified, will exit after receiving this number of notifications
:return: A generator of Notification objects, each containing a list of events
This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other
sync methods.
from import GetStreamingEvents
svc = GetStreamingEvents(account=self.account)
subscription_ids = (
if is_iterable(subscription_id_or_ids, generators_allowed=True)
else [subscription_id_or_ids]
for i, notification in enumerate(, connection_timeout=connection_timeout), start=1
yield notification
if max_notifications_returned and i >= max_notifications_returned:
def __floordiv__(self, other):
"""Support the some_folder // 'child_folder' // 'child_of_child_folder' navigation syntax.
Works like as __truediv__ but does not touch the folder cache.
This is useful if the folder hierarchy contains a huge number of folders, and you don't want to fetch them all
:param other:
if other == "..":
raise ValueError("Cannot get parent without a folder cache")
if other == ".":
return self
# Assume an exact match on the folder name in a shallow search will only return at most one folder
return SingleFolderQuerySet(account=self.account, folder=self).depth(SHALLOW_FOLDERS).get(name=other)
except DoesNotExist:
raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"No subfolder with name {other!r}")
def __truediv__(self, other):
"""Support the some_folder / 'child_folder' / 'child_of_child_folder' navigation syntax."""
if other == "..":
if not self.parent:
raise ValueError("Already at top")
return self.parent
if other == ".":
return self
for c in self.children:
# Folders are case-insensitive server-side. Let's do that here as well.
if == other.lower():
return c
raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"No subfolder with name {other!r}")
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + repr(
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} ({})"
class Folder(BaseFolder):
permission_set = PermissionSetField(field_uri="folder:PermissionSet", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2007_SP1)
effective_rights = EffectiveRightsField(
field_uri="folder:EffectiveRights", is_read_only=True, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2007_SP1
__slots__ = ("_root",)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._root = kwargs.pop("root", None) # This is a pointer to the root of the folder hierarchy
parent = kwargs.pop("parent", None)
if parent:
if self.root:
if parent.root != self.root:
raise ValueError("'parent.root' must match 'root'")
self._root = parent.root
if "parent_folder_id" in kwargs and != kwargs["parent_folder_id"]:
raise ValueError("'parent_folder_id' must match 'parent' ID")
kwargs["parent_folder_id"] = ParentFolderId(, changekey=parent.changekey)
def account(self):
if self.root is None:
return None
return self.root.account
def root(self):
return self._root
def register(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls is not Folder:
raise TypeError("For folders, custom fields must be registered on the Folder class")
return super().register(*args, **kwargs)
def deregister(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls is not Folder:
raise TypeError("For folders, custom fields must be registered on the Folder class")
return super().deregister(*args, **kwargs)
def parent(self):
if not self.parent_folder_id:
return None
if ==
# Some folders have a parent that references itself. Avoid circular references here
return None
return self.root.get_folder(self.parent_folder_id)
def parent(self, value):
if value is None:
self.parent_folder_id = None
if not isinstance(value, BaseFolder):
raise InvalidTypeError("value", value, BaseFolder)
self._root = value.root
self.parent_folder_id = ParentFolderId(, changekey=value.changekey)
def clean(self, version=None):
from .roots import RootOfHierarchy
if self.root and not isinstance(self.root, RootOfHierarchy):
raise InvalidTypeError("root", self.root, RootOfHierarchy)
def get_distinguished(cls, root):
"""Get the distinguished folder for this folder class.
:param root:
return cls._get_distinguished(
def from_xml_with_root(cls, elem, root):
folder = cls.from_xml(elem=elem, account=root.account)
folder_cls = cls
if cls == Folder:
# We were called on the generic Folder class. Try to find a more specific class to return objects as.
# The "FolderClass" element value is the only indication we have in the FindFolder response of which
# folder class we should create the folder with. And many folders share the same 'FolderClass' value, e.g.
# Inbox and DeletedItems. We want to distinguish between these because otherwise we can't locate the right
# folders types for e.g. Account.inbox and Account.trash.
# We should be able to just use the name, but apparently default folder names can be renamed to a set of
# localized names using a PowerShell command:
# Instead, search for a folder class using the localized name. If none are found, fall back to getting the
# folder class by the "FolderClass" value.
# The returned XML may contain neither folder class nor name. In that case, we default to the generic
# Folder class.
with suppress(KeyError):
# TODO: fld_class.LOCALIZED_NAMES is most definitely neither complete nor authoritative
folder_cls = root.folder_cls_from_folder_name(,
log.debug("Folder class %s matches localized folder name %s", folder_cls,
if folder.folder_class and folder_cls == Folder:
with suppress(KeyError):
folder_cls = cls.folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class=folder.folder_class)
"Folder class %s matches container class %s (%s)", folder_cls, folder.folder_class,
if folder_cls == Folder:
log.debug("Fallback to class Folder (folder_class %s, name %s)", folder.folder_class,
# Some servers return folders in a FindFolder result that have a DistinguishedFolderId element that the same
# server cannot handle in a GetFolder request. Only set the DistinguishedFolderId field if we recognize the ID.
if folder._distinguished_id and not folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID:
folder._distinguished_id = None
return folder_cls(root=root, **{ getattr(folder, for f in folder.FIELDS})
class BaseFolder (**kwargs)
Base class for all classes that implement a folder.
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class BaseFolder(RegisterMixIn, SearchableMixIn, SupportedVersionClassMixIn, metaclass=EWSMeta): """Base class for all classes that implement a folder.""" ELEMENT_NAME = "Folder" NAMESPACE = TNS # See DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID = None # Default item type for this folder. See # CONTAINER_CLASS = None supported_item_models = ITEM_CLASSES # The Item types that this folder can contain. Default is all # Whether this folder type is allowed with the GetFolder service get_folder_allowed = True DEFAULT_FOLDER_TRAVERSAL_DEPTH = DEEP_FOLDERS DEFAULT_ITEM_TRAVERSAL_DEPTH = SHALLOW_ITEMS LOCALIZED_NAMES = {} # A map of (str)locale: (tuple)localized_folder_names ITEM_MODEL_MAP = {cls.response_tag(): cls for cls in ITEM_CLASSES} ID_ELEMENT_CLS = FolderId _id = IdElementField(field_uri="folder:FolderId", value_cls=ID_ELEMENT_CLS) _distinguished_id = IdElementField( field_uri="folder:DistinguishedFolderId", value_cls=DistinguishedFolderId, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2016 ) parent_folder_id = EWSElementField(field_uri="folder:ParentFolderId", value_cls=ParentFolderId, is_read_only=True) folder_class = CharField(field_uri="folder:FolderClass", is_required_after_save=True) name = CharField(field_uri="folder:DisplayName") total_count = IntegerField(field_uri="folder:TotalCount", is_read_only=True) child_folder_count = IntegerField(field_uri="folder:ChildFolderCount", is_read_only=True) unread_count = IntegerField(field_uri="folder:UnreadCount", is_read_only=True) __slots__ = "item_sync_state", "folder_sync_state" # Used to register extended properties INSERT_AFTER_FIELD = "child_folder_count" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.item_sync_state = kwargs.pop("item_sync_state", None) self.folder_sync_state = kwargs.pop("folder_sync_state", None) super().__init__(**kwargs) if self._distinguished_id and not self._distinguished_id.mailbox and self.account: # Ensure that distinguished IDs have a mailbox, but don't override a custom mailbox (e.g. shared folders) self._distinguished_id.mailbox = Mailbox(email_address=self.account.primary_smtp_address) @property @abc.abstractmethod def account(self): """Return the account this folder belongs to""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def root(self): """Return the root folder this folder belongs to""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def parent(self): """Return the parent folder of this folder""" @property def is_distinguished(self): return self._distinguished_id or (self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID and not self._id) @property def is_deletable(self): return not self.is_distinguished def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) # Set a default folder class for new folders. A folder class cannot be changed after saving. if is None and self.folder_class is None: self.folder_class = self.CONTAINER_CLASS @property def children(self): # It's dangerous to return a generator here because we may then call methods on a child that result in the # cache being updated while it's iterated. return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self.root.get_children(self)) @property def parts(self): parts = [self] f = self.parent while f: parts.insert(0, f) f = f.parent return parts @property def absolute(self): return "".join(f"/{}" for p in def _walk(self): for c in self.children: yield c yield from c.walk() def walk(self): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self._walk()) def _glob(self, pattern): split_pattern = pattern.split("/", maxsplit=1) head, tail = (split_pattern[0], None) if len(split_pattern) == 1 else split_pattern if head == "": # We got an absolute path. Restart globbing at root yield from self.root.glob(tail or "*") elif head == "..": # Relative path with reference to parent. Restart globbing at parent if not self.parent: raise ValueError("Already at top") yield from self.parent.glob(tail or "*") elif head == "**": # Match anything here or in any sub-folder at arbitrary depth for c in self.walk(): # fnmatch() may be case-sensitive depending on operating system: # force a case-insensitive match since case appears not to # matter for folders in Exchange if fnmatch(, (tail or "*").lower()): yield c else: # Regular pattern for c in self.children: # See note above on fnmatch() case-sensitivity if not fnmatch(, head.lower()): continue if tail is None: yield c continue yield from c.glob(tail) def glob(self, pattern): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self._glob(pattern)) def tree(self): """Return a string representation of the folder structure of this folder. Example: root ├── inbox │ └── todos └── archive ├── Last Job ├── exchangelib issues └── Mom """ tree = f"{}\n" children = list(self.children) for i, c in enumerate(sorted(children, key=attrgetter("name")), start=1): nodes = c.tree().split("\n") for j, node in enumerate(nodes, start=1): if i != len(children) and j == 1: # Not the last child, but the first node, which is the name of the child tree += f"├── {node}\n" elif i != len(children) and j > 1: # Not the last child, and not name of child tree += f"│ {node}\n" elif i == len(children) and j == 1: # Not the last child, but the first node, which is the name of the child tree += f"└── {node}\n" else: # Last child and not name of child tree += f" {node}\n" return tree.strip() @classmethod def _get_distinguished(cls, folder): if not cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: raise ValueError(f"Class {cls} must have a DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID value") try: return cls.resolve(account=folder.account, folder=folder) except MISSING_FOLDER_ERRORS as e: raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"Could not find distinguished folder {cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID!r} ({e})") @property def has_distinguished_name(self): return and self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID and == self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID.lower() @classmethod def localized_names(cls, locale): # Return localized names for a specific locale. If no locale-specific names exist, return the default names, # if any. return tuple(s.lower() for s in cls.LOCALIZED_NAMES.get(locale, cls.LOCALIZED_NAMES.get(None, [cls.__name__]))) @staticmethod def folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class): """Return a reasonable folder class given a container class, e.g. 'IPF.Note'. Don't iterate WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS because many folder classes have the same CONTAINER_CLASS. :param container_class: :return: """ from .known_folders import ( ApplicationData, Calendar, CompanyContacts, Contacts, ConversationSettings, CrawlerData, DlpPolicyEvaluation, EventCheckPoints, FreeBusyCache, GALContacts, Messages, OrganizationalContacts, PeopleCentricConversationBuddies, RecipientCache, RecoveryPoints, Reminders, RSSFeeds, Signal, SwssItems, Tasks, ) for folder_cls in ( ApplicationData, Calendar, CompanyContacts, Contacts, ConversationSettings, CrawlerData, DlpPolicyEvaluation, EventCheckPoints, FreeBusyCache, GALContacts, Messages, OrganizationalContacts, PeopleCentricConversationBuddies, RSSFeeds, RecipientCache, RecoveryPoints, Reminders, Signal, SwssItems, Tasks, ): if folder_cls.CONTAINER_CLASS == container_class: return folder_cls raise KeyError() @classmethod def item_model_from_tag(cls, tag): try: return cls.ITEM_MODEL_MAP[tag] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Item type {tag} was unexpected in a {cls.__name__} folder") @classmethod def allowed_item_fields(cls, version): # Return non-ID fields of all item classes allowed in this folder type fields = set() for item_model in cls.supported_item_models: fields.update(set(item_model.supported_fields(version=version))) return fields def validate_item_field(self, field, version): FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).validate_item_field(field=field, version=version) def normalize_fields(self, fields): # Takes a list of fieldnames, Field or FieldPath objects pointing to item fields. Turns them into FieldPath # objects and adds internal timezone fields if necessary. Assume fields are already validated. fields = list(fields) has_start, has_end = False, False for i, field_path in enumerate(fields): # Allow both Field and FieldPath instances and string field paths as input if isinstance(field_path, str): field_path = FieldPath.from_string(field_path=field_path, folder=self) fields[i] = field_path elif isinstance(field_path, Field): field_path = FieldPath(field=field_path) fields[i] = field_path if == "start": has_start = True elif == "end": has_end = True # For CalendarItem items, we want to inject internal timezone fields. See also CalendarItem.clean() if CalendarItem in self.supported_item_models: meeting_tz_field, start_tz_field, end_tz_field = CalendarItem.timezone_fields() if < EXCHANGE_2010: if has_start or has_end: fields.append(FieldPath(field=meeting_tz_field)) else: if has_start: fields.append(FieldPath(field=start_tz_field)) if has_end: fields.append(FieldPath(field=end_tz_field)) return fields @classmethod def get_item_field_by_fieldname(cls, fieldname): for item_model in cls.supported_item_models: with suppress(InvalidField): return item_model.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname) raise InvalidField(f"{fieldname!r} is not a valid field name on {cls.supported_item_models}") def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).get(*args, **kwargs) def all(self): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).all() def none(self): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).none() def filter(self, *args, **kwargs): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).filter(*args, **kwargs) def exclude(self, *args, **kwargs): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).exclude(*args, **kwargs) def people(self): # No point in using a FolderCollection because FindPeople only supports one folder return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).people() def bulk_create(self, items, *args, **kwargs): return self.account.bulk_create(folder=self, items=items, *args, **kwargs) def save(self, update_fields=None): from import CreateFolder, UpdateFolder if is None: # New folder if update_fields: raise ValueError("'update_fields' is only valid for updates") res = CreateFolder(account=self.account).get(parent_folder=self.parent, folders=[self]) self._id = self.ID_ELEMENT_CLS(, res.changekey) self.root.add_folder(self) # Add this folder to the cache return self # Update folder if not update_fields: # The fields to update was not specified explicitly. Update all fields where update is possible update_fields = [] for f in self.supported_fields(version=self.account.version): if f.is_read_only: # These cannot be changed continue if (f.is_required or f.is_required_after_save) and ( getattr(self, is None or (f.is_list and not getattr(self, ): # These are required and cannot be deleted continue update_fields.append( res = UpdateFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[(self, update_fields)]) folder_id, changekey =, res.changekey if != folder_id: raise ValueError("ID mismatch") # Don't check changekey value. It may not change on no-op updates self.changekey = changekey self.root.update_folder(self) # Update the folder in the cache return self def move(self, to_folder): from import MoveFolder res = MoveFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[self], to_folder=to_folder) folder_id, changekey =, res.changekey if != folder_id: raise ValueError("ID mismatch") # Don't check changekey value. It may not change on no-op moves self.changekey = changekey self.parent_folder_id = ParentFolderId(, changekey=to_folder.changekey) self.root.update_folder(self) # Update the folder in the cache def delete(self, delete_type=HARD_DELETE): from import DeleteFolder DeleteFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[self], delete_type=delete_type) self.root.remove_folder(self) # Remove the updated folder from the cache self._id = None def empty(self, delete_type=HARD_DELETE, delete_sub_folders=False): from import EmptyFolder EmptyFolder(account=self.account).get( folders=[self], delete_type=delete_type, delete_sub_folders=delete_sub_folders ) if delete_sub_folders: # We don't know exactly what was deleted, so invalidate the entire folder cache to be safe self.root.clear_cache() def wipe(self, page_size=None, chunk_size=None, _seen=None, _level=0): # Recursively deletes all items in this folder, and all sub-folders and their content. Attempts to protect # distinguished folders from being deleted. Use with caution! from .known_folders import Audits _seen = _seen or set() if in _seen: raise RecursionError(f"We already tried to wipe {self}") if _level > 16: raise RecursionError(f"Max recursion level reached: {_level}") _seen.add( if isinstance(self, Audits): # Shortcircuit because this folder can have many items that are all non-deletable log.warning("Cannot wipe audits folder %s", self) return if self.is_distinguished and "recoverableitems" in self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: log.warning("Cannot wipe recoverable items folder %s", self) return log.warning("Wiping %s", self) has_non_deletable_subfolders = any(not f.is_deletable for f in self.children) try: if has_non_deletable_subfolders: self.empty() else: self.empty(delete_sub_folders=True) except ErrorRecoverableItemsAccessDenied: log.warning("Access denied to %s. Skipping", self) return except DELETE_FOLDER_ERRORS: try: if has_non_deletable_subfolders: raise # We already tried this self.empty() except DELETE_FOLDER_ERRORS: log.warning("Not allowed to empty %s. Trying to delete items instead", self) kwargs = {} if page_size is not None: kwargs["page_size"] = page_size if chunk_size is not None: kwargs["chunk_size"] = chunk_size try: self.all().delete(**kwargs) except DELETE_FOLDER_ERRORS: log.warning("Not allowed to delete items in %s", self) _level += 1 for f in self.children: f.wipe(page_size=page_size, chunk_size=chunk_size, _seen=_seen, _level=_level) # Remove non-distinguished children that are empty and have no sub-folders if f.is_deletable and not f.children: log.warning("Deleting folder %s", f) try: f.delete() except ErrorDeleteDistinguishedFolder: log.warning("Tried to delete a distinguished folder (%s)", f) def test_access(self): """Does a simple FindItem to test (read) access to the folder. Maybe the account doesn't exist, maybe the service user doesn't have access to the calendar. This will throw the most common errors. """ self.all().exists() return True @classmethod def _kwargs_from_elem(cls, elem, account): # Check for 'DisplayName' element before collecting kwargs because that clears the elements has_name_elem = elem.find(cls.get_field_by_fieldname("name").response_tag()) is not None kwargs = { f.from_xml(elem=elem, account=account) for f in cls.FIELDS} if has_name_elem and not kwargs["name"]: # When we request the 'DisplayName' property, some folders may still be returned with an empty value. # Assign a default name to these folders. kwargs["name"] = cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID return kwargs def to_id(self): # Use self._distinguished_id as-is if we have it. This could be a DistinguishedFolderId with a mailbox pointing # to a shared mailbox. if self._distinguished_id: return self._distinguished_id if self._id: return self._id if not self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: raise ValueError(f"{self} must be a distinguished folder or have an ID") self._distinguished_id = DistinguishedFolderId( id=self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.account.primary_smtp_address), ) return self._distinguished_id @classmethod def resolve(cls, account, folder): # Resolve a single folder folders = list(FolderCollection(account=account, folders=[folder]).resolve()) if not folders: raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"Could not find folder {folder!r}") if len(folders) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected result length 1, but got {folders}") f = folders[0] if isinstance(f, Exception): raise f if f.__class__ != cls: raise ValueError(f"Expected folder {f!r} to be a {cls} instance") return f @require_id def refresh(self): fresh_folder = self.resolve(account=self.account, folder=self) if != raise ValueError("ID mismatch") # Apparently, the changekey may get updated for f in self.FIELDS: setattr(self,, getattr(fresh_folder, return self @require_id def get_user_configuration(self, name, properties=None): from import GetUserConfiguration from import ALL if properties is None: properties = ALL return GetUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationNameMNS(name=name, folder=self), properties=properties, ) @require_id def create_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None): from import CreateUserConfiguration user_configuration = UserConfiguration( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationName(name=name, folder=self), dictionary=dictionary, xml_data=xml_data, binary_data=binary_data, ) return CreateUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(user_configuration=user_configuration) @require_id def update_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None): from import UpdateUserConfiguration user_configuration = UserConfiguration( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationName(name=name, folder=self), dictionary=dictionary, xml_data=xml_data, binary_data=binary_data, ) return UpdateUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(user_configuration=user_configuration) @require_id def delete_user_configuration(self, name): from import DeleteUserConfiguration return DeleteUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationNameMNS(name=name, folder=self) ) @require_id def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60): """Create a pull subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param timeout: Timeout of the subscription, in minutes. Timeout is reset when the server receives a GetEvents request for this subscription. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ from import SubscribeToPull if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_pull( event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, timeout=timeout, ) @require_id def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1): """Create a push subscription. :param callback_url: A client-defined URL that the server will call :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param status_frequency: The frequency, in minutes, that the callback URL will be called with. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ from import SubscribeToPush if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_push( event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, status_frequency=status_frequency, callback_url=callback_url, ) @require_id def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None): """Create a streaming subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :return: The subscription ID """ from import SubscribeToStreaming if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToStreaming.EVENT_TYPES return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_streaming(event_types=event_types) @require_id def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PullSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) @require_id def push_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PushSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) @require_id def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs): return StreamingSubscription(target=self, **kwargs) def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id): """Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|streaming]() :return: True This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import Unsubscribe return Unsubscribe(account=self.account).get(subscription_id=subscription_id) def sync_items(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None, ignore=None, max_changes_returned=None, sync_scope=None): """Return all item changes to a folder, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all item changes after this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.item_sync_state will hold the new sync state. :param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service. :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :param ignore: A list of Item IDs to ignore in the sync :param max_changes_returned: The max number of change :param sync_scope: Specify whether to return just items, or items and folder associated information. Possible values are specified in SyncFolderItems.SYNC_SCOPES :return: A generator of (change_type, item) tuples """ if not sync_state: sync_state = self.item_sync_state try: yield from FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).sync_items( sync_state=sync_state, only_fields=only_fields, ignore=ignore, max_changes_returned=max_changes_returned, sync_scope=sync_scope, ) except SyncCompleted as e: # Set the new sync state on the folder instance self.item_sync_state = e.sync_state def sync_hierarchy(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None): """Return all folder changes to a folder hierarchy, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all folder changes after this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.folder_sync_state will hold the new sync state. :param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service. :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :return: """ if not sync_state: sync_state = self.folder_sync_state try: yield from FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).sync_hierarchy( sync_state=sync_state, only_fields=only_fields, ) except SyncCompleted as e: # Set the new sync state on the folder instance self.folder_sync_state = e.sync_state def get_events(self, subscription_id, watermark): """Get events since the given watermark. Non-blocking. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|push]() :param watermark: Either the watermark from the subscription, or as returned by the last .get_events() call. :return: A Notification object containing a list of events This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import GetEvents svc = GetEvents(account=self.account) while True: notification = svc.get(subscription_id=subscription_id, watermark=watermark) yield notification if not notification.more_events: break def get_streaming_events(self, subscription_id_or_ids, connection_timeout=1, max_notifications_returned=None): """Get events since the subscription was created, in streaming mode. This method will block as many minutes as specified by 'connection_timeout'. :param subscription_id_or_ids: A subscription ID, or list of IDs, as acquired by .subscribe_to_streaming() :param connection_timeout: Timeout of the connection, in minutes. The connection is closed after this timeout is reached. :param max_notifications_returned: If specified, will exit after receiving this number of notifications :return: A generator of Notification objects, each containing a list of events This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import GetStreamingEvents svc = GetStreamingEvents(account=self.account) subscription_ids = ( subscription_id_or_ids if is_iterable(subscription_id_or_ids, generators_allowed=True) else [subscription_id_or_ids] ) for i, notification in enumerate(, connection_timeout=connection_timeout), start=1 ): yield notification if max_notifications_returned and i >= max_notifications_returned: svc.stop_streaming() break def __floordiv__(self, other): """Support the some_folder // 'child_folder' // 'child_of_child_folder' navigation syntax. Works like as __truediv__ but does not touch the folder cache. This is useful if the folder hierarchy contains a huge number of folders, and you don't want to fetch them all :param other: :return: """ if other == "..": raise ValueError("Cannot get parent without a folder cache") if other == ".": return self # Assume an exact match on the folder name in a shallow search will only return at most one folder try: return SingleFolderQuerySet(account=self.account, folder=self).depth(SHALLOW_FOLDERS).get(name=other) except DoesNotExist: raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"No subfolder with name {other!r}") def __truediv__(self, other): """Support the some_folder / 'child_folder' / 'child_of_child_folder' navigation syntax.""" if other == "..": if not self.parent: raise ValueError("Already at top") return self.parent if other == ".": return self for c in self.children: # Folders are case-insensitive server-side. Let's do that here as well. if == other.lower(): return c raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"No subfolder with name {other!r}") def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + repr( ( self.root,, self.total_count, self.unread_count, self.child_folder_count, self.folder_class,, self.changekey, ) ) def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} ({})"
Class variables
var get_folder_allowed
var supported_item_models
Static methods
def allowed_item_fields(version)
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@classmethod def allowed_item_fields(cls, version): # Return non-ID fields of all item classes allowed in this folder type fields = set() for item_model in cls.supported_item_models: fields.update(set(item_model.supported_fields(version=version))) return fields
def folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class)
Return a reasonable folder class given a container class, e.g. 'IPF.Note'. Don't iterate WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS because many folder classes have the same CONTAINER_CLASS.
:param container_class: :return:
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@staticmethod def folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class): """Return a reasonable folder class given a container class, e.g. 'IPF.Note'. Don't iterate WELLKNOWN_FOLDERS because many folder classes have the same CONTAINER_CLASS. :param container_class: :return: """ from .known_folders import ( ApplicationData, Calendar, CompanyContacts, Contacts, ConversationSettings, CrawlerData, DlpPolicyEvaluation, EventCheckPoints, FreeBusyCache, GALContacts, Messages, OrganizationalContacts, PeopleCentricConversationBuddies, RecipientCache, RecoveryPoints, Reminders, RSSFeeds, Signal, SwssItems, Tasks, ) for folder_cls in ( ApplicationData, Calendar, CompanyContacts, Contacts, ConversationSettings, CrawlerData, DlpPolicyEvaluation, EventCheckPoints, FreeBusyCache, GALContacts, Messages, OrganizationalContacts, PeopleCentricConversationBuddies, RSSFeeds, RecipientCache, RecoveryPoints, Reminders, Signal, SwssItems, Tasks, ): if folder_cls.CONTAINER_CLASS == container_class: return folder_cls raise KeyError()
def get_item_field_by_fieldname(fieldname)
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@classmethod def get_item_field_by_fieldname(cls, fieldname): for item_model in cls.supported_item_models: with suppress(InvalidField): return item_model.get_field_by_fieldname(fieldname) raise InvalidField(f"{fieldname!r} is not a valid field name on {cls.supported_item_models}")
def item_model_from_tag(tag)
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@classmethod def item_model_from_tag(cls, tag): try: return cls.ITEM_MODEL_MAP[tag] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Item type {tag} was unexpected in a {cls.__name__} folder")
def localized_names(locale)
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@classmethod def localized_names(cls, locale): # Return localized names for a specific locale. If no locale-specific names exist, return the default names, # if any. return tuple(s.lower() for s in cls.LOCALIZED_NAMES.get(locale, cls.LOCALIZED_NAMES.get(None, [cls.__name__])))
def resolve(account, folder)
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@classmethod def resolve(cls, account, folder): # Resolve a single folder folders = list(FolderCollection(account=account, folders=[folder]).resolve()) if not folders: raise ErrorFolderNotFound(f"Could not find folder {folder!r}") if len(folders) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected result length 1, but got {folders}") f = folders[0] if isinstance(f, Exception): raise f if f.__class__ != cls: raise ValueError(f"Expected folder {f!r} to be a {cls} instance") return f
Instance variables
var absolute
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@property def absolute(self): return "".join(f"/{}" for p in
var account
Return the account this folder belongs to
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@property @abc.abstractmethod def account(self): """Return the account this folder belongs to"""
var child_folder_count
var children
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@property def children(self): # It's dangerous to return a generator here because we may then call methods on a child that result in the # cache being updated while it's iterated. return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self.root.get_children(self))
var folder_class
var folder_sync_state
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var has_distinguished_name
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@property def has_distinguished_name(self): return and self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID and == self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID.lower()
var is_deletable
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@property def is_deletable(self): return not self.is_distinguished
var is_distinguished
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@property def is_distinguished(self): return self._distinguished_id or (self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID and not self._id)
var item_sync_state
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var name
var parent
Return the parent folder of this folder
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@property @abc.abstractmethod def parent(self): """Return the parent folder of this folder"""
var parent_folder_id
var parts
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@property def parts(self): parts = [self] f = self.parent while f: parts.insert(0, f) f = f.parent return parts
var root
Return the root folder this folder belongs to
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@property @abc.abstractmethod def root(self): """Return the root folder this folder belongs to"""
var total_count
var unread_count
def bulk_create(self, items, *args, **kwargs)
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def bulk_create(self, items, *args, **kwargs): return self.account.bulk_create(folder=self, items=items, *args, **kwargs)
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): super().clean(version=version) # Set a default folder class for new folders. A folder class cannot be changed after saving. if is None and self.folder_class is None: self.folder_class = self.CONTAINER_CLASS
def create_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None)
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@require_id def create_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None): from import CreateUserConfiguration user_configuration = UserConfiguration( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationName(name=name, folder=self), dictionary=dictionary, xml_data=xml_data, binary_data=binary_data, ) return CreateUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(user_configuration=user_configuration)
def delete(self, delete_type='HardDelete')
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def delete(self, delete_type=HARD_DELETE): from import DeleteFolder DeleteFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[self], delete_type=delete_type) self.root.remove_folder(self) # Remove the updated folder from the cache self._id = None
def delete_user_configuration(self, name)
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@require_id def delete_user_configuration(self, name): from import DeleteUserConfiguration return DeleteUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationNameMNS(name=name, folder=self) )
def empty(self, delete_type='HardDelete', delete_sub_folders=False)
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def empty(self, delete_type=HARD_DELETE, delete_sub_folders=False): from import EmptyFolder EmptyFolder(account=self.account).get( folders=[self], delete_type=delete_type, delete_sub_folders=delete_sub_folders ) if delete_sub_folders: # We don't know exactly what was deleted, so invalidate the entire folder cache to be safe self.root.clear_cache()
def get_events(self, subscription_id, watermark)
Get events since the given watermark. Non-blocking.
:param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_pull|push :param watermark: Either the watermark from the subscription, or as returned by the last .get_events() call. :return: A Notification object containing a list of events
This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods.
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def get_events(self, subscription_id, watermark): """Get events since the given watermark. Non-blocking. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|push]() :param watermark: Either the watermark from the subscription, or as returned by the last .get_events() call. :return: A Notification object containing a list of events This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import GetEvents svc = GetEvents(account=self.account) while True: notification = svc.get(subscription_id=subscription_id, watermark=watermark) yield notification if not notification.more_events: break
def get_streaming_events(self, subscription_id_or_ids, connection_timeout=1, max_notifications_returned=None)
Get events since the subscription was created, in streaming mode. This method will block as many minutes as specified by 'connection_timeout'.
:param subscription_id_or_ids: A subscription ID, or list of IDs, as acquired by .subscribe_to_streaming() :param connection_timeout: Timeout of the connection, in minutes. The connection is closed after this timeout is reached. :param max_notifications_returned: If specified, will exit after receiving this number of notifications :return: A generator of Notification objects, each containing a list of events
This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods.
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def get_streaming_events(self, subscription_id_or_ids, connection_timeout=1, max_notifications_returned=None): """Get events since the subscription was created, in streaming mode. This method will block as many minutes as specified by 'connection_timeout'. :param subscription_id_or_ids: A subscription ID, or list of IDs, as acquired by .subscribe_to_streaming() :param connection_timeout: Timeout of the connection, in minutes. The connection is closed after this timeout is reached. :param max_notifications_returned: If specified, will exit after receiving this number of notifications :return: A generator of Notification objects, each containing a list of events This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import GetStreamingEvents svc = GetStreamingEvents(account=self.account) subscription_ids = ( subscription_id_or_ids if is_iterable(subscription_id_or_ids, generators_allowed=True) else [subscription_id_or_ids] ) for i, notification in enumerate(, connection_timeout=connection_timeout), start=1 ): yield notification if max_notifications_returned and i >= max_notifications_returned: svc.stop_streaming() break
def get_user_configuration(self, name, properties=None)
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@require_id def get_user_configuration(self, name, properties=None): from import GetUserConfiguration from import ALL if properties is None: properties = ALL return GetUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationNameMNS(name=name, folder=self), properties=properties, )
def glob(self, pattern)
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def glob(self, pattern): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self._glob(pattern))
def move(self, to_folder)
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def move(self, to_folder): from import MoveFolder res = MoveFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[self], to_folder=to_folder) folder_id, changekey =, res.changekey if != folder_id: raise ValueError("ID mismatch") # Don't check changekey value. It may not change on no-op moves self.changekey = changekey self.parent_folder_id = ParentFolderId(, changekey=to_folder.changekey) self.root.update_folder(self) # Update the folder in the cache
def normalize_fields(self, fields)
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def normalize_fields(self, fields): # Takes a list of fieldnames, Field or FieldPath objects pointing to item fields. Turns them into FieldPath # objects and adds internal timezone fields if necessary. Assume fields are already validated. fields = list(fields) has_start, has_end = False, False for i, field_path in enumerate(fields): # Allow both Field and FieldPath instances and string field paths as input if isinstance(field_path, str): field_path = FieldPath.from_string(field_path=field_path, folder=self) fields[i] = field_path elif isinstance(field_path, Field): field_path = FieldPath(field=field_path) fields[i] = field_path if == "start": has_start = True elif == "end": has_end = True # For CalendarItem items, we want to inject internal timezone fields. See also CalendarItem.clean() if CalendarItem in self.supported_item_models: meeting_tz_field, start_tz_field, end_tz_field = CalendarItem.timezone_fields() if < EXCHANGE_2010: if has_start or has_end: fields.append(FieldPath(field=meeting_tz_field)) else: if has_start: fields.append(FieldPath(field=start_tz_field)) if has_end: fields.append(FieldPath(field=end_tz_field)) return fields
def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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@require_id def pull_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PullSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def push_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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@require_id def push_subscription(self, **kwargs): return PushSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def refresh(self)
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@require_id def refresh(self): fresh_folder = self.resolve(account=self.account, folder=self) if != raise ValueError("ID mismatch") # Apparently, the changekey may get updated for f in self.FIELDS: setattr(self,, getattr(fresh_folder, return self
def save(self, update_fields=None)
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def save(self, update_fields=None): from import CreateFolder, UpdateFolder if is None: # New folder if update_fields: raise ValueError("'update_fields' is only valid for updates") res = CreateFolder(account=self.account).get(parent_folder=self.parent, folders=[self]) self._id = self.ID_ELEMENT_CLS(, res.changekey) self.root.add_folder(self) # Add this folder to the cache return self # Update folder if not update_fields: # The fields to update was not specified explicitly. Update all fields where update is possible update_fields = [] for f in self.supported_fields(version=self.account.version): if f.is_read_only: # These cannot be changed continue if (f.is_required or f.is_required_after_save) and ( getattr(self, is None or (f.is_list and not getattr(self, ): # These are required and cannot be deleted continue update_fields.append( res = UpdateFolder(account=self.account).get(folders=[(self, update_fields)]) folder_id, changekey =, res.changekey if != folder_id: raise ValueError("ID mismatch") # Don't check changekey value. It may not change on no-op updates self.changekey = changekey self.root.update_folder(self) # Update the folder in the cache return self
def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs)
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@require_id def streaming_subscription(self, **kwargs): return StreamingSubscription(target=self, **kwargs)
def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60)
Create a pull subscription.
:param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param timeout: Timeout of the subscription, in minutes. Timeout is reset when the server receives a GetEvents request for this subscription. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark
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@require_id def subscribe_to_pull(self, event_types=None, watermark=None, timeout=60): """Create a pull subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param timeout: Timeout of the subscription, in minutes. Timeout is reset when the server receives a GetEvents request for this subscription. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ from import SubscribeToPull if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPull.EVENT_TYPES return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_pull( event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, timeout=timeout, )
def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1)
Create a push subscription.
:param callback_url: A client-defined URL that the server will call :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param status_frequency: The frequency, in minutes, that the callback URL will be called with. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark
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@require_id def subscribe_to_push(self, callback_url, event_types=None, watermark=None, status_frequency=1): """Create a push subscription. :param callback_url: A client-defined URL that the server will call :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :param watermark: An event bookmark as returned by some sync services :param status_frequency: The frequency, in minutes, that the callback URL will be called with. :return: The subscription ID and a watermark """ from import SubscribeToPush if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_push( event_types=event_types, watermark=watermark, status_frequency=status_frequency, callback_url=callback_url, )
def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None)
Create a streaming subscription.
:param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :return: The subscription ID
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@require_id def subscribe_to_streaming(self, event_types=None): """Create a streaming subscription. :param event_types: List of event types to subscribe to. Possible values defined in SubscribeToPush.EVENT_TYPES :return: The subscription ID """ from import SubscribeToStreaming if event_types is None: event_types = SubscribeToStreaming.EVENT_TYPES return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).subscribe_to_streaming(event_types=event_types)
def sync_hierarchy(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None)
Return all folder changes to a folder hierarchy, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all folder changes after this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.folder_sync_state will hold the new sync state.
:param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service. :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :return:
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def sync_hierarchy(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None): """Return all folder changes to a folder hierarchy, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all folder changes after this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.folder_sync_state will hold the new sync state. :param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service. :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :return: """ if not sync_state: sync_state = self.folder_sync_state try: yield from FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).sync_hierarchy( sync_state=sync_state, only_fields=only_fields, ) except SyncCompleted as e: # Set the new sync state on the folder instance self.folder_sync_state = e.sync_state
def sync_items(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None, ignore=None, max_changes_returned=None, sync_scope=None)
Return all item changes to a folder, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all item changes after this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.item_sync_state will hold the new sync state.
:param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service. :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :param ignore: A list of Item IDs to ignore in the sync :param max_changes_returned: The max number of change :param sync_scope: Specify whether to return just items, or items and folder associated information. Possible values are specified in SyncFolderItems.SYNC_SCOPES :return: A generator of (change_type, item) tuples
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def sync_items(self, sync_state=None, only_fields=None, ignore=None, max_changes_returned=None, sync_scope=None): """Return all item changes to a folder, as a generator. If sync_state is specified, get all item changes after this sync state. After fully consuming the generator, self.item_sync_state will hold the new sync state. :param sync_state: The state of the sync. Returned by a successful call to the SyncFolderItems service. :param only_fields: A list of string or FieldPath items specifying the fields to fetch. Default to all fields :param ignore: A list of Item IDs to ignore in the sync :param max_changes_returned: The max number of change :param sync_scope: Specify whether to return just items, or items and folder associated information. Possible values are specified in SyncFolderItems.SYNC_SCOPES :return: A generator of (change_type, item) tuples """ if not sync_state: sync_state = self.item_sync_state try: yield from FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).sync_items( sync_state=sync_state, only_fields=only_fields, ignore=ignore, max_changes_returned=max_changes_returned, sync_scope=sync_scope, ) except SyncCompleted as e: # Set the new sync state on the folder instance self.item_sync_state = e.sync_state
def test_access(self)
Does a simple FindItem to test (read) access to the folder. Maybe the account doesn't exist, maybe the service user doesn't have access to the calendar. This will throw the most common errors.
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def test_access(self): """Does a simple FindItem to test (read) access to the folder. Maybe the account doesn't exist, maybe the service user doesn't have access to the calendar. This will throw the most common errors. """ self.all().exists() return True
def to_id(self)
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def to_id(self): # Use self._distinguished_id as-is if we have it. This could be a DistinguishedFolderId with a mailbox pointing # to a shared mailbox. if self._distinguished_id: return self._distinguished_id if self._id: return self._id if not self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: raise ValueError(f"{self} must be a distinguished folder or have an ID") self._distinguished_id = DistinguishedFolderId( id=self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=self.account.primary_smtp_address), ) return self._distinguished_id
def tree(self)
Return a string representation of the folder structure of this folder. Example:
root ├── inbox │ └── todos └── archive ├── Last Job ├── exchangelib issues └── Mom
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def tree(self): """Return a string representation of the folder structure of this folder. Example: root ├── inbox │ └── todos └── archive ├── Last Job ├── exchangelib issues └── Mom """ tree = f"{}\n" children = list(self.children) for i, c in enumerate(sorted(children, key=attrgetter("name")), start=1): nodes = c.tree().split("\n") for j, node in enumerate(nodes, start=1): if i != len(children) and j == 1: # Not the last child, but the first node, which is the name of the child tree += f"├── {node}\n" elif i != len(children) and j > 1: # Not the last child, and not name of child tree += f"│ {node}\n" elif i == len(children) and j == 1: # Not the last child, but the first node, which is the name of the child tree += f"└── {node}\n" else: # Last child and not name of child tree += f" {node}\n" return tree.strip()
def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id)
Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications.
:param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_pull|streaming :return: True
This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods.
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def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id): """Unsubscribe. Only applies to pull and streaming notifications. :param subscription_id: A subscription ID as acquired by .subscribe_to_[pull|streaming]() :return: True This method doesn't need the current folder instance, but it makes sense to keep the method along the other sync methods. """ from import Unsubscribe return Unsubscribe(account=self.account).get(subscription_id=subscription_id)
def update_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None)
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@require_id def update_user_configuration(self, name, dictionary=None, xml_data=None, binary_data=None): from import UpdateUserConfiguration user_configuration = UserConfiguration( user_configuration_name=UserConfigurationName(name=name, folder=self), dictionary=dictionary, xml_data=xml_data, binary_data=binary_data, ) return UpdateUserConfiguration(account=self.account).get(user_configuration=user_configuration)
def validate_item_field(self, field, version)
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def validate_item_field(self, field, version): FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=[self]).validate_item_field(field=field, version=version)
def walk(self)
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def walk(self): return FolderCollection(account=self.account, folders=self._walk())
def wipe(self, page_size=None, chunk_size=None)
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def wipe(self, page_size=None, chunk_size=None, _seen=None, _level=0): # Recursively deletes all items in this folder, and all sub-folders and their content. Attempts to protect # distinguished folders from being deleted. Use with caution! from .known_folders import Audits _seen = _seen or set() if in _seen: raise RecursionError(f"We already tried to wipe {self}") if _level > 16: raise RecursionError(f"Max recursion level reached: {_level}") _seen.add( if isinstance(self, Audits): # Shortcircuit because this folder can have many items that are all non-deletable log.warning("Cannot wipe audits folder %s", self) return if self.is_distinguished and "recoverableitems" in self.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: log.warning("Cannot wipe recoverable items folder %s", self) return log.warning("Wiping %s", self) has_non_deletable_subfolders = any(not f.is_deletable for f in self.children) try: if has_non_deletable_subfolders: self.empty() else: self.empty(delete_sub_folders=True) except ErrorRecoverableItemsAccessDenied: log.warning("Access denied to %s. Skipping", self) return except DELETE_FOLDER_ERRORS: try: if has_non_deletable_subfolders: raise # We already tried this self.empty() except DELETE_FOLDER_ERRORS: log.warning("Not allowed to empty %s. Trying to delete items instead", self) kwargs = {} if page_size is not None: kwargs["page_size"] = page_size if chunk_size is not None: kwargs["chunk_size"] = chunk_size try: self.all().delete(**kwargs) except DELETE_FOLDER_ERRORS: log.warning("Not allowed to delete items in %s", self) _level += 1 for f in self.children: f.wipe(page_size=page_size, chunk_size=chunk_size, _seen=_seen, _level=_level) # Remove non-distinguished children that are empty and have no sub-folders if f.is_deletable and not f.children: log.warning("Deleting folder %s", f) try: f.delete() except ErrorDeleteDistinguishedFolder: log.warning("Tried to delete a distinguished folder (%s)", f)
Inherited members
class Folder (**kwargs)
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class Folder(BaseFolder): """MSDN:""" permission_set = PermissionSetField(field_uri="folder:PermissionSet", supported_from=EXCHANGE_2007_SP1) effective_rights = EffectiveRightsField( field_uri="folder:EffectiveRights", is_read_only=True, supported_from=EXCHANGE_2007_SP1 ) __slots__ = ("_root",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._root = kwargs.pop("root", None) # This is a pointer to the root of the folder hierarchy parent = kwargs.pop("parent", None) if parent: if self.root: if parent.root != self.root: raise ValueError("'parent.root' must match 'root'") else: self._root = parent.root if "parent_folder_id" in kwargs and != kwargs["parent_folder_id"]: raise ValueError("'parent_folder_id' must match 'parent' ID") kwargs["parent_folder_id"] = ParentFolderId(, changekey=parent.changekey) super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def account(self): if self.root is None: return None return self.root.account @property def root(self): return self._root @classmethod def register(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is not Folder: raise TypeError("For folders, custom fields must be registered on the Folder class") return super().register(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def deregister(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is not Folder: raise TypeError("For folders, custom fields must be registered on the Folder class") return super().deregister(*args, **kwargs) @property def parent(self): if not self.parent_folder_id: return None if == # Some folders have a parent that references itself. Avoid circular references here return None return self.root.get_folder(self.parent_folder_id) @parent.setter def parent(self, value): if value is None: self.parent_folder_id = None else: if not isinstance(value, BaseFolder): raise InvalidTypeError("value", value, BaseFolder) self._root = value.root self.parent_folder_id = ParentFolderId(, changekey=value.changekey) def clean(self, version=None): from .roots import RootOfHierarchy super().clean(version=version) if self.root and not isinstance(self.root, RootOfHierarchy): raise InvalidTypeError("root", self.root, RootOfHierarchy) @classmethod def get_distinguished(cls, root): """Get the distinguished folder for this folder class. :param root: :return: """ return cls._get_distinguished( folder=cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=root.account.primary_smtp_address), ), root=root, ) ) @classmethod def from_xml_with_root(cls, elem, root): folder = cls.from_xml(elem=elem, account=root.account) folder_cls = cls if cls == Folder: # We were called on the generic Folder class. Try to find a more specific class to return objects as. # # The "FolderClass" element value is the only indication we have in the FindFolder response of which # folder class we should create the folder with. And many folders share the same 'FolderClass' value, e.g. # Inbox and DeletedItems. We want to distinguish between these because otherwise we can't locate the right # folders types for e.g. Account.inbox and Account.trash. # # We should be able to just use the name, but apparently default folder names can be renamed to a set of # localized names using a PowerShell command: # # # Instead, search for a folder class using the localized name. If none are found, fall back to getting the # folder class by the "FolderClass" value. # # The returned XML may contain neither folder class nor name. In that case, we default to the generic # Folder class. if with suppress(KeyError): # TODO: fld_class.LOCALIZED_NAMES is most definitely neither complete nor authoritative folder_cls = root.folder_cls_from_folder_name(, folder_class=folder.folder_class, locale=root.account.locale, ) log.debug("Folder class %s matches localized folder name %s", folder_cls, if folder.folder_class and folder_cls == Folder: with suppress(KeyError): folder_cls = cls.folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class=folder.folder_class) log.debug( "Folder class %s matches container class %s (%s)", folder_cls, folder.folder_class, ) if folder_cls == Folder: log.debug("Fallback to class Folder (folder_class %s, name %s)", folder.folder_class, # Some servers return folders in a FindFolder result that have a DistinguishedFolderId element that the same # server cannot handle in a GetFolder request. Only set the DistinguishedFolderId field if we recognize the ID. if folder._distinguished_id and not folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: folder._distinguished_id = None return folder_cls(root=root, **{ getattr(folder, for f in folder.FIELDS})
- Birthdays
- CrawlerData
- EventCheckPoints
- FolderMemberships
- FreeBusyCache
- NonDeletableFolder
- RecoveryPoints
- SkypeTeamsMessages
- SwssItems
- WellknownFolder
Class variables
Static methods
def from_xml_with_root(elem, root)
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@classmethod def from_xml_with_root(cls, elem, root): folder = cls.from_xml(elem=elem, account=root.account) folder_cls = cls if cls == Folder: # We were called on the generic Folder class. Try to find a more specific class to return objects as. # # The "FolderClass" element value is the only indication we have in the FindFolder response of which # folder class we should create the folder with. And many folders share the same 'FolderClass' value, e.g. # Inbox and DeletedItems. We want to distinguish between these because otherwise we can't locate the right # folders types for e.g. Account.inbox and Account.trash. # # We should be able to just use the name, but apparently default folder names can be renamed to a set of # localized names using a PowerShell command: # # # Instead, search for a folder class using the localized name. If none are found, fall back to getting the # folder class by the "FolderClass" value. # # The returned XML may contain neither folder class nor name. In that case, we default to the generic # Folder class. if with suppress(KeyError): # TODO: fld_class.LOCALIZED_NAMES is most definitely neither complete nor authoritative folder_cls = root.folder_cls_from_folder_name(, folder_class=folder.folder_class, locale=root.account.locale, ) log.debug("Folder class %s matches localized folder name %s", folder_cls, if folder.folder_class and folder_cls == Folder: with suppress(KeyError): folder_cls = cls.folder_cls_from_container_class(container_class=folder.folder_class) log.debug( "Folder class %s matches container class %s (%s)", folder_cls, folder.folder_class, ) if folder_cls == Folder: log.debug("Fallback to class Folder (folder_class %s, name %s)", folder.folder_class, # Some servers return folders in a FindFolder result that have a DistinguishedFolderId element that the same # server cannot handle in a GetFolder request. Only set the DistinguishedFolderId field if we recognize the ID. if folder._distinguished_id and not folder_cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID: folder._distinguished_id = None return folder_cls(root=root, **{ getattr(folder, for f in folder.FIELDS})
def get_distinguished(root)
Get the distinguished folder for this folder class.
:param root: :return:
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@classmethod def get_distinguished(cls, root): """Get the distinguished folder for this folder class. :param root: :return: """ return cls._get_distinguished( folder=cls( _distinguished_id=DistinguishedFolderId( id=cls.DISTINGUISHED_FOLDER_ID, mailbox=Mailbox(email_address=root.account.primary_smtp_address), ), root=root, ) )
Instance variables
var effective_rights
var permission_set
def clean(self, version=None)
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def clean(self, version=None): from .roots import RootOfHierarchy super().clean(version=version) if self.root and not isinstance(self.root, RootOfHierarchy): raise InvalidTypeError("root", self.root, RootOfHierarchy)
Inherited members