Module exchangelib.autodiscover.cache

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import getpass
import logging
import shelve
import sys
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from pathlib import Path
from threading import RLock

from ..configuration import Configuration
from .protocol import AutodiscoverProtocol

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def shelve_filename():
    # Add the version of the cache format to the filename. If we change the format of the cached data, this version
    # must be bumped. Otherwise, new versions of this package cannot open cache files generated by older versions.
    version = 2
    # 'shelve' may pickle objects using different pickle protocol versions. Append the python major+minor version
    # numbers to the filename. Also append the username, to avoid permission errors.
    major, minor = sys.version_info[:2]
        user = getpass.getuser()
    except KeyError:
        # getuser() fails on some systems. Provide a sane default. See issue #448
        user = "exchangelib"
    return f"exchangelib.{version}.cache.{user}.py{major}{minor}"

AUTODISCOVER_PERSISTENT_STORAGE = Path(tempfile.gettempdir(), shelve_filename())

def shelve_open_with_failover(file):
    # We can expect empty or corrupt files. Whatever happens, just delete the cache file and try again.
    # 'shelve' may add a backend-specific suffix to the file, so also delete all files with a suffix.
    # We don't know which file caused the error, so just delete them all.
        shelve_handle =
        # Try to actually use the file. Some implementations may allow opening the file but then throw
        # errors on access.
        with suppress(KeyError):
            _ = shelve_handle[""]
    except Exception as e:
        for f in file.parent.glob(f"{}*"):
            log.warning("Deleting invalid cache file %s (%r)", f, e)
        shelve_handle =
    yield shelve_handle

class AutodiscoverCache:
    """Stores the translation from (email domain, credentials) -> AutodiscoverProtocol object, so we can re-use TCP
    connections to an autodiscover server within the same process. Also persists the email domain -> (autodiscover
    endpoint URL, auth_type) translation to the filesystem so the cache can be shared between multiple processes.

    According to Microsoft, we may forever cache the (email domain -> autodiscover endpoint URL) mapping, or until
    it stops responding. My previous experience with Exchange products in mind, I'm not sure if I should trust that
    advice. But it could save some valuable seconds every time we start a new connection to a known server. In any
    case, the persistent storage must not contain any sensitive information since the cache could be readable by
    unprivileged users. Domain, endpoint and auth_type are OK to cache since this info is make publicly available on
    HTTP and DNS servers via the autodiscover protocol. Just don't persist any credential info.

    If an autodiscover lookup fails for any reason, the corresponding cache entry must be purged.

    'shelve' is supposedly thread-safe and process-safe, which suits our needs.

    def __init__(self):
        self._protocols = {}  # Mapping from (domain, credentials) to AutodiscoverProtocol
        self._lock = RLock()

    def _storage_file(self):

    def clear(self):
        # Wipe the entire cache
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._protocols)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        domain = key[0]
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            return str(domain) in db

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        protocol = self._protocols.get(key)
        if protocol:
            return protocol
        domain, credentials = key
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            endpoint, auth_type, retry_policy = db[str(domain)]  # It's OK to fail with KeyError here
        protocol = AutodiscoverProtocol(
                service_endpoint=endpoint, credentials=credentials, auth_type=auth_type, retry_policy=retry_policy
        self._protocols[key] = protocol
        return protocol

    def __setitem__(self, key, protocol):
        # Populate both local and persistent cache
        domain = key[0]
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            # Don't change this payload without bumping the cache file version in shelve_filename()
            db[str(domain)] = (protocol.service_endpoint, protocol.auth_type, protocol.retry_policy)
        self._protocols[key] = protocol

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        # Empty both local and persistent cache. Don't fail on non-existing entries because we could end here
        # multiple times due to race conditions.
        domain = key[0]
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            with suppress(KeyError):
                del db[str(domain)]
        with suppress(KeyError):
            del self._protocols[key]

    def close(self):
        # Close all open connections
        for (domain, _), protocol in self._protocols.items():
            log.debug("Domain %s: Closing sessions", domain)
            del protocol

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._lock.__exit__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __del__(self):
        # pylint: disable=bare-except
        except Exception:  # nosec
            # __del__ should never fail

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._protocols)

autodiscover_cache = AutodiscoverCache()


def shelve_filename()
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def shelve_filename():
    # Add the version of the cache format to the filename. If we change the format of the cached data, this version
    # must be bumped. Otherwise, new versions of this package cannot open cache files generated by older versions.
    version = 2
    # 'shelve' may pickle objects using different pickle protocol versions. Append the python major+minor version
    # numbers to the filename. Also append the username, to avoid permission errors.
    major, minor = sys.version_info[:2]
        user = getpass.getuser()
    except KeyError:
        # getuser() fails on some systems. Provide a sane default. See issue #448
        user = "exchangelib"
    return f"exchangelib.{version}.cache.{user}.py{major}{minor}"
def shelve_open_with_failover(file)
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def shelve_open_with_failover(file):
    # We can expect empty or corrupt files. Whatever happens, just delete the cache file and try again.
    # 'shelve' may add a backend-specific suffix to the file, so also delete all files with a suffix.
    # We don't know which file caused the error, so just delete them all.
        shelve_handle =
        # Try to actually use the file. Some implementations may allow opening the file but then throw
        # errors on access.
        with suppress(KeyError):
            _ = shelve_handle[""]
    except Exception as e:
        for f in file.parent.glob(f"{}*"):
            log.warning("Deleting invalid cache file %s (%r)", f, e)
        shelve_handle =
    yield shelve_handle


class AutodiscoverCache

Stores the translation from (email domain, credentials) -> AutodiscoverProtocol object, so we can re-use TCP connections to an autodiscover server within the same process. Also persists the email domain -> (autodiscover endpoint URL, auth_type) translation to the filesystem so the cache can be shared between multiple processes.

According to Microsoft, we may forever cache the (email domain -> autodiscover endpoint URL) mapping, or until it stops responding. My previous experience with Exchange products in mind, I'm not sure if I should trust that advice. But it could save some valuable seconds every time we start a new connection to a known server. In any case, the persistent storage must not contain any sensitive information since the cache could be readable by unprivileged users. Domain, endpoint and auth_type are OK to cache since this info is make publicly available on HTTP and DNS servers via the autodiscover protocol. Just don't persist any credential info.

If an autodiscover lookup fails for any reason, the corresponding cache entry must be purged.

'shelve' is supposedly thread-safe and process-safe, which suits our needs.

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class AutodiscoverCache:
    """Stores the translation from (email domain, credentials) -> AutodiscoverProtocol object, so we can re-use TCP
    connections to an autodiscover server within the same process. Also persists the email domain -> (autodiscover
    endpoint URL, auth_type) translation to the filesystem so the cache can be shared between multiple processes.

    According to Microsoft, we may forever cache the (email domain -> autodiscover endpoint URL) mapping, or until
    it stops responding. My previous experience with Exchange products in mind, I'm not sure if I should trust that
    advice. But it could save some valuable seconds every time we start a new connection to a known server. In any
    case, the persistent storage must not contain any sensitive information since the cache could be readable by
    unprivileged users. Domain, endpoint and auth_type are OK to cache since this info is make publicly available on
    HTTP and DNS servers via the autodiscover protocol. Just don't persist any credential info.

    If an autodiscover lookup fails for any reason, the corresponding cache entry must be purged.

    'shelve' is supposedly thread-safe and process-safe, which suits our needs.

    def __init__(self):
        self._protocols = {}  # Mapping from (domain, credentials) to AutodiscoverProtocol
        self._lock = RLock()

    def _storage_file(self):

    def clear(self):
        # Wipe the entire cache
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._protocols)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        domain = key[0]
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            return str(domain) in db

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        protocol = self._protocols.get(key)
        if protocol:
            return protocol
        domain, credentials = key
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            endpoint, auth_type, retry_policy = db[str(domain)]  # It's OK to fail with KeyError here
        protocol = AutodiscoverProtocol(
                service_endpoint=endpoint, credentials=credentials, auth_type=auth_type, retry_policy=retry_policy
        self._protocols[key] = protocol
        return protocol

    def __setitem__(self, key, protocol):
        # Populate both local and persistent cache
        domain = key[0]
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            # Don't change this payload without bumping the cache file version in shelve_filename()
            db[str(domain)] = (protocol.service_endpoint, protocol.auth_type, protocol.retry_policy)
        self._protocols[key] = protocol

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        # Empty both local and persistent cache. Don't fail on non-existing entries because we could end here
        # multiple times due to race conditions.
        domain = key[0]
        with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
            with suppress(KeyError):
                del db[str(domain)]
        with suppress(KeyError):
            del self._protocols[key]

    def close(self):
        # Close all open connections
        for (domain, _), protocol in self._protocols.items():
            log.debug("Domain %s: Closing sessions", domain)
            del protocol

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._lock.__exit__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __del__(self):
        # pylint: disable=bare-except
        except Exception:  # nosec
            # __del__ should never fail

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._protocols)


def clear(self)
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def clear(self):
    # Wipe the entire cache
    with shelve_open_with_failover(self._storage_file) as db:
def close(self)
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def close(self):
    # Close all open connections
    for (domain, _), protocol in self._protocols.items():
        log.debug("Domain %s: Closing sessions", domain)
        del protocol