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import logging

from ..errors import EWSError, InvalidTypeError
from import Notification
from ..util import MNS, DocumentYielder, DummyResponse, create_element, get_xml_attr, get_xml_attrs
from .common import EWSAccountService, add_xml_child

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
xml_log = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}.xml")

class GetStreamingEvents(EWSAccountService):

    SERVICE_NAME = "GetStreamingEvents"
    element_container_name = f"{{{MNS}}}Notifications"
    prefer_affinity = True

    # Connection status values
    OK = "OK"
    CLOSED = "Closed"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # These values are set each time call() is consumed
        self.connection_status = None
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.streaming = True

    def call(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout):
        if not isinstance(connection_timeout, int):
            raise InvalidTypeError("connection_timeout", connection_timeout, int)
        if connection_timeout < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"'connection_timeout' {connection_timeout} must be a positive integer")
        # Add 60 seconds to the timeout, to allow us to always get the final message containing ConnectionStatus=Closed
        self.timeout = connection_timeout * 60 + 60
        return self._elems_to_objs(

    def _elem_to_obj(self, elem):
        return Notification.from_xml(elem=elem, account=None)

    def _get_soap_parts(cls, response, **parse_opts):
        # Pass the response unaltered. We want to use our custom document yielder
        return None, response

    def _get_soap_messages(self, body, **parse_opts):
        # 'body' is actually the raw response passed on by '_get_soap_parts'. We want to continuously read the content,
        # looking for complete XML documents. When we have a full document, we want to parse it as if it was a normal
        # XML response.
        r = body
        for i, doc in enumerate(DocumentYielder(r.iter_content()), start=1):
            xml_log.debug("Response XML (docs counter: %(i)s): %(xml_response)s", dict(i=i, xml_response=doc))
            response = DummyResponse(content=doc)
                _, body = super()._get_soap_parts(response=response, **parse_opts)
            except Exception:
                r.close()  # Release memory
            # TODO: We're skipping ._update_api_version() here because we don't have access to the 'api_version' used.
            # TODO: We should be doing a lot of error handling for ._get_soap_messages().
            yield from super()._get_soap_messages(body=body, **parse_opts)
            if self.connection_status == self.CLOSED:
                # Don't wait for the TCP connection to timeout

    def _get_element_container(self, message, name=None):
        error_ids_elem = message.find(f"{{{MNS}}}ErrorSubscriptionIds")
        error_ids = [] if error_ids_elem is None else get_xml_attrs(error_ids_elem, f"{{{MNS}}}SubscriptionId")
        self.connection_status = get_xml_attr(message, f"{{{MNS}}}ConnectionStatus")  # Either 'OK' or 'Closed'
        log.debug("Connection status is: %s", self.connection_status)
        # Upstream normally expects to find a 'name' tag but our response does not always have it. We still want to
        # call upstream, to have exceptions raised. Return an empty list if there is no 'name' tag and no errors.
        if message.find(name) is None:
            name = None
            res = super()._get_element_container(message=message, name=name)
        except EWSError as e:
            # When the request contains a combination of good and failing subscription IDs, notifications for the good
            # subscriptions seem to never be returned even though the XML spec allows it. This means there's no point in
            # trying to collect any notifications here and delivering a combination of errors and return values.
            if error_ids:
                e.value += f" (subscription IDs: {error_ids})"
            raise e
        return [] if name is None else res

    def get_payload(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout):
        payload = create_element(f"m:{self.SERVICE_NAME}")
        subscriptions_elem = create_element("m:SubscriptionIds")
        for subscription_id in subscription_ids:
            add_xml_child(subscriptions_elem, "t:SubscriptionId", subscription_id)
        if not len(subscriptions_elem):
            raise ValueError("'subscription_ids' must not be empty")

        add_xml_child(payload, "m:ConnectionTimeout", connection_timeout)
        return payload


class GetStreamingEvents (*args, **kwargs)
Expand source code
class GetStreamingEvents(EWSAccountService):

    SERVICE_NAME = "GetStreamingEvents"
    element_container_name = f"{{{MNS}}}Notifications"
    prefer_affinity = True

    # Connection status values
    OK = "OK"
    CLOSED = "Closed"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # These values are set each time call() is consumed
        self.connection_status = None
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.streaming = True

    def call(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout):
        if not isinstance(connection_timeout, int):
            raise InvalidTypeError("connection_timeout", connection_timeout, int)
        if connection_timeout < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"'connection_timeout' {connection_timeout} must be a positive integer")
        # Add 60 seconds to the timeout, to allow us to always get the final message containing ConnectionStatus=Closed
        self.timeout = connection_timeout * 60 + 60
        return self._elems_to_objs(

    def _elem_to_obj(self, elem):
        return Notification.from_xml(elem=elem, account=None)

    def _get_soap_parts(cls, response, **parse_opts):
        # Pass the response unaltered. We want to use our custom document yielder
        return None, response

    def _get_soap_messages(self, body, **parse_opts):
        # 'body' is actually the raw response passed on by '_get_soap_parts'. We want to continuously read the content,
        # looking for complete XML documents. When we have a full document, we want to parse it as if it was a normal
        # XML response.
        r = body
        for i, doc in enumerate(DocumentYielder(r.iter_content()), start=1):
            xml_log.debug("Response XML (docs counter: %(i)s): %(xml_response)s", dict(i=i, xml_response=doc))
            response = DummyResponse(content=doc)
                _, body = super()._get_soap_parts(response=response, **parse_opts)
            except Exception:
                r.close()  # Release memory
            # TODO: We're skipping ._update_api_version() here because we don't have access to the 'api_version' used.
            # TODO: We should be doing a lot of error handling for ._get_soap_messages().
            yield from super()._get_soap_messages(body=body, **parse_opts)
            if self.connection_status == self.CLOSED:
                # Don't wait for the TCP connection to timeout

    def _get_element_container(self, message, name=None):
        error_ids_elem = message.find(f"{{{MNS}}}ErrorSubscriptionIds")
        error_ids = [] if error_ids_elem is None else get_xml_attrs(error_ids_elem, f"{{{MNS}}}SubscriptionId")
        self.connection_status = get_xml_attr(message, f"{{{MNS}}}ConnectionStatus")  # Either 'OK' or 'Closed'
        log.debug("Connection status is: %s", self.connection_status)
        # Upstream normally expects to find a 'name' tag but our response does not always have it. We still want to
        # call upstream, to have exceptions raised. Return an empty list if there is no 'name' tag and no errors.
        if message.find(name) is None:
            name = None
            res = super()._get_element_container(message=message, name=name)
        except EWSError as e:
            # When the request contains a combination of good and failing subscription IDs, notifications for the good
            # subscriptions seem to never be returned even though the XML spec allows it. This means there's no point in
            # trying to collect any notifications here and delivering a combination of errors and return values.
            if error_ids:
                e.value += f" (subscription IDs: {error_ids})"
            raise e
        return [] if name is None else res

    def get_payload(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout):
        payload = create_element(f"m:{self.SERVICE_NAME}")
        subscriptions_elem = create_element("m:SubscriptionIds")
        for subscription_id in subscription_ids:
            add_xml_child(subscriptions_elem, "t:SubscriptionId", subscription_id)
        if not len(subscriptions_elem):
            raise ValueError("'subscription_ids' must not be empty")

        add_xml_child(payload, "m:ConnectionTimeout", connection_timeout)
        return payload


Class variables

var OK
var element_container_name
var prefer_affinity


def call(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout)
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def call(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout):
    if not isinstance(connection_timeout, int):
        raise InvalidTypeError("connection_timeout", connection_timeout, int)
    if connection_timeout < 1:
        raise ValueError(f"'connection_timeout' {connection_timeout} must be a positive integer")
    # Add 60 seconds to the timeout, to allow us to always get the final message containing ConnectionStatus=Closed
    self.timeout = connection_timeout * 60 + 60
    return self._elems_to_objs(
def get_payload(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout)
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def get_payload(self, subscription_ids, connection_timeout):
    payload = create_element(f"m:{self.SERVICE_NAME}")
    subscriptions_elem = create_element("m:SubscriptionIds")
    for subscription_id in subscription_ids:
        add_xml_child(subscriptions_elem, "t:SubscriptionId", subscription_id)
    if not len(subscriptions_elem):
        raise ValueError("'subscription_ids' must not be empty")

    add_xml_child(payload, "m:ConnectionTimeout", connection_timeout)
    return payload

Inherited members